

2020-08-21 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • kwudu
    kwudua year ago
     công bố

    This work definitely has a lot of potential. I enjoyed your writing style and the mystery aspects as well! Looking forward to the next few chapters![img=recommend]

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  • kwudu
    kwudua year ago
     công bố

    Very good read! I enjoy learning more about the MC and reading the battle scenes. I feel the author is very good at adding descriptions to the scenes to make it easier for the reader to envision.

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  • kwudu
    kwudua year ago
    bình luận
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  • kwudu
    kwudua year ago
    bình luận
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  • kwudu
    kwudua year ago
    bình luận

    I like the two timelines idea!

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  • kwudu
    kwudua year ago
     công bố

    I'm only a short bit into the story so far but I am hooked! I really like the detailing put into the characters and the world as well as how well the author describes each scene.

  • kwudu
    kwudua year ago
     công bố

    I enjoyed reading this story a lot. I quickly made my way through all 7 chapters and am already waiting for the next one to come out! [img=recommend]

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  • kwudu
    kwudua year ago
    bình luận

    Very good start for 1st time writing!

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  • kwudu
    kwudua year ago
    trả lời kwudu

    Current Goals: - Potentially get a new cover - Release more backstories (still debating between splitting them up or releasing all together before next chapter of main story) - Release chapter 2 of main story

  • kwudu
    kwudua year ago
     công bố

    Self review yes I know LOL. I want to use this as a thread that I can provide updates but also respond to any questions that any of you may have. So feel free to ask anything underneath this review and keep checking for new information about the series!