


I have grey eyes as well as total recall

2020-08-22 đã tham giaUnited States

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  • Brandon_Bradley
    trả lời Venusean

    yes, bjt you're taking a LOT or liberties...and at least one of them would ensure that humans never existed. That's a BIG game changer, as your gods rely on humans for strength. But with Promethius dead, humans don't exist, since he created us according to the Greek myths. And Helios? How would humans know of him if the were created AFTER he was killed in the Titin war? That Altas reference is also in jeopardy. I don't mind taking liberties, but you're entire story doesn't make sense because you're going wild with your liberties.

    Ch 2 Hermes, Messenger of Olympus
    How-not to be an Olympian God!
    Kỳ huyễn · Venusean
  • Brandon_Bradley
    trả lời HaracasAye

    I think it's more the gods giving Alex their blessing for helping them out, which results in him gains specific abilities from them...which isn't all that unusual on Greek mythology. The reason gods are seen as all powerful despite their very obvious flaws are because they can pretty much do whatever they want to mortals. They can freely change your mind, body, or abilities. They can turn you into any object and make you do whatever they want to via cursing. They can also grant you superhuman abilities. The greatest humans to ever exist were granted their fame because they were blessed by the gods according to Greek mythology. The strongest, smartest, and most skilled people were that way because they held the favor of the gods. Even the fall of Troy was possible because the gods allowed it to happen. Troy could have very easily beaten the Greek army had the gods been allowed to participate in the battle. The fact that they won was purely because the gods stayed out out the fight...well, apart from Apollo guiding Hector's arrow to hit Achilles' ankle and kill him, and Achilles' weapons and armor being made by Hephaestus. Other than that, the gods played no part whatsoever in the fight.

    Ch 3 Ambrosia
    How-not to be an Olympian God!
    Kỳ huyễn · Venusean
  • Brandon_Bradley
    bình luận

    I thought Dionysis (The Greek God of wine) was the one that wore a purple toga. Hermes wore winged saddles and a winged helmet. Yes, he carried it staff, but it was one with 2 entertwining snakes, and I believe it was golden, not silver. Plus, The God of wine was also the God of hedonism, so he's the one that'd strike me as playful, not the one who literally runs errands for all the other gods. Also, Athena is one of three Virginia goddesses...she doesn't have children. The closest one get to being a child of Athena is by being a genius. When one displays significant mental capabilities, she gives them her blessing, but she doesn't have actual child through conventional means. But hey, it's your novel. If you're fine with literally everything about this being wrong from a mythological standpoint, then I have no choice but to accept that.

    Ch 2 Hermes, Messenger of Olympus
    How-not to be an Olympian God!
    Kỳ huyễn · Venusean
  • Brandon_Bradley
    bình luận

    Is it bad that I'm hoping that they finally catch Fang? That way, he can use the power and resources of the most powerful individuals in the entire Black Paradise Sect to gain even more power. That way, he'll become stronger than Kong much faster, as well as acquire powerful benefactors to aid and protect him from those that wish to harm him and his women. I mean, at this point, there isn't much they can do, even if they find out who he really is...not when his strength is equal to that of a supreme elder's. By the time he leaves the sect, he'll be even stronger than the matriarch herself...probably as strong as his grandmother or even his grandfather. And his grandfather is one of the strongest cultivators in the entire world.

    Ch 193 Second Encounter
    Naked Sword Art
    Huyền huyễn · RaLegacy
  • Brandon_Bradley
    trả lời LegateMattius

    It's actually quite easy. Take a knife, make an incision on the upper left of the chest, reach right in, rip it out, and then shove it in his mouth. The hard part is doing it fast enough to finish before his body shuts down. After all I prefer my victim to know that I both ripped out his heart and shoved it in his mouth before he loses consciousness and dies. I want that to be the last thing he experiences before he kicks off. But if I'm feeling particularly sadistic, then I'll torture him with the suicide plant. It's great because it's non lethal, despite it being the worst pain in the world. ripping out a heart is great for making a statement, but it's a quick death. True torture takes time. So the suicide plant is definitely the way to go.

