


2021-01-13 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • privateproperty
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    gabrie is immune to it because he’s an angel?

    "Just one," Aziel replied over the loud music being played nearby. "The demon King Dante brought—he threw up a little and fell unconscious, waking up after about an hour. The gardener is fine."
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
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    so much for secrecy

    "It looks like I have arrived at an inopportune time," Prince Raylen replied. He then continued, "Also, I was with the Elder ministers when the request from the royal palace arrived and was processed and sealed, regarding you having your own concubine. Congratulations to both of you." The corner of the prince's eyes crinkled as he smiled. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
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    as much as i would love to believe that aiden is innocent in all this he’s so suspicious considering he can shape shift.

    Gritting his teeth due to the wounds he received, Zion finally revealed, "It was Queen Maya."
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
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    …heart shattered

    "Forgive me, Mother," Dante whispered, his voice cracking at the end. "Forgive me," he repeated, for not being beside her during her final moments. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
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    lucretia was holding on to see her son

    "Was the information intentionally kept from you at the palace?" Lady Sophia asked, a deep frown forming on her face. She then continued, her voice tinged with sorrow, "The physicians couldn't do anything more, but… she fought to hold on as long as she could, but eventually, she succumbed." 
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
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    she’s taking anna because she knows she’s the only one who can calm dante down once he knows that the news was delivered yesterday but not relayed to him

    "Emily, go fetch the courtesan. We are going to the old palace," the Mother Queen instructed her granddaughter before spilling the news, "Lucretia has passed away."
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
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    thinking about how marianne had to go through this…..

    Madame Minerva let out an exasperated sigh before looking up and down the new courtesan. Her lips twisted in displeasure, and she stated, "It looks like the lashes you received yesterday weren't sufficient. King Maxwell was kind enough to elevate your position, as was Queen Maya, and instead of being thankful, you rebel. I have seen enough individuals like you in my time, and I have remedied their defiance. I cannot wait to rectify your behaviour."
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
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    i think she might ask king maxwell for help

    Princess Emily clenched her hands as she watched the guards drag Anastasia and two other servants away. Knowing of only one person who could help in this situation, the princess left the servants' quarters, while Queen Maya continued to interrogate and search the remaining servants. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
    bình luận

    which is why she is confused about his intentions, he only seems interested in her when they are alone (to anna anyway) we all know the truth!

    He was unmistakably in a different mood right now, one that wasn't typical of him, Anastasia noted. When they were in public, he would act almost as if he didn't know her, his behaviour aloof, but it was a different story when they were alone. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
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    "Stay away from my family and Anna, you scum." He bent down to deliver a final punch to the already suffering man before exiting the inn. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
    bình luận

    first time he called her by her full name!!!

    "You seem to have a lowered guard in front of men for someone who wants to escape the palace," Dante murmured. She then heard him say, "Your appearance today, drenched and dripping in water, attracted male gazes. Do you know how a man's mind works… Anastasia?"
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
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    Hearing her footsteps stop, Dante finally turned to look at Anastasia. She had stopped again to wring out the back of her skirt. When she turned back to the front, about to bend down to pick up the front of her dress to squeeze the water out, he quickly grabbed hold of her shoulder to stop her from bending over and pushed her. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
    bình luận

    he is already treated like a king without the crown

    Anastasia, who stood next to Princess Emily on the balcony on the floor above, turned to look at the entrance in time to catch the Knight of Versailles. The court turned quiet in his presence, watching every step he took towards the forefront of the room while six soldiers followed right behind him. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
    bình luận

    stay away from my girl…

    "If you don't mind, Mother… Lily's maid doesn't look that bad, and Brother Dante slept with her too. There must be something in her, no?" Princess Niyasa asked her mother. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
    trả lời Saage_

    you and me both

    "Just Aiden. As friends, we shouldn't hold such formality between us, at least not when it is just us two alone," Prince Aiden smiled at her before disappearing from the corridor. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
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    NEW THEORY max and mary we’re soulmates max and his mother planned the king’s death so max could inherit the throne. mary stumbled unto this event and the killer killed her too. i’m thinking the killer was hired not actaully a member of the royal family. max was suprised to find marianne at the scene dead because she wasn’t suppose to be there, so i’m hoping his good conscious comes to light and he starts to feel bad about marianne getting killed.

    "Who knows," Princess Niyasa muttered. She then said, "Maybe she was looking forward to some vacation time. Good; she will have a long one." They watched the old woman get inside the palanquin before it started to head out of there. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
    bình luận

    oh she gonna die

    "You don't deserve to be the king! You are a murderer!!" A woman shouted, bringing attention to herself. She was a courtesan who had known Marianne and was upset after receiving the news of the deceased's death. She threw another piece of bloody meat, hitting Maxwell's head this time. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
    bình luận

    ummm do it again

    Time stood still, where Dante stared at the maid in wonderment, but when he felt nothing, he pulled away his hands from hers as if releasing her as his captive. Her eyes rose up from looking at the book, meeting his eyes for a brief moment. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
    bình luận

    oh suspicious

    Prince Aiden returned to his mother's side, whose countenance had fallen, replaced by a look of horror. Suddenly Lady Maya's mood brightened at the news, and she turned to her daughter, who returned a quiet smile out of happiness.
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17
  • privateproperty
    bình luận

    hear me out this is why i think marianne was max soulmate making her his concubine, this was very suspicious especially after the fact that after you find your soulmate the bond is suppose to be strong so he had no reason to make marianne his concubine after “finding his soulmate”. also he might have done this because he didn’t want marianne to be with other men so selfishly he wanted to keep her by his side even though he knew he couldn’t be with her. ( also gets rid of her burden of being a concubine) ALSO he had blood on his hands and i think when he found the bodies he was in so much shock to see mary dead he touched her body or his father (or both) so that’s why he had blood on him. if mary was really his soulmate he would have felt really distraught seeing her dead. and also him visiting her. staring into the furnace. asking dante if he has any leads on who the killer might be. could mean he wants to find out just as much as anyone else who killed mary.

    When Dante reached the end of the passage, he turned and noticed Maxwell standing in front of the furnace, staring at it. Leaving his brother there, he made his way out of the dungeon and over to one side of the palace. The servant who stood outside one of the rooms opened the door for him, and he stepped inside his mother's room. 
    Garden Of Poison
    Kỳ huyễn · ash_knight17