



2021-05-04 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Viswa_Teja_443
    trả lời Trace7187

    uh. I don't care abt it now. I left the random months ago

    I narrow my eyes and try to light Daemon on fire with my gaze as he looks up at the box with a pitiful look on his face. Like a kicked pup, he acts like I should care about his feelings and has looked up at me each time he has ridden today.
    GOT/ASOIAF: Son of the Unworthy
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Pretending_Author
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    trả lời Noirit_K

    go fk urself.

    He then turned his attention to his soon-to-be wife, Kavya, who looked exactly like how he saw in the portrait. When their eyes met, a sudden spark lit up between them, like an electric jolt of connection. In that instant, everything around them seemed to move in slow motion, as if Brahma itself had destined this meaningful moment. In the silence, their eyes spoke without words. The air felt different, like it was filled with a special kind of excitement as if something magical were starting.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    Lịch sử · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    trả lời Librarian_2023

    So? these things are not a competition?

    Vijay kicked Roshan in his butt for delaying the important news that he had to inform him.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    Lịch sử · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    trả lời IceMonarch

    Never mind, the Author is off his rocks.

    Chinese and Japanese characters go back in time and make their country strong, and he also wants to do that, but after thinking for a while, he finally stops the thinking process because he can no longer think.
    I am at India on 1840
    Lịch sử · Learn_FasterThanMc
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    trả lời

    Hey man, there is nothing wrong with being a patriot. It's the nationalists that are the issue. Also, there is nothing wrong with wanting to emulate China. They became a superpower while starting at the same place as us.

    Chinese and Japanese characters go back in time and make their country strong, and he also wants to do that, but after thinking for a while, he finally stops the thinking process because he can no longer think.
    I am at India on 1840
    Lịch sử · Learn_FasterThanMc
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    bình luận


    Ch 14 CHAPTER 14 - Fort Kondapalli
    Heir of an empire: 1538 India.
    Lịch sử · GunpowderGundam
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    bình luận


    Ch 13 CHAPTER 13- Actions.
    Heir of an empire: 1538 India.
    Lịch sử · GunpowderGundam
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    bình luận


    Ch 7 CHAPTER 7- Macherla
    Heir of an empire: 1538 India.
    Lịch sử · GunpowderGundam
  • Viswa_Teja_443
     công bố

    5 stars.. will update after reading further

    Heir of an empire: 1538 India.
    Lịch sử · GunpowderGundam
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    trả lời Chill_House_

    Yes. The timeline was not that clear early on. I realized the mistake after commenting on it. but I hadn't deleted it because the facts were still correct in the comment.

    While his father had temporarily averted a crisis, Vijay believed it was only a matter of time before the Dutch accumulated enough wealth through plunder in the South Asian countries and returned with more force to target Vijayanagara. He even suspected that the Dutch fleet might be behind the mysterious disappearance of large native ships in the Indian Ocean. Vijay even had a hunch that the Dutch had already formed a stronghold in Sri Lanka, waiting for the right time to strike. Now that they had experienced the wealth of the Indian region through trade, he believed they would not give up at any cost.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    Lịch sử · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    trả lời ZhourongHephaestus

    What is the use of the title if you can't even implement laws?

    He then turned his attention to his soon-to-be wife, Kavya, who looked exactly like how he saw in the portrait. When their eyes met, a sudden spark lit up between them, like an electric jolt of connection. In that instant, everything around them seemed to move in slow motion, as if Brahma itself had destined this meaningful moment. In the silence, their eyes spoke without words. The air felt different, like it was filled with a special kind of excitement as if something magical were starting.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    Lịch sử · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    trả lời ZhourongHephaestus

    So will you marry a 10 yo if the bill passes? Sometimes, it should not be a matter of law, but a matter of principle.

    He then turned his attention to his soon-to-be wife, Kavya, who looked exactly like how he saw in the portrait. When their eyes met, a sudden spark lit up between them, like an electric jolt of connection. In that instant, everything around them seemed to move in slow motion, as if Brahma itself had destined this meaningful moment. In the silence, their eyes spoke without words. The air felt different, like it was filled with a special kind of excitement as if something magical were starting.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    Lịch sử · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    trả lời ZhourongHephaestus

    Don't try to justify it. MC is a king here. Don't you think he has the power to change that?

    He then turned his attention to his soon-to-be wife, Kavya, who looked exactly like how he saw in the portrait. When their eyes met, a sudden spark lit up between them, like an electric jolt of connection. In that instant, everything around them seemed to move in slow motion, as if Brahma itself had destined this meaningful moment. In the silence, their eyes spoke without words. The air felt different, like it was filled with a special kind of excitement as if something magical were starting.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    Lịch sử · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    trả lời ZhourongHephaestus

    just because they are pedos doesn't mean you have to be.

    He then turned his attention to his soon-to-be wife, Kavya, who looked exactly like how he saw in the portrait. When their eyes met, a sudden spark lit up between them, like an electric jolt of connection. In that instant, everything around them seemed to move in slow motion, as if Brahma itself had destined this meaningful moment. In the silence, their eyes spoke without words. The air felt different, like it was filled with a special kind of excitement as if something magical were starting.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    Lịch sử · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    bình luận

    Man, I want to read this novel. But you sometimes write things like this. The Indian subcontinent has been no stranger to gunpowder weapons. Mughals used cannons for sieging forts from the era of Babur. That is one of the main things they were known for. Even Vijayanagara emperor Krishnadevaraya faced cannons in defensive positions when sieging Raichur fort. He even employed Portuguese matchlock mercenaries. Rama Raya was defeated at Talikota in 1565 by one of the biggest cannons in the world of its time. The gun was renamed to malik-i-maidan, the master of the battlefield, because of its effectiveness against the Vijayanagari troops. Thousands of copper coins were packed into the barrel of the gun and were fired towards the empire's troops. The shot acted as a giant shotgun shell with its superheated copper coin shots and killed thousands of soldiers every time it fired.So please author, don't tell me that they didn't know about gunpowder weapons.

    Vijay noticed the doubt in the researcher's question as he explained, "Your doubt is correct; they may not be able to launch an all-out attack on us if they are so far away on another continent. However, they are a significant seafaring nation and one of the few major naval powers in the world. With this advantage, they have the ability to travel all over the world and conquer territories for profit. Unfortunately, we are their next target and they already have a stronghold in Lanka. Let me also inform you that they have managed to produce a long-range attack weapon called a cannon, which shoots iron balls weighing several kilograms. These cannons are capable of being effective hundreds of meters ahead of the firing point to destroy their enemies' fortifications and artillery. That's not all; I have recently received another piece of bad news that they can also produce a weapon that shoots small iron projectiles called bullets at incredible speeds to kill an enemy almost instantly."
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    Lịch sử · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    bình luận

    Only refined saltpeter is white. And it doesn't just magically leech off the ground, the product has to be extracted from topsoil. then refined to a usable state.

    Rajappa and the passerby, who had initially been skeptical but were now intrigued, thought, "Let's give it a try and quit if the work is too hard." With hesitation, they hurriedly followed the man who had headed to the panchayat to sign up for the job, wanting to join in completing the mission that Vijay had given. The three of them quickly took up the job and circled various compost piles in the village, diligently picking up the white substances on the walls of the compost, as the person from the capital had instructed. After successfully extracting saltpeter in their village, they moved on to neighbouring villages to continue their compost collection, excited that they had been paid promptly after collecting their first compost pile.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    Lịch sử · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    trả lời Viswa_Teja_443

    Another problem is the caste issue. In jobs related to 'sanitation' and 'waste management', Dalits and untouchables were employed till recent history, and in the case of the 17th century, it was the only job available to them.

    Vijay intended to collect saltpeter through organic methods instead of chemical methods, as he knew that South India had no saltpeter mines and using the chemical method for production was more complex and lacked enough raw materials. There was another way to make saltpeter: the organic method. In compost piles or manure heaps, various microorganisms break down organic matter. During this decomposition, nitrogen-containing compounds from the organic material are converted into nitrates. Potassium, often naturally present in soil or added through organic materials, combines with the nitrates formed in the decomposition process to create saltpeter. Unfortunately, saltpeter produced in this way took a long time to produce, and the quality was not reliable for industrial use. However, Vijay had to make do with what he had and produce gunpowder as soon as possible. Fortunately for him, Bharat had a culture of forming compost piles in every village for its manure, which could be used as fertilizer. This meant that saltpeter could be collected from these compost piles, allowing Vijay to expedite the process and produce gunpowder as soon as possible.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    Lịch sử · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    bình luận

    No, we don't. We did not have a culture of using compost as a fertilizer. It was popularized after the 1900s. Even then it is not widespread here.Still, I would love to be proven wrong, as there are not many sources on the subject.

    Vijay intended to collect saltpeter through organic methods instead of chemical methods, as he knew that South India had no saltpeter mines and using the chemical method for production was more complex and lacked enough raw materials. There was another way to make saltpeter: the organic method. In compost piles or manure heaps, various microorganisms break down organic matter. During this decomposition, nitrogen-containing compounds from the organic material are converted into nitrates. Potassium, often naturally present in soil or added through organic materials, combines with the nitrates formed in the decomposition process to create saltpeter. Unfortunately, saltpeter produced in this way took a long time to produce, and the quality was not reliable for industrial use. However, Vijay had to make do with what he had and produce gunpowder as soon as possible. Fortunately for him, Bharat had a culture of forming compost piles in every village for its manure, which could be used as fertilizer. This meant that saltpeter could be collected from these compost piles, allowing Vijay to expedite the process and produce gunpowder as soon as possible.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    Lịch sử · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    trả lời Rigchel

    The more you know right?

    "Vinod, I need a substance called saltpeter, which is commonly found in organic compost. Have someone collect it from each and every village in the empire. This is a matter of great importance to the empire, so make sure the job is done as fast as possible."
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    Lịch sử · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Viswa_Teja_443
    trả lời super_saiyan_blue

    It was stated that a major general revealed it. Do you think it makes that much of a difference if a pm or a major general reveals it?

    Reporter: Unfortunately, it's not a straightforward situation. The major general revealed that they suspect the involvement of another intelligence agency, possibly Chinese or American, hindering their progress in recovering the stolen data. The complexities of international espionage are at play here, making the situation even more challenging.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    Lịch sử · Mithun_ReddyGaru