


I like reading

2020-09-11 đã tham giaUnited States

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  • Thereviewer48
    trả lời JohnnyKbca

    Oh okay. This is the first time I actually saw it like this. Keep doing your thing if that is what you are used to.

    Kỳ huyễn · JohnnyKbca
  • Thereviewer48
    trả lời Cuddles_Sempai13

    Weird as in I never heard of taco rice and where I live, tacos is the main food here.

    "Uh-uh, I never get tired of taco rice." Eliana's nostrils flared out as she spooned more into her mouth.
    The Red Pill
    Thanh xuân · Cuddles_Sempai13
  • Thereviewer48
    trả lời Thereviewer48


    Pentakill: Rebirth of the Legend
    Du hí · Tangerqueen
  • Thereviewer48
    trả lời Lazy_leon

    Oh okay. Thanks for answering.

    [Class Weapon: il Gelo Libro Delgi incantesimi]
    Gaming Sword Magician
    Kỳ huyễn · Lazy_leon
  • Thereviewer48
    trả lời Thereviewer48

    And you are too wordy on some sentences, that don't need it, so it can be clearer for readers. Maybe try grammarly? It is a good helper, our eyes do not catch everything like other people's eyes.

    Pentakill: Rebirth of the Legend
    Du hí · Tangerqueen
  • Thereviewer48
    trả lời Thereviewer48

    *not bad (sorry writing in comments in WN is terrible) I play videosgames, I'm a gamer, but I never played LoL. And so could other people who read your story. You have to add more descriptions for people to know about the games background; not everyone who read gaming novels play games. That is why I put that. (I hope I didn't sound mean).

    Pentakill: Rebirth of the Legend
    Du hí · Tangerqueen
  • Thereviewer48
     công bố

    Writing Quality: 3/5 Your writing is fine, but you have problems with punctuation, especially not using commas when needed; it throws the flow of the story off. Update Stability: 5/5 I give that to everyone. Story Development: 3.5/5 (rounds to four) The plotline is good, the time skip threw me off, and the pacing is okay. Character Design: 3.5/5 (rounds to four) There is no connection to the MC, I feel like I don't know much about her, except for vague things are what you give. I feel there is not much depth to her. But, she does have personality and not bad. World Background: 3/5 I barely know anything about your world. It is interesting and not bad, but I don't know much. I feel like it needs to be more descriptions about your world. You are on a good track, keep up the good work!

    The Hidden Gift
    Thanh xuân · MzMysteryy
  • Thereviewer48
    bình luận

    'My' needs to be capitalized.

    "Come on, you can do it!" My brother yells from the bleachers causing everyone to look up.
    The Hidden Gift
    Thanh xuân · MzMysteryy
  • Thereviewer48
     công bố

    Writing Quality: 3.5/5 (rounds to 4) Not bad, but needs some work. Easily fixable by going back and rereading your story. Update Stability: 5/5 I put that for everyone. Story Development: 3.5/5 (rounds to four) It is okay, a bit over the place at times, but I do enjoy your pacing. It doesn't go too fast nor is it slow paced. The plotline is interesting. Character Design: 3/5 You give background of the character with descriptions, even adding in his emotions, but I feel a disconnect with the MC, I feel no depth to him. It is there, but not enough for me to immerse with the MC. World Background: 3/5 You tell us whats in the world, and how they do things, but I feel no real descriptions or in-depth information on what the world is. I might be missing something because I only read more than half the chapters (skipped what I told you I would), so it just be me not connecting with story. It is not a bad story, there is potential to it. Keep up the good work!

    Kỳ huyễn · JohnnyKbca
  • Thereviewer48
    bình luận

    Why do you use dots with money and not commas? I'm just curious.

    Kỳ huyễn · JohnnyKbca
  • Thereviewer48
     công bố

    Writing Quality: 3.5/5 (rounds to 4) Your writing is not made, there are a few mistakes and the wording is either too much added words or worded weirdly. Update Stability: 5/5 I give that too everyone Story Development: 4/5 Not bad; the pacing and plotline is good. Your story is very interesting, and the first chapter is hookable which is important. Character Design: 4/5 I like your MC, but I still feel a disconnect to him. World Background 3.5/5 (rounds to four) I like the world behind your story, but I feel like I don't know much pertaining to your story; especially with the game.

    Pentakill: Rebirth of the Legend
    Du hí · Tangerqueen
  • Thereviewer48
     công bố

    Writing Quality: 3.5/5 (rounds to 4) There are mistakes in writing that can be fixed by rereading the story. Update Stability: 5/5 I put that for everyone. Story Development: 3.5/5 (rounds to four) Your pacing is good and I like the plotline, but I don't really feel the thriller part at all. Character Design: 3.5/5 (round to four) I feel like I don't know enough about your MC, but your characters are nice, and I do enjoy the MC. World Background: 3/5 I feel that there isn't enough background details about your world. It is nice, but I still feel things missing. You are going at a good pace, hopefully more details will added as you continue. Keep up the good work!

    The Red Pill
    Thanh xuân · Cuddles_Sempai13
  • Thereviewer48
    bình luận

    Taco rice? Sounds weird.

    "Uh-uh, I never get tired of taco rice." Eliana's nostrils flared out as she spooned more into her mouth.
    The Red Pill
    Thanh xuân · Cuddles_Sempai13
  • Thereviewer48
    bình luận

    change the comma to colons

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    The Red Pill
    Thanh xuân · Cuddles_Sempai13
  • Thereviewer48
    bình luận

    Good first chapter, the first paragraph was hookable; although, there are mistakes.

    Ch 1 She Opened Her Eyes
    The Red Pill
    Thanh xuân · Cuddles_Sempai13
  • Thereviewer48
    bình luận

    You don't have to capitalize after three dots; three dots are not the end of a sentence.

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    The Red Pill
    Thanh xuân · Cuddles_Sempai13
  • Thereviewer48
    bình luận

    'so' was a unnecessary word. Just keep 'as she did'

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    The Red Pill
    Thanh xuân · Cuddles_Sempai13
  • Thereviewer48
    trả lời Thereviewer48

    When I see the name Frankenstein (felt like I needed to add that)

    How can a man be this handsome? Whittaker used to believe that he is the most handsome man in the world, but after seeing Frankenstein his mind changed. Frankenstein was the most handsome man he had ever seen in his entire life.
    Gaming Sword Magician
    Kỳ huyễn · Lazy_leon
  • Thereviewer48
    bình luận

    All I think of is the literature Frankenstein.

    How can a man be this handsome? Whittaker used to believe that he is the most handsome man in the world, but after seeing Frankenstein his mind changed. Frankenstein was the most handsome man he had ever seen in his entire life.
    Gaming Sword Magician
    Kỳ huyễn · Lazy_leon
  • Thereviewer48
    trả lời Lazy_leon

    Why is it in another language? just wondering.

    [Class Weapon: il Gelo Libro Delgi incantesimi]
    Gaming Sword Magician
    Kỳ huyễn · Lazy_leon