


I'm an aspiring author and I like reading other people's work to learn from the masters 🙂

2020-08-27 đã tham giaNigeria

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  • Wisdom22
    trả lời BroodyKai

    I've been getting about 4 to 5 messages a day that someone liked my comment. I'm glad you found my little messages interesting and I'm happy you enjoying the story so far, the author is really talented, no?

    Keres, Thanatos, and the drunk Zagreus all looked toward the man, smiling. An undeniable trace of admiration on their lips. 
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    bình luận

    I wanted more details 🥲

    Ch 21 Florida Man Avenges Perverted Employer Who Molested Him in His Sleep by Sleeping with the Employer’s Maid
    Florida Man in Magus World: Unleashing Liberty and Freedom
    Kỳ huyễn · DamnPlotArmor
  • Wisdom22
    bình luận

    Above heaven and earth I alone am the honored one.

    "On the contrary, I believe someday you might surpass me…. If I die or something." He laughed when he saw her annoyed expression. "I jest… kind of. No, but I do see you rivaling me at your peak. Even if you can't defeat me, you'll at least battle me to a draw." 
    Return of the Silver Devil
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    bình luận

    someone from Yu yings household

    "You're not bullying someone, are you?" Fairy Yu Yan asked, cheeks flaring. 
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    bình luận

    black flash 🙃

    Skills: [God Sunderer (S)], [Mana Manipulation (D], [Godslayer Tactics (D)], [Black Flash(D)],[Origin Step (E)], [Focus (E)], [Giant Instincts (C)],[Gaint Constitution (C)], [Giant Pressure (C)], [World Shattering Roar (D)], [Polymorph]
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    bình luận

    bro she literally said she wants zariel thats cute

    "Aurelia wants everything. I want spells, swords, gold, jewels, Dumb-Dumb! I want it all!" She stood up in the carriage, the mark of the black heavens shimmering. "And Aurelia will have it! She'll have it all!" 
    Return of the Silver Devil
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    bình luận

    Are people that eager to die? 🤦

    "That's him! That's the bastard who cursed Elder Grim!" 
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    trả lời Lord_Damocles

    I like that kind of answer it give me hope Levi was a keeper. Also you've kept me hanging on Yu jing for 2 years now but I still have hope.

    "Of course. Your not a true devil if you haven't gotten your ass handed to you. Lady Levi kicked my ass so bad I needed to enter the Blood Pits to regenerate part of my skull that went pop." 
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    bình luận

    Oh they grow up so fast. like father like son 😂

    "You ain't the only one with a nice ass too. Just saying. Seduce me." Altair decreed, puffing his chest out. "Rizz me up. Make me feel like a bad B!~" 
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    trả lời Lord_Damocles

    well like you said she's still a child and only children don't know how to compromise. She doesn't know what it means or feels like to shake the hand of the devil and smile back just to achieve your goal. I just hope Altair helps her mature rather than enable... what ever is going on in her head. Pride is important but what's most important for any powerful figure is to have an unshakable heart, a heart that will allow you to rise even while you kneel and beg for your life. Also it isn't how hard the blade is but rather how far it can bend that makes it a good sword.

    Raven shook her head. "Yes. I know. But it's different. Master, you have a bottom line. You'd never think of rape, never think of abusing children or partake in more deplorable activities. Even Tasha, a literal devil of the Hells, doesn't rub me the same way as Hephaestus does. That bastard is scum. He's worse than scum." 
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    bình luận

    lol if she thinks Hephaestus is scum wait till she meets belphagur she'll puke.

    Raven shook her head. "Yes. I know. But it's different. Master, you have a bottom line. You'd never think of rape, never think of abusing children or partake in more deplorable activities. Even Tasha, a literal devil of the Hells, doesn't rub me the same way as Hephaestus does. That bastard is scum. He's worse than scum." 
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    trả lời PXIG

    I believe it's for what's underneath the surface. He gave it a way the moment he called himself an assassin and one trained by zero can only be considered a scary bastard. I can only assume that his every action down to the very intent is false and that no matter what if he has marked someone for death then it will definitely come either by his own hands or his actions but no matter how much others try to trace it they can never connect it to him.

    Zelos clapped. "Correct. I am Zelos, the Tenth Member of the Order of Chaos. Your personal Assassin for the right price." he grinned a cruel, red smile, his blood-red eyes glistening a sinful heat.
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    bình luận

    he's very cool.

    Zelos clapped. "Correct. I am Zelos, the Tenth Member of the Order of Chaos. Your personal Assassin for the right price." he grinned a cruel, red smile, his blood-red eyes glistening a sinful heat.
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    bình luận

    Terra? by the end of this I better hear someone call Altair the emperor of man kind, or big E

    The planet of Earth, renamed Terra after the fusion of Gaia, had been in a state of chaos for quite a while as its denizens suffered from the constant attacks that left them reeling for months. Clouds of flames seemed almost a common sight as officials from all around acted the best they could to minimize the damage while also trying to maintain the economy that was now in turmoil due to the constant changes. 
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    bình luận

    Truer words have never been spoken 😂😂😂

    Altair felt offended. But before he could say his peace, Zero continued, "You are of Arsene balls. Your ability to fuck your way out of the situation might be hereditary." he said, discontinuing the line. 
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    bình luận

    they'd need a teacher for every commonly known weapon, it creates variety and makes it easier to find talents rather than let them either rot taking a wrong patch or leave them to carve out a path of their own through prejudice and unconventionality.

    "As you suggested, I created a new technique for the children. I hope you don't mind, but I started training them in Glaives instead of swords. Since glaves have more reach, they'll have an advantage against various opponents. 
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    bình luận

    please we need a chapter about this. I need a chapter about this.

    "Please torture her a bit. Play with her holes for me so that she might understand her mistake." Aphrodite grinned when she saw Altair's disturbed expression. "You know she has a kink for that sort of thing, right? No need to feel guilty. I'm sure that little slut is imagining many ways in which you can tease her." 
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    bình luận

    Isn't the second one Arsene organization.

    Megaera did not let him finish as she gestured to one of the serving girls, ordering something to fill her empty stomach. She said, "Agents of the Black Heavens and Vaevictis are here. It's best if we keep a lookout." 
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    bình luận

    I'm really hoping Mephisto does the honors and outs Altair as Arsene son. God I want everybody to just feel shocked to their souls.

    Ch 293 The Sword Path III
    Shadow of the Abyss
    Kỳ huyễn · Lord_Damocles
  • Wisdom22
    trả lời Effective_Colt

    All of you are sick I can't believe people are dropping this because the mom is sleeping with multiple dude with it being opposed to the mom sleeping with the mc. all of you are disgusting pieces of trash who want to bang their own mothers 🤢

    Kỳ huyễn · Dark_knight234