

2020-09-26 đã tham giaUnited States

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  • Flower_Something
     công bố

    I've read till chap 10 and thought that it was overall a good book, there were some grammar issues but nothing that caused an significant issues.

    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    Sounds like Hino is an Atheist, not Christian

    Hino explained that she needed to release her vibration energy to remove the entity, but she had no idea what he was talking about or how to do it. She was starting to get confused and frustrated, but Hino reassured her and explained that she would just have to trust him.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    Is he talking about the text message? Omg

    Raven texted Hino "Hey Hino, there's this weird presence in the room with me. I want to say it's a demon or something, but since we're Christian, idk. Is it just my mind playing tricks on me?"
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    the cringe

    Hino was suddenly hit with a wave of self-awareness. He was becoming known as the "alpha" in the gaming world and the conspiracy world. Suddenly, streamers from Twitch, YouTubers, and others were talking about him and Raven as the "alphas" of their respective domains.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    Maybe he should work on that and get off of the computer?

    Hino groaned and buried his head in his hands. He hadn't eaten or slept in days.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    Why didn't Marie just call out for her?

    Shizuru senses a presence following her as she walks home. She looks around and spots a mysterious figure staring at her. She is startled by the sight and decides to walk faster. She notices the figure following her and becomes increasingly anxious as she heads toward her house. Just as she reaches her front door, the mysterious figure catches up with her. And to her surprise, it is her friend, Marie, holding a shortcake for her. Marie smiles and enters the house, relieved that Shizuru is safe and sound.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    Yes, Hino is using a fake name to leak UFO footage- not like he would announce the work he was so obsessed with publicly or anything...

    Shizuru takes a closer look at the video and notices that it is a recording of the Discord server screen. The leading person in the conversation seems to be a person named "Angelo". This makes Shizuru wonder if Angelo is Hino's or Raven's burner account or another user with inside access, but either way, the user seems to be leading the leak. Shizuru is tempted to cover the topic and investigate the authenticity of the video but also realizes that they must ensure that it is genuine and not just a hoax.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    He wonders? If he spent all day replying to people about the vid, then there has to be like a lot of people on the server. Obviously someone from the server leaked it- this dude ain't smart

    Hino's phone buzzes and he checks his social media feed. He notices that a video has gone viral, featuring the footage of the UFO that he and Raven discovered. Hino is stunned to find that strangers on the internet are now aware of the footage they discovered, but there seems to be no information on where the footage came from or how the user got hold of it. Hino wonders if the discord server he and Raven shared the footage with is the source of the leak. And who knows who else could have gotten access to the footage...
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    His this how he handled arguments with his wife? Jesus dude

    Hino's response of "Do what you want!" reflected his frustration and impatience with the situation, and his desire to end the conversation and move on.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    This man really doesn't have anything else to do with his life, like why doesn't he just publish a book about the theories?

    As Hino was chatting with his Filipino internet friend he found on Hiddenwiki on the dark web, they begin to discuss the Japanese WWII conspiracy theory. The two of them discuss the various claims and allegations surrounding the Japanese army's war crimes during WWII, including whether the atrocities were fabricated by the US to shift the public's focus away from their own actions during the war. As the conversation progresses, the two of them explore the different perspectives and evidence surrounding the conspiracies, and attempt to reach a conclusion or understanding of the historical events.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    The scene is looking good

    The sun sets over a dazzling Tokyo skyline, casting golden tones on the high-rises and skyscrapers that dot the horizon. The city is alive with activity, with cars honking, people talking, and buildings towering into the sky. As the afternoon progresses, the light dims and a peaceful calm spreads over the city, and we catch glimpses of the city's unique culture, traditions, and sights. With its mix of modern and traditional elements, Tokyo is a beautiful and dynamic sight to behold, even in its quieter moments.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    Friend blocked automatically

    Shizuru was frustrated when her clout-chaser friend asked her for a favor to help with his content. He wanted her to report on her ex-husband's theory, which she felt like her friend was using her and her work to advance his own career. She felt like her friend was taking advantage of her, and she felt frustrated and angry at this situation. Shizuru felt like her ex-husband's theory was her own work and not something she wanted to share with her friend. She wanted to maintain her creative independence and focus on her own work, not someone else's.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    Turns out his theories weren't a waste of time, if only they paid the bills tho

    As she took a closer look at the dates, she realized that Hino had released his theory before she had done so. This puzzled her, as he had somehow obtained information about the project before she had released it to the public. She began to wonder how Hino could have obtained such knowledge and why he had released it before her report. She began to wonder if Hino knew more than he was letting on and if there was something more to his character than she initially thought.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    She didn't have him blocked? lol

    While Shizuru took a break, she saw Hino's social media account with her reported news but the date and time of Hino's social media account indicates that it was from weeks ago. She wondered why he was still discussing this news when she had already reported it. Maybe Hino was unaware that Shizuru had already reported on the news, or perhaps he simply wanted to demonstrate their shared interests and ideas. Additionally, it was possible that Hino's knowledge of the project could be an indication that there was more to his character than what he let on.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    Ain't that someone else's job? All she does is read it

    After reporting, Shizuru took another sip of water and gathered her notes. She was cautious about how she would word the news report, as she wanted to ensure that the key information was conveyed accurately and in a clear manner, but she also wanted to protect the identities of those involved in the project.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    My theory is that he failed science class

    "And then it hit me, the moon isn't responsible for the tides. It's the sun's heat that causes the oceans to expand and create the tides. This could be the link I've been looking for, maybe this is why the submarine ended up sinking. Maybe the ship wasn't prepared for the tides and the waves pushed it to the sea bed." The idea that the tides may have caused the submarines' sinking filled Hino with both excitement and frustration.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    You'd think they'd make subs to withstand internal waves lol

    He theorizes that the submarines could have been sunken by the waves. Hino had previously thought that the submarines could have been sunken or submerged by the oceans, but now he believed that the waves might have caused them to sink.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    Of course he did

    Hino was fascinated by the mystery surrounding the missing submarine in Argentina. He read online about its disappearance and was intrigued by all the speculation and theories that people had about its fate. Even though he wanted to stay focused on himself and take his mind off his problems, he couldn't help but get caught up in the drama and intrigue of the submarine's vanishing act. Hino kept following the news about the submarine in hopes of finding out what really happened to it and finally getting some closure.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    Thought he was already at her grave in the last paragraph? Also why is he now suddenly here after Shizuru was just there? This man don't care

    Hino went to his daughter's grave and began talking to her. He told her about all the dreams he and her mother had for her future, and how much they'd hoped to watch her grow up and become something amazing. However, he was heartbroken that she was no longer there to see it. Hino continued to cry at the grave and talked about how they'd become separated. But despite everything, he still loved her so much and never stopped caring for her.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai
  • Flower_Something
    bình luận

    Stalker energy

    Shizuru left after the phone call with Marie, unsure of what to do next. As she was heading home, she didn't realize that Hino was lurking in the trees, watching her. He cared about her and wanted to remove any negative energy that she may have been carrying or feeling. He also wanted to see his daughter and visit her grave. Shizuru continued walking home, unaware of Hino's presence.
    Thành thị · Reya_no_sekai