


kembali hilang dan pergi

2020-09-11 đã tham giaIndonesia

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Reinkarnasi menjadi Alpha Cantik

"Aku tidak ingin menjadi manusia serigala" Ucap wanita cantik berumur belasan tahun yang hidup bahagia dengan kisah cintanya sebagai manusia normal. Baginya menjadi manusia serigala bukanlah kehidupan yang bahagia, ia tidak akan mendapatkan cinta sejati jika ia menjadi seorang manusia serigala. Namun takdir berkata lain, ia bereinkarnasi menjadi manusia serigala. Depresi dan penyesalan ia rasakan , "Ahh apakah aku akan mendapatkan lelaki tampan? Penampilanku saat ini bisa membuat siapa saja takut" pikir wanita cantik itu namun perlahan ia menerima keadaannya dan mengubah pola pikirnya. Sang manusia serigala yang cantik dan kuat memulai kisah hidupnya sebagai manusia serigala dan menerima kehidupannya yang baru. Ia terus berperang dan menjadi komandan pasukan para werewolf lainnya. Namun beberapa werewolf tidak senang karena dipimpin oleh wanita, terkadang pemberontakan terlihat seperti tidak mengikuti perintah Rachel Beberapa werewolf yang memberontak terkadang menyerang banyak manusia dengan sangat sadis dan sesuka hati Rachel menyadari hal itu namun ia hanya diam dan memperhatikan, ia merasa bawahannya yang memberontak sangat sulit dikendalikan dan Rachel akan bergerak jika mereka menyerang Rachel secara terang terangan Rachel sangat terlatih dalam hal fisik dan sihir Ia bisa meratakan satu kota sendirian dan melawan ratusan pasukan sendirian Ia merasa hidupnya hanya untuk berperang, ia merasa bosan dan jenuh Sampai ia bertemu pendekar pedang yang sangat tampan, awalnya mereka berperang, sang werewolf Rachel ingin merebut wilayah kekuasaan manusia sedangkan sang pendekar pedang mempertahankan wilayah kekuasaan manusia. Kisah pertemuan keduanya masih berlanjut, apakah mereka berdua saling membunuh atau sebaliknya?

Rullayuki · Huyền huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
25 Chs

Seni Beladiri Dewa dan Iblis

Dunia dimana peperangan para dewa dan iblis terus terjadi... Manusia yang lemah dan tidak memiliki kekuatan hanya bisa pasrah menjadi korban peperangan Namun para dewa menyadari bahwa para manusia yang berada di alam bawah bisa saja membantu mereka di dalam perang dengan memberikan kekuatan mereka kepada para manusia... Lalu sang dewa tertinggi mengutus perwakilan dewa untuk mencari para manusia yang layak untuk mendapatkan kekuatan mereka dengan mengadakan kompetisi Para iblis mendengar rencana tersebut dan mereka gelisah jika para manusia yang diberkati kekuatan dewa muncul dan membantu dewa melawan para iblis Iblis pun mengikuti hal yang sama seperti yang dilakukan oleh para dewa, mereka mengutus perwakilan iblis untuk mencari para manusia yang menginginkan kekuatan dan membantu iblis untuk melawan para dewa... Nan Chen seorang remaja berusia 15 tahun kehilangan keluarga nya akibat peperangan para dewa dan iblis. Hatinya dipenuhi dendam namun dia cerdas dan bertindak dewasa... Nan Chen mendengar kabar tentang kompetisi para dewa dan iblis. Nan Chen yang menginginkan kekuatan untuk membalaskan dendam nya pun mengikuti kompetisi tersebut... Setelah memenangkan kedua kompetisi dan mendapatkan kekuatan tertinggi dari dewa dan iblis, Dewa dan iblis akhirnya mengetahui bahwa Nan Chen mengikuti kedua kompetisi dan mengkhianati mereka, Nan Chen pun menjadi ancaman bagi para dewa dan iblis Para dewa dan iblis kesal karena tindakan Nan Chen. Nan Chen diburu dan dibunuh karena telah mengkhianati kedua belah pihak... Namun takdir berkata lain, Nan Chen dibunuh dan dibuang ke sebuah jurang yang memiliki mata air abadi... Air mata abadi pun memperbaiki kerusakan yang ada di tubuh Nan Chen secara perlahan dan akhirnya setelah 10 tahun. Nan Chen bangkit kembali menjadi lebih muda. Nan Chen yang mengetahui bahwa dia hidup kembali pun mulai berambisi untuk menguasai dunia dan membuat dunia tanpa perang... Kisah perjalanan Nan Chen pun dimulai...

Rullayuki · Đông phương
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
391 Chs

The Martial Arts of Gods and Demons

A world where the battles of the gods and demons continue ... Humans who are weak and have no strength can only surrender to become victims of war But the gods realized that the humans in the lower realms could help them in the war by giving their power to the humans ... Then the supreme god sent a representative of the god to look for worthy humans to get their strength by holding a competition The demons hear about the plan and they are restless if humans who are blessed with divine power appear and help the gods fight the demons The devils also follow the same thing as the gods, they send representatives of the devil to find humans who want power and help the devil to fight the gods ... Nan Chen, a 15 year old teenager, lost his family due to the war of the gods and demons. His heart is filled with resentment but he is smart and acts mature ... Nan Chen hears the news about the competition of gods and demons. Nan Chen, who wanted the power to get his revenge, joined the competition ... After winning both competitions and obtaining the supreme power of gods and demons, gods and demons finally found out that Nan Chen entered both competitions and betrayed them, Nan Chen became a threat to both gods and demons. The gods and demons were annoyed by Nan Chen's actions. Nan Chen was hunted down and killed for betraying both parties ... But fate said differently, Nan Chen was killed and thrown into a abyss that has eternal springs ... The immortal tears repaired the damage that was on Nan Chen's body slowly and finally after 10 years. Nan Chen rose again to be younger. Nan Chen, who knows that he is alive again, begins to have an ambition to rule the world and make a world without war ... The story of Nan Chen's journey begins ...

Rullayuki · Huyền huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
147 Chs

Martial Arts of Gods And Demons

A world where the battles of the gods and demons continue ... Humans who are weak and have no strength can only surrender to become victims of war But the gods realized that the humans in the lower realms could help them in the war by giving their power to the humans ... Then the supreme god sent a representative of the god to look for worthy humans to get their strength by holding a competition The demons hear about the plan and they are restless if humans who are blessed with divine power appear and help the gods fight the demons The devils also follow the same thing as the gods, they send representatives of the devil to find humans who want power and help the devil to fight the gods ... Nan Chen, a 15 year old teenager, lost his family due to the war of the gods and demons. His heart is filled with resentment but he is smart and acts mature ... Nan Chen hears the news about the competition of gods and demons. Nan Chen, who wanted the power to get his revenge, joined the competition ... After winning both competitions and obtaining the supreme power of gods and demons, gods and demons finally found out that Nan Chen entered both competitions and betrayed them, Nan Chen became a threat to both gods and demons. The gods and demons were annoyed by Nan Chen's actions. Nan Chen was hunted down and killed for betraying both parties ... But fate said differently, Nan Chen was killed and thrown into a abyss that has eternal springs ... The immortal tears repaired the damage that was on Nan Chen's body slowly and finally after 10 years. Nan Chen rose again to be younger. Nan Chen, who knows that he is alive again, begins to have an ambition to rule the world and make a world without war ... The story of Nan Chen's journey begins ...

Rullayuki · Đông phương
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
10 Chs