    Ch 156 Final Judgement
    Blood Elf Monarch
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Brandon_Bradley
    trả lời Brandon_Bradley

    Oops. Seems I put this comment in the wrong section. Too bad I can't simply copy and paste it into the right one. Guess it has to stay where it's at for now.

    Ch 61 Lost to her Mouth (18+)
    Naked Sword Art
    Huyền huyễn · RaLegacy
  • Brandon_Bradley
    bình luận

    While I do understand the opposition, I have to agree with the author on the fact that it was in fact not NTR. The mother had zero intention of stealing away his woman. The whole thing was a simple yet necessary test of her loyalty. The only time it's NTR is if the end goal is to take someone's partner for yourself. So, while there were some aspects that resemble NTR, it was in fact not NTR.

    Ch 61 Lost to her Mouth (18+)
    Naked Sword Art
    Huyền huyễn · RaLegacy
  • Brandon_Bradley
    trả lời LegateMattius

    Yeah...I don't know about Tristan, but I'm more likely to decapitate some like that king than befriend them. Or maybe rip out their heart and feed it to them. And I'd die before letting someone like that marry someone I cared about...and I'd be sure to take them with me. So I don't think there's much of a shot at that arrogant king, Tristan, and the sister holding hands and singing kumbaya together while riding unicorns off into the sunset. More likely Tristan is going to brutally murder Callan the second he can and then put his head on a pike as a warning to everyone else. That's what I'd do anyways.

    Ch 156 Final Judgement
    Blood Elf Monarch
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Brandon_Bradley
    bình luận

    Yeah...Loki isn't the god of fire. He's the god of mischief. And while Anubis is a god of death, he isn't THE god of death. That would be Osiris. He's the Egyptian version of Hades and Hel. Anubis is actually a pretty minor death god, while Osiris is the head honcho...the ruler of the underworld.

    Ch 314 You’re Ling Jiu, Cleaning House
    My Special Ability is Perfect Replication
    Kỳ huyễn · Panda Reunion
  • Brandon_Bradley
    trả lời LegateMattius

    Well nobody forced you to read it. You are the idiot that willingly read a comment that you claim was 'aids to read.' So if it clearly wasn't so bad after all. Jeez. Talking to you is like talking to a chimp. No. I apologize. A chimp would be capable of more intelligent conversation than you seem to be able to manage. You're more like a koala bear, which is probably the dumbest animal on the entire planet. Even single cell bacteria are more capable than a koala bear, which isn't able to recognize eucalyptus leaves as food unless it's attached to a eucalyptus tree. And they ONLY eay eucalyptus leaves, which are toxic. Sound smart to you? Because it doesn't to me. That means it's a perfect comparison to you.

    Ch 155 Verdict
    Blood Elf Monarch
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Brandon_Bradley
    bình luận

    That dude needs to die. The king is WAY too arrogant. The balance of power MUST be maintained. Which means that the king must fall, as he is far too powerful to control or combat if he goes too far. Ultimate power corrupts ultimately. No matter what species you are, to be able to do whatever you want will ALWAYS go to you or head. All the most famous villains throughout history are examples of what too much power gets you. We dodged a bullet in the fact that a force of equal strength was always able to rise up and resist these villains, and eventually terminate the threat they posed. That is how we have survived for so long. But the king calls all the shots, and he's showing himself to be a tyrannical dictator. He must be taken out and soon, or else Tristan isn't going to live much longer. The power he wields has corrupted him completely. And only Tristan has the potential to restore the balance and bring peace. But, to do so, he must take the King's life. The king is too proud and arrogant to surrender, so he has to die.

