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You have no idea how much getting this fact correct has improved this fic for me. Almost every other nalt fic that I've read gets this wrong.
the allied mother force is filler content, i recall seeing it before. I was trying to make a recollection based on Canon content which is why i asked if my recollection was just filler.
but not a cheat tho
Real talk, what I think is happening here is probably a translation issue. Perhaps the Chinese character used for the clan name was not the same symbol used in the Japanese kanji(which may be derived from Chinese but does not necessarily contain all the same meanings of the Chinese characters) and as a result ended up translating slightly differently.
You know, the famous character from the hit anime Naruto, haku of the mizuki clan.
I appreciate the constant changing of pien's name. This is the true essence of Paen
Oh my God, we get it, at least a dozen times a chapter. I get that it's a new character, but like, jeez. just start giving them super on the nose names while you're at it, something like "Two Lifetimes man". As Hideo Kojima would go on to explain, his name was given to him because he has the memories of two lives. Don't forget Two Lifetimes Woman, you'll never guess why she's named that.
I can appreciate that the author is keeping this concept in mind, but this is like the 5000000th time the character has spoken about it. Then again, it's probably good that Vegito keeps mentioning it, considering the average reader's reading comprehension.