

2020-05-13 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    Great chapter, loved the POV of a movie critic. Can’t wait to see the general audience reaction!

    Ch 39 Ch-38
    Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)
    Phim ảnh · FableWeaver
  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    Ah first kiss mishaps. Such a fact of life. Great chapter!

    Ch 38 Ch-37
    Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)
    Phim ảnh · FableWeaver
  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    Great chapter, love to see Troy grapple with the realities here. He did steal his big break. However, he isn’t one of those protags with a system, some magic gift giving him abilities he didn’t earn. He’s a real actor that works at it. He has earned his part. I would like to see Troy having a life outside of his movies. Ever since his friendship back in the US ended, it has been constant acting work. He is starting to feel a bit like a robot. He needs a social life! Loved it, can’t wait for more!

    Ch 37 Ch-36
    Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)
    Phim ảnh · FableWeaver
  • JustAnotherFan217
    trả lời MIR_Devalanci

    I’ve read it, and it most certainly didn’t change my mind there. Systems are the lowest form of fanfiction.

    Ch 4 Audition II
    Tycoon Actor in Hollywood
    Phim ảnh · NewComer714
  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    If you are gonna write a story in English, you gotta do the rhymes in English. It is impossible to take seriously when they are obviously not rhyming at all. Just steel lyrics from English songs.

    Ch 2 Rhyme Battle
    The hip hop legend - ACE
    Người nổi tiếng · Hash1rama
  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    Ah, a translation. Nevermind then.

    Ch 3 Chapter 3: The Tarasov Family
    Writer in American Tv Series & Movies
    Phim ảnh · Hanish_Ram
  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    Leave out the system. It is totally unnecessary, and just ruins the more down to earth, believable part of the story. It’s more interesting with just a smart dude with knowledge of the future.

    Ch 2 Chapter 2: John
    Writer in American Tv Series & Movies
    Phim ảnh · Hanish_Ram
  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    Nice chapter! I like the idea of getting back to the brighter, more hopeful Superman. I do hope he uses the Dark Knight as one of the Batman movies though. Still the greatest Batman movie (possibly the greatest superhero movie) of all time. Can’t wait for more updates!

    Ch 64 Building a Universe
    Redoing My Life (Modern Family)
    Ti vi · Illusiveone
  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    Great chapter, can’t wait for the DCU!

    Ch 63 The Test
    Redoing My Life (Modern Family)
    Ti vi · Illusiveone
  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    Nice chapter, liked the interaction with Bruce at the end there. PS: Fallout 2 is an awesome game, what I wouldn’t give to be able to play it again for the first time. Might be the best part of his situation, all the games he can rediscover. Maybe he gets a part in the Fallout series in the future!

    Ch 25 Ch-24
    Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)
    Phim ảnh · FableWeaver
  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    Kind of killing the vibe by screwing Rowling out of the money she makes. Regardless of popular opinion of her these days, there would be no Harry Potter without her. Not to mention that Kloves and his obsession with Hermione was probably the worst part of the movie adaptations by taking away every good thing Ron (and every smart thing Harry) ever did and giving it to Hermione. He is half the reason Ron bashing is so prevalent, by turning him from the loyal but insecure best friend into a moron that adds nothing to the series. As long as Kloves doesn’t ruin the characters like he did originally, it should be fine though.

    Ch 4 Ch-3
    Dreams of Stardom (Hollywood SI)
    Phim ảnh · FableWeaver
  • JustAnotherFan217
     công bố

    Stolen work. Copied from “I still haven’t found what I am looking for” by kathryn518. It is literally the third most popular Harry Potter crossover on all of ff.net. It is over 300,000 words though ultimately abandoned and unfinished.

    Lost and Longing
    Phim ảnh · Fictiontopia
  • JustAnotherFan217
     công bố

    Yeah this is a copied and plagiarized work. The original is called Harry Potter and the Daft Morons by synik over on ff.net. It’s over 700,000 words and while technically unfinished, pretty much all the antagonists were dealt with by the time it was abandoned.

    Harry Potter: The Witty Wizard
    Phim ảnh · Miguelho
  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    Nice chapter, entertaining to see the wackos come out and give their theories! Though I hope he still writes the Heroes of Olympus sequel series. I honestly thought it was better all around than the original series, and I loved the original five books. Maybe he can wait a while, then announce he is writing those to capitalize on nostalgia.

    Ch 59 Fan Theory
    Redoing My Life (Modern Family)
    Ti vi · Illusiveone
  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    I have to admit that I am disappointed that he hasn’t tried to teach Duy any of the Rokushiki. As a taijutsu master he would most likely be able to learn them quickly, and would offer him a massive advantage in the coming war. Just seems selfish to use him for training but still hold back on something like that. With Haki and the Pika-Pika, it’s not like he would be giving up his only advantage either.

    Ch 48 Chapter 48 - Fourth Year 11.
    Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI
    Tranh châm biếm · RaccoonLeague
  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    This was a very amusing chapter. Thanks for the update!

    Ch 58 The Cameo
    Redoing My Life (Modern Family)
    Ti vi · Illusiveone
  • JustAnotherFan217
     công bố

    Low overall quality that doesn’t make sense in context of the overall universe. Not only does Han Solo awaken with Force abilities, but he can apparently perform Grandmaster level feats without any training whatsoever. Stopping blaster bolts and hiding their presence from Darth Vader are just two examples of what he does without having even one lesson in Force use. Add in the fact that the main character is constantly giving his ass-backwards philosophies in big monologues that, and there is very little here to actually enjoy. This had some real potential, but it was squandered entirely by giving Han force abilities.

    Back to the Falcon: A Star Wars Second Chance
    Phim ảnh · ForgivableSinner
  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    Stopping blaster bolts is supposed to be master level stuff. Like Yoda could do it, but Obi-Wan couldn’t. So Han doing it with zero training doesn’t make a lick of sense.

    Blaster fire erupted from the platoon of stormtroopers charging toward the Falcon. Han flung up a hand, focusing his will like squeezing an invisible throat. The leading trooper clutched at his neck, levitating a foot off the ground. His comrades hesitated in confusion.
    Back to the Falcon: A Star Wars Second Chance
    Phim ảnh · ForgivableSinner
  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    Gasp! Another cliffhanger! WHO would have thought?

    Ch 128 Ch 59 Find The Mole... Part 2
    The Warg Lord (SI)(GOT)(ASOIAF)
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · LazyWizard
  • JustAnotherFan217
    bình luận

    You got a real cliffhanger problem, you know that? After the like fourth one they start losing their effect. I’m not eagerly awaiting the next chapter to find out what happens anymore, I’m rolling my eyes in frustrating, wondering why I even bother reading every new chapter when I know nothing of importance will happen. Like this one, an entire chapter wasted on empty set up, and you end it before we get to the real events.

    Ch 127 Ch 59 Find The Mole... Part 1
    The Warg Lord (SI)(GOT)(ASOIAF)
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · LazyWizard