


If you enjoy the time you wasted, you didn't waste any time

2020-08-31 đã tham giaAscension Island

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  • NatHug
    bình luận

    There’s a reason why these guys below me don’t have any likes: no one likes annoying people

    Leonel couldn't find it within himself to hate them. Even if they bore down on the only woman that had ever stirred his heart, he realized now how right he was not to kill them in a rage. These were men who deserved his respect. Even in the face of power so much greater than their own, they put everything they had on the line.
    Dimensional Descent
    Kỳ huyễn · Awespec
  • NatHug
    trả lời Joswilaney

    Very good question!

    About five minutes later, he finally made it to the Northern Dormitories. Since there were too many outsiders on campus today, he clicked a hidden button on his bike's frame, causing it to fold in on itself and becoming a silver rod about two meters long. In the end, it further collapsed, splitting into four pieces that neatly fit into his bag.
    Dimensional Descent
    Kỳ huyễn · Awespec
  • NatHug
    bình luận

    Bookmark 1- shadow slave: ranks

    There were seven ranks to everything in the Spell. These ranks were, in order of growing power: Dormant, Awakened, Ascended, Transcendent, Supreme, Sacred and Divine (with the exclusion of Nightmare Creatures, who were ranked as Dormant, Awakened, Fallen, Corrupted, Great, Cursed and Unholy).
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • NatHug
    bình luận
    "There is a reason I brought you all here. Look well and remember. Some of you may know who these people are… for those of you who don't, they are called Hollow."
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • NatHug
    trả lời Rex7273

    You know this isn’ t French, right..?

    Even royalty was not safe from the cruelty of the world.
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • NatHug
    trả lời Wilson_Casiguran

    "Ka" isn’t appropriate here. Or are you asking a question ?

    The brutality of Hero's actions was in such stark contrast with his usually graceful demeanor that Sunny felt blood turning to ice in his veins. This was… scary.
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • NatHug
    trả lời OsamuTezuka

    With the plane the size of a thousand universes

    "So it turns out that traveling to the Great Tang in the Eastern Lands isn't that simple. You have to cross the Milky Way Sea…" After a while, Meng Hao looked back down at the map, looking at all the four major regions of the lands of South Heaven. The Eastern Lands and the Northern Reaches formed a subcontinent, separated from which by a large ocean were the Western Barbarian Lands and the Southern Domain, which formed another subcontinent.
    I Shall Seal The Heavens
    Huyền huyễn · Er Gen
  • NatHug
    trả lời Devils_Advocate

    Maybe he’s on his phone and can’ t change it rn

    As I continued looking around, I saw a familiar face. Elder Hu Tian, was on the ground with his back supported by a fallen building beam. He had a large gash on his chest, the sword that sliced through him was vicious as it had borne through the bones of his chest with ease.
    Poison God's Heritage
    Huyền huyễn · Biako
  • NatHug
    trả lời Heapass

    How many plot twists was that?!

    I finally realized what he meant as I looked at my hands, I was a healthy old aged man, I still had muscles and a good build, but after being dipped into that pool, everything changed. My skin turned pale green, pustules and odd tumorous blobs grew abnormally all over my body, this looked like a severe case of Neurofibromatosis, I've read an article about it once. I was a monster…
    Poison God's Heritage
    Huyền huyễn · Biako
  • NatHug
    bình luận


    The first time they met, he asked her to lend him money. At first, he said that it was because his business was trouble and needed some turnover money. But if there was one time, there would be a second. After a few more, Ameko grew suspicious. She found out that not only was he still gambling, he also picked up a terrible drinking habit. f
    48 Hours a Day
    Khoa huyễn · Xiao Daidzhao
  • NatHug
    trả lời MeiWar

    I like your bio

    Desert Island Survival XI
    48 Hours a Day
    Khoa huyễn · Xiao Daidzhao
  • NatHug
    trả lời SmilingReader

    What?! No way!

    On the way back, Zhang Heng considered giving up several times, but the man was surprisingly optimistic and even cheered him on.
    48 Hours a Day
    Khoa huyễn · Xiao Daidzhao
  • NatHug
    bình luận

    Ermmm… is that good?

    At that moment, Shen Cong felt that Titan had gained a large amount of wandering Activity. It was about the amount required for Level 0.0001!
    War Truck in the Apocalypse
    Khoa huyễn · Bai Yuhan
  • NatHug
    trả lời woodzrox

    That would be cool

    He had made a guess a long time ago that there would be plenty of people who managed to survive. After all, he had lived just by relying on Titan. The people who hid in the bunkers would definitely be able to survive as well. But his guess, at the end of the day, was just a guess. When news that there were truly survivors appeared right in front of his face, the shock he went through was incredibly great. 
    War Truck in the Apocalypse
    Khoa huyễn · Bai Yuhan
  • NatHug
    bình luận

    What a hot angle

    He started working at three-thirty in the afternoon, and now, it was six-thirty in the evening. The sun was already setting, but by then, Shen Cong was finally able to lift Titan by forty-five degrees Celsius. Its center of gravity started to shift. 
    War Truck in the Apocalypse
    Khoa huyễn · Bai Yuhan
  • NatHug
    trả lời NatHug

    Not "dominated" but "domesticated" Typo

    Fanged wolf meat tasted like dog meat, but it was a little astringent. Even so, Shen Cong had been cooking for himself for six to seven years, so his cooking skills were really good. Hence, his meal was tasty. 
    War Truck in the Apocalypse
    Khoa huyễn · Bai Yuhan
  • NatHug
    trả lời griffin_gamez

    This is really really racist. You need to change that mindset because the only reason you think this is barbaric is because: 1- you don’t live in poverty where every bit of meat is luxury, and 2- not eating cats or dogs is just a cultural thing because we dominated them. Nothing differenciante them to other cattles

    Fanged wolf meat tasted like dog meat, but it was a little astringent. Even so, Shen Cong had been cooking for himself for six to seven years, so his cooking skills were really good. Hence, his meal was tasty. 
    War Truck in the Apocalypse
    Khoa huyễn · Bai Yuhan
  • NatHug
    trả lời Leylin_Farlier
    As someone with a persecution complex, Shen Cong lived in a world in which he was constantly alone, and he only believed in himself. 
    War Truck in the Apocalypse
    Khoa huyễn · Bai Yuhan
  • NatHug
    trả lời Solomon369

    Shoot at a watermelon, does it get pierced? No, it gets exploded into oblivion

    The power contained in a crossbow bolt when fired from a handheld crossbow at close distance was incredibly great, and the fanged wolf's head exploded. 
    War Truck in the Apocalypse
    Khoa huyễn · Bai Yuhan
  • NatHug
    trả lời WTwister888W


    The orb glowed brightly before transforming into a black coffin with a golden cross embedded in its cover.
    Strongest Necromancer Of Heaven's Gate
    Kỳ huyễn · Elyon