


[Constellation, 'Architect Beyond the Horizon', is preparing his Stigma 'System Seed Lv. 1'.]

2020-12-20 JoinedUnited States



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I am the Ultimate Merchant

Kalion is a dedicated young man in the world of Sendristoth, eager for a chance to make something of himself. After 4 years at the Academy, he finally has the opportunity to do just that by receiving a Class from the mysterious Shard, joining the Advancer Organization, and clearing monster Dungeons. He gets his hopes up when the Shard grants him the rare and unique Merchant Class, but quickly realizes that rare doesn't always mean powerful. Unlike the usual powers given by the Shard, The Ultimate Merchant Interface has increasingly distinct and expensive requirements for leveling up. Because of this, Kalion cannot simply clear Dungeons and kill monsters to get stronger. Unwilling to let his time and money go to waste, Kalion has no choice but to think outside the box, and come up with his own interesting methods of leveling up. However, the Interface is just the beginning of all the problems Kalion will have to face. Sentient monsters, renegade Advancers, and mysterious catastrophes all await the aspiring Merchant. In addition to his own power, Kalion will need to find and recruit reliable allies if he is to survive the coming challenges. Will Kalion be able to master the Ultimate Merchant Interface in time to combat the growing threats? And what will he do when he discovers the cold reality behind the Dungeons, the Shard, and the very world he calls home? ___ Join my Discord: https://discord.gg/AUcFuEdsTv I'll be publishing new chapters as often as I can, but expect a new one at least once a week. If you like the story, please feel free to share it with your friends. I look forward to seeing your comments! Thank you for the support!

Nalthanzo · Fantasy
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