Power Ascendant: Reborn in the Marvel
David, an ordinary man, finds himself reincarnated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) after an inexplicable cosmic event. Upon awakening in New York City, he quickly learns that he has been granted a unique ability: the power to absorb and master the abilities of others. As he explores this new world, David is drawn to the chaos and danger surrounding powerful heroes and villains. With his cheat activated, he can now study and absorb the abilities of those around him, giving him the potential to rise above them all.
In his first encounter, David absorbs the raw, untapped energy of a mutant, gaining control over energy manipulation. As he begins his journey, David realizes the vast power he can acquire in this world of extraordinary beings. However, he also understands that the path to ultimate power is fraught with danger. To succeed, he must tread carefully, observe, and plan his moves wisely, knowing that in the MCU, even the smallest misstep can lead to catastrophic consequences.
As David navigates his new life, he contemplates how to use his newfound powers, preparing to confront the many heroes and villains that will shape his destiny. Will he rise to become a god-like force in the MCU, or will the overwhelming power consume him? The story of David’s transformation from a regular man to an unstoppable force begins, and the MCU will never be the same again.
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