I am a fanfiction and manhwa lover United by the conviction of overpowered reincarnated mc i shall strive my way to read them
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all i wanna say is this has potenial as for the direction i want it to go personally is comedy make it funny for me i read so many overpowered main characters its just another book in the pile that doesnt stand out. good luck
i shall await that time
womp womp i wanted this massive truma dump on momo and mina u been edging me
okay last time i reply i found a russian translation of it which is the only copy of it i can find https://tl.rulate.ru/book/73260
i have 80% certainity it might be it i remember the story because it always changed the ships the ships were alice black greengrass and zabini but they removed alice because idk she didnt wanna be a harem im not 100% sure because u said the whole archmage and that the ship was alice
i just remembered but not sure i think the main plot points were he goes back in time golden trio is there they try to keep same timeline while snape does whatever i also remember he dates allice longbottom oh yea i think snape breaks up with her later because of something i think it was a harem with some other girls and thats why she broke up with him. i dont remember the archmage thing
dang i got only one more option then cause this the only snape fanfic in my library that seems hopeful transmigrated into severus snape with golden trio back in time author- jerry153 this fanfic deleted but i vaguely remember it not sure if he is mc but i remember it being similar to what your looking for i tried looking for a copy reupload but found nothing the last the read before it deleted is 90 chapters
found it i think Good or bad, does it matter? Author- Lucifer09 he uploads on patron now its free but there is also a reupload with author permission it same title (i say i think cause i forgot the story i think it is cause its harem)
i think that author delete it i had it added to my library i think it had 111 chapters i remember him dropping it and then posting new chapter dont know what happened for sure