

2021-01-04 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • imamessanon
    imamessanon4 years ago
     công bố

    I love this! I hope you don't see this as insult but your writing reminds me of Rick Riordan! It's really good and it has a nice sense of humor. I was cofused with some of the grammatical errors. Keep on writing and never give up!

  • imamessanon
    imamessanon4 years ago
     công bố

    This story is very promising I can't wait to read more. I was a little confused on where the story was leading us and there was a few gramatrical errors, but other than that keep writing and don't give up!

  • imamessanon
    imamessanon4 years ago
     công bố

    The story is so intriguing all you want to do is keep reading. It's awesome I can't wait to see more. Keep on going and don't give up. Well done Author!

  • imamessanon
    imamessanon4 years ago
     công bố

    The begging is awesome you really want to read more and find out the reactions of the other girls. The story is mystirus and intriguing keep on writing and don't give up this story will flourish. sorry for the bad gramar.

  • imamessanon
    imamessanon4 years ago
     công bố

    I was so intirged by the prologue and the rest didn't disappoint. The character development is awsome keep on writing and don't stop.:)).

  • imamessanon
    imamessanon4 years ago
     công bố

    this novel is excellent! I can't wait to see more! I love the character devlopment and the plot. I got so intrested by reading the first sentance! keep on going and never stop!

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • imamessanon
    imamessanon4 years ago
    trả lời imamessanon

    Fast* sorry

  • imamessanon
    imamessanon4 years ago
     công bố

    the beginning moves and is suspencful you can't wait to scroll down and keep reading. The gramar is amazing aswell as the plot. keep on writing and never give up!

  • imamessanon
    imamessanon4 years ago
     công bố

    The charater development is great you can really visulize the MC and comedy is on point! It is a very enjoyable story. Great job, keep writing!

  • imamessanon
    imamessanon4 years ago
    bình luận

    hey its the author just want to say if anyone has any tips on how to make each chapter longer I would love to hear. Thank you, bye :)).