


I am a seeker of truths and a reader of tales. The way some people amass money, fame, or postage stamp collections, I collect experiences and stories.

2020-10-10 đã tham giaUnited States

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  • NomexGlove
    NomexGlove4 years ago
     công bố

    I thought this was a well written and engaging tale of a life an unexpected life after death. The acceptance of the main character of their fate after having lived a full life in the human world seems to fit someone who has securely established their identity over a lifetime. His journey in moving onward from his previous life and saying goodbye to who he was, even as he never truly forgets that life, is a believable affair as it occurs over time. The treasures of the memories of his loved ones that grew to lead lives of their own is a well thought out pattern of development that sees him come to accept his new existence as a 'lizard'. There is one thing that can be disorienting whenever it occurs in your story. For me, the abrupt and randomly placed shifts in vantage point can be a tad confusing. There seems to be no distinction in the narrative or structure of the wording to indicate such an event has occurred, leaving the reader clueless at times when there aren't sufficient contextual clues to know whose view we are experiencing. There also seems to be a number of elements that are common to other dragon related media strewn throughout your story. Whether that is coincidental or intentional is not a question I can answer of course, but I can presume what types of inspirations you may have had for the behaviors of the 'lizard' main character. The real complexity of your story is shown through the drips and drabs of the nature of the wider world in which your tale occurs. You slowly but surely explore the intricacies of that world in a way, that while being conservative in quantity, refrains from seeming needlessly expository. A great story when it's all said and done though. An adventure that I will have no problem in continuing to read more of in the time to come and eagerly await the next addition.

  • NomexGlove
    NomexGlove4 years ago
    bình luận

    It seems odd to attach specific numbers to an instinctive sense of his own body. Some aspects of this story read like the script for an episode of Dragon Ball Z with the talk of leveling up and energy/power.