


I don’t remember when i downloaded this app cuz I never used it but I just starting using it like 4-5 weeks ago so yeah

2020-07-02 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • TheEpic_Gamer
    bình luận

    bro thinks hes him one beating from shisui and he'll learn

    The answers made all the 3 genins fall into a deep thought. Fujin especially was very worried. He thought, 'Does that mean if someone was spying on me, I wouldn't even have an idea?' This thought worried him. However he calmed down on thinking, 'Well he is an Elite Jounin, capable of leading a whole battlefront. Surely Konoha won't send an Elite Jounin to spy on a nobody. I should still be safe.'
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Kỳ huyễn · Devil_Hex
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    bình luận

    because hes not outwardly arrogant. hes the type who smiles in your face while secretly looking down on you in his mind.

    After getting his clone's memories, Renjiro looked at Fujin in a new light and thought, 'Very good. He was successfully able to hide from my clone not only once, but twice. If not for the fact that his clone had only half his chakra, my clone might not have been able to identify him as a clone. He has a very good mindset. Unfortunately, he doesn't have any good long range jutsu. Which meant that him hiding such a long distance away was disadvantageous to him as well. Also, he gave up a bit too quickly after I caught him. Something I should correct, though I suppose it did save him from receiving a beating. A shame really, though he doesn't seem as arrogant as the other two, some beating would have been good for his development.' Luckily for Fujin, he was totally oblivious of Renjiro's plans and thoughts.
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Kỳ huyễn · Devil_Hex
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    trả lời Deadauthor

    shouldnt of clicked on your profile... even committing seppuku couldn't cleanse my soul

    As soon as he used Body Flicker, Fujin thought, 'Damn! He attacked so suddenly that I flickered away by reflex.'
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Kỳ huyễn · Devil_Hex
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    bình luận

    damn he a real one huh

    The information that Fujin obtained was, 'Senju Renjiro, Rank A, 39 years old. He became Genin at 8, Chuunin at 10, Jounin at 16 and Elite Jounin at 28. He specializes in Water and Earth release Ninjutsu, but can use jutsu of other elements too. He's an excellent swordsman who was trained in the way of swords by a samurai. He fought in both the 2nd and 3rd Great Ninja Wars. In the 3rd war, he had served as Orochimaru's deputy on the Kiri front. Later on, when Orochimaru had to join a different battlefield, he became Konoha's commander on the Kiri front. Due to his skill with the sword, his proficiency in Water release jutsus and his summon, a Sloth, he was very effective against Kiri ninjas. He killed 13 Kiri Jounins and over 50 Kiri chuunins over the course of the war. His biggest accomplishment was killing one of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist in that war. Though his army was defeated by a surprise offensive launched by Kiri, he managed to retreat with the majority of his army and kept Kiri at bay until Konoha's Yellow Flash reinforced him and pushed Kiri back to the seas.'
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Kỳ huyễn · Devil_Hex
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    bình luận

    no more acting scary about danzo anymore?

    He opened the page and began reading, and he was very surprised by what he read. His bounty was 45 million Ryo! It was even higher than Asuma's during Shippuden and was put on him by Kirigakure. He thought, 'Not bad at all. I guess Hiruzen did appoint someone very competent as my sensei.' He read further. 
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Kỳ huyễn · Devil_Hex
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    bình luận

    MC got everything but courage

    Renjiro replied, "Graduation exam is the bare minimum you require to be a ninja. Your attitude, temperament, courage and values matter more. And I'll be the one to judge that." 
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Kỳ huyễn · Devil_Hex
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    bình luận

    Slave mark go BRRRR

    Renjiro nodded and looked towards Hoka. He said, "I am Hyuga Hoka. I like Taijutsu. I dislike studying. My hobby is to spar with others and my dream is to be the strongest Taijutsu user." 
    Naruto : The Wind Calamity
    Kỳ huyễn · Devil_Hex
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    trả lời Blood_Prince

    That’s true its just that a neckband can look goofy sometimes unless u got an already good design. The waistband is pretty neutral when I think about it.

    Chương này đã bị xóa
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Phim ảnh · Jeezu
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    trả lời Blood_Prince

    The headband is tuff the drippiest characters all got headbands.

    Chương này đã bị xóa
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Phim ảnh · Jeezu
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    trả lời
    Chương này đã bị xóa
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Phim ảnh · Jeezu
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    trả lời


    Chương này đã bị xóa
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Phim ảnh · Jeezu
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    bình luận

    im still wondering what his power is. i was thinking FMBA when i first saw the title

    Fortuitously, it was July 1932 for me, and the markets were in turmoil. Stock valuations had plummeted continuously, but I sensed a shift towards stabilization. My short-selling escapade was nearing its end, but I wasn't concerned. There remained ample opportunities to amass a... let's say, a substantial fortune. The strategy was simple: invest in companies bound for valuation hikes and sell at the opportune moment. This was a long game, spanning a couple of decades. But hey, I was young and time was a luxury I had.
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Phim ảnh · Jeezu
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    bình luận

    greed is the core aspect of evolution and innovation.

    "The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind."
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Phim ảnh · Jeezu
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    trả lời Blood_Prince

    the only one topull that off is hidan and he objectively was the least drippest akatsuki

    Chương này đã bị xóa
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Phim ảnh · Jeezu
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    trả lời DerangedNDepressed
    But here's the kicker – I wasn't just reborn into any old year. No, I had to land smack in the middle of 1914. World War I, the Great War, the 'War to End All Wars' (spoiler alert: it didn't). If I thought navigating New York traffic was tough, history was about to give me a run for my money. 
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Phim ảnh · Jeezu
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    bình luận

    this sounds way too high level. are you sure this aint AI it looks way too sus

    Alexander leaned forward, his eyes sharp. "The highest leverage you can offer. We understand the risks." His tone was as crisp as fresh dollar bills, betraying no hint of doubt.
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Phim ảnh · Jeezu
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    bình luận

    bro trynna steal cap's serum aint he

    "Genetics," Alexander cut in, his tone playfully irreverent. "It's like being a mad scientist, minus the creepy castle and questionable ethics. Mostly."
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Phim ảnh · Jeezu
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    trả lời Blue_Torch

    their 15 hes 11

    One of the girls in the group, Sarah, leaned in closer. "But don't you miss being a kid? You know, playing games, having fun?"
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Phim ảnh · Jeezu
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    bình luận

    bro just said a whole bunch of big words and terms but still couldnt answer the question

    Alexander stood up, his voice confident. "The war reshaped the global landscape, setting the stage for political and social upheaval. It's like a chess game where every move creates a new dynamic, impacting future strategies and alliances."
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Phim ảnh · Jeezu
  • TheEpic_Gamer
    bình luận


    Alexander stood up, his voice confident. "The war reshaped the global landscape, setting the stage for political and social upheaval. It's like a chess game where every move creates a new dynamic, impacting future strategies and alliances."
    Marvel: The Timeless Alchemist
    Phim ảnh · Jeezu