


I enjoy reading futuristic scifi and fantasy novels as well as horror novels. I tend to write in those genres as well. Check out my novel and throw me some feedback.

2020-09-01 JoinedUnited States



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  • EvanBardiel
    EvanBardiel3 years ago

    I decided to split these last ten chapters between both greggan and ertimus rather than just put them together. I want you to see this journey from both perspectives because yes it is the same journey physically but both boys journeys are personal to them. There's gonna be gaps in greggans view because he's not there for some of the things happening. I decide to have Avery's fate left a mystery because Greggan wasn't there.

  • EvanBardiel
    EvanBardiel3 years ago
    Replied to hydracule

    yea obviously hes's gonna ride them. but I feel like you need to read the rest to see what other stuff he does

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  • EvanBardiel
    EvanBardiel3 years ago

    this chapter is the last erlem chapter of this novel. we are coming to a close on the black dawn and I get ready to release the second novel in the series. I hope you enjoyed this story and i hope you enjoy the second novel i havn't names. the next one will come along much more quickly as iv written large portions already on paper and just have to transcribe them over. I hope you enjoy the series as much as i love to write about Thre'a. some of you will be confused as far as timelines so i must make everyone understand each book takes about two years time and each block of chapters are happening all at the same time. some of the characters i have only written a couple chapters for are not forgotten but their stories are not as important as others in the first book.

  • EvanBardiel
    EvanBardiel3 years ago
    Replied to

    Yea the wording was off there, when i edit the book after i finish it will be changed. I may even remove a few chapters i feel may not be needed

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  • EvanBardiel
    EvanBardiel3 years ago
    Replied to

    Hes also a young autumn witch so he doesnt realize yes not unkillable.

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  • EvanBardiel
    EvanBardiel3 years ago
    Replied to

    Lol of course he’s gonna ride on the back of a water Steed lol wouldnt you?

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  • EvanBardiel
    EvanBardiel3 years ago
    Replied to hydracule

    Thanks! I really appreciate it. Sorry for the errors and mispellIngs i dont Have an editor. Iv been working on DeVeloping every Part of the workd, From the civilized thre’a, to the southern coast of la’velle and the continent to the east. Hopefully you guys enjoy this book and want to read the second. This book will have 70 chapters before i move to the second one

  • EvanBardiel
    EvanBardiel3 years ago
    Replied to Nickjr321

    Thanks for reading! I hope you Enjoy the story

  • EvanBardiel
    EvanBardiel4 years ago
    Replied to Kierra_Harrell

    Also you can come back to my work and ill give you my nUmber lol