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Hmm... As much as I'd like to say that I'd be like Rao if I attained godhood, realistically, this would be more like me lol
Welp, looks pretty defensible to me lol
He's definitely not their breaker of chains or even liberator. I mean he told the guy he was free but then commanded him to command the armies. No choices given so he's pretty much still a slave. Daenarys was the same though so, not much you can do I guess
Seriously sick of the blue eyes. This guy literally will not look like a Stark whatsoever so it's stupid to expect him to come and be welcomed in the North
lol probably the worst name I've ever read in a GOT fanfic lol
Matter of fact, I'm just gonna say he has grey eyes in my headcannon because blue is a stupid choice
The North is huge, how has he run out of land to give? What about his kids? They're not gonna have land and keeps of their own?
Wow, seriously lazy writing. Well, congrats, he'll never have to tell her the truth and, ya know, actually take responsibility like a man. Nah, just kill her off instead and make it easy for him to never have to change and just keep thinking he's got it all right
So he's not going to tell her about Jon but he'll tell her about the crazy riches he found?... I'm seriously not getting your logic here