    Ch 155 Verdict
    Blood Elf Monarch
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Brandon_Bradley
    bình luận

    When does Tristan kill that damn king? Not only did he turn Tristan into his own personal puppet, but he turned his sister into a brainwashed hostage. The fact that someone as arrogant as Callan has allowed her to address him by his first name, and the way she STILL defends him after literally witnessing his brother covered head to toe in blood from countless wounds delivered by the dude she's gawking over is quite alarming. If I were Tristan and she were my girlfriend not my sister, that would be enough for me to end that relationship on the spot. And even if she were my sister, I'd tell her that she and I would be parting ways for good, because I won't tolerate a sister that defends the person that severely injured me in a fight over him manipulating our lives. I may be fiercely loyal, but I'm only loyal to those that are loyal to me. She clearly isn't very loyal. Not if she's defending the dude who nearly killed the only family she has left...and the only person on that entire planet who's got her best interests in mind, to the point where they ignore their own best interests in lieu of hers. I mean, the dude killed his own damn father to protect you! And how have you repays that unwavering loyalty? By telling him the dude that nearly killed him isn't that bad? Clearly Tristan knows him better than she does, because he doesn't have blinders on.

    Ch 154 Defeat
    Blood Elf Monarch
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Brandon_Bradley
    bình luận

    Seems the King forgot one VERY important rule or combat: so long as your enemy remains alive and willing to fight, neither side has won or lost. Tristan now has the upper hand, as the king is so sure of his victory that he's dropped his guard, and forgotten that Tristan still has access to 3 weapons: His sword, and 2 blades he can remotely control. As things currently stand, the king has actually lost, since Tristan now has the upper has, having regained the ability to catch the king off guard and utilize his close proximity and the element of surprise to wound him with a single attack.

    Ch 153 Bleed
    Blood Elf Monarch
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Brandon_Bradley
    trả lời Avan

    Yeah...I figured he was just testing the dude's defense, but I was just trying to figure out why it was taking Tristan so long to figure out what everyone already knew: a direct attack won't so much as faze the king. It has to be an unexpected and indirect attack. Preferably one from his blind spot, or while he's overconfident and distracted. Fighting is instinctive, so even Tristan should know a thing or two about throwing down.

    Ch 152 Duel with the King
    Blood Elf Monarch
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Brandon_Bradley
    bình luận

    For someone as underhand as Tristan to be so righteous as to not use blood magic in such an important fight doesn't make sense. Tristan's style is to win no matter the cost. So why is he only using swordsmanship again the king?

    Ch 152 Duel with the King
    Blood Elf Monarch
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Brandon_Bradley
    trả lời evil_god

    No. He wasn't able to use his blood magic because of the magic suppressing gloves remember? And the only thing that's off the table is blood bond. His offensive abilities will still be able to function properly. The one that lets him freely control blood for example. He can conveniently 'miss, the king and then attack him from behind, in his blind spot. So long as the fake out is convincing enough, it'll work. And with Tristan's skill at manipulating others, I believe he'll be able to pull it off. Especially since the King doesn't appear to be able to improvise very well. In fact, he appears to be a little slow. His plan to separate Tristan from his sister probably wasn't even HIS plan, but one of his adviser's ideas.

    Ch 151 Disobey
    Blood Elf Monarch
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Brandon_Bradley
    trả lời evil_god

    If he can use one of his abilities, then he can take advantage of the element of surprise and wound the king. After all, I'm pretty sure the King has never seen blood magic before, or expects Tristan to use it. So using that, he can at least wound the king enough to draw a single drop of blood.

    Ch 151 Disobey
    Blood Elf Monarch
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Brandon_Bradley
    bình luận

    Win. Definitely win. I want to see that smug king put in his place, along with the queen and the princess.

    Ch 151 Disobey
    Blood Elf Monarch
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Brandon_Bradley
    bình luận

    Guess the princess is going to be a LOT more submissive towards Tristan now.

    Ch 148 Pleasure **
    Blood Elf Monarch
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Brandon_Bradley
    bình luận

    Can wait for her belly to swell with Tristan's children...and I also can't wait for the next chapter. I feel like he's doing this on purpose. I mean, he keeps cutting me off just when things are just getting good.

    Ch 147 Desire **
    Blood Elf Monarch
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan