I like cute wholesome family bonding novel, fantasy, action, adventure, reincarnation, cultivation, smut, and romance novels too.
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Played like her. Sophia is a girl
It would have been better if they had all of their own respective yin/yang color meridians; rean white, roan black with the exception of the 104th like it was an actual yin yang symbol.
Idk authors list level ups like this instead of a total increase. It’s really annoying to hear The same thing repetitively. Listening to it is frustrating. I know it’s too late to change sInce this is 400sum chaps in and aint no one got time for that. but in the future mIght wanna TTS it to know how it Sounds.
Second sentence, i dont quite, (Forgot the e)
This is a short, Entertaining novel that i can confidentally say that it is Worth a read. The characters connections are very warming and the story emPhasises on that rather than the negative things. HowEver I dont find it that the characters are too well written appearance wise. MaYbe it was mentioned it before but all i can Recall is that the ML had Abs and iS 20yr older than the FL. Like i dont Exactly RememBer their eye colors, hair colors Or tYpes, if he had a beaRd Or body hair. she had or May notve had muCh body hair in once scene after a waxing, But i dont recall much discussion on that. I dont remember skin colors either… but honestly not knowing/remembering a lot of those might be the reason why it is so good. When things are so descriptive it can bring out a lot of imaginatioN however it may not Be what youre into, But when being vague it can leave a lot up to the imaginatioN to fill in thE gaps.
This has been a revenge novel since page one. This just fans the flames!
Wow i might need To Reevaluate my new character suggestiOn. Lol thats crazy i didnt expect it to be like that but it is. nice.
Maybe “Cassandra” is a trailer park girl who her mom relies kn for money so in a classy white trash kinda manner. She is doing everything to escape Her mothers way of life and hates how she might resemble her in some small way. she thinks of herself streetsmart for having to take care of herself since her mother wouDnt. she has kinda fading redhead hair. Birth mark on her inNer thigh in the crotch area with no specific shape but the more the mc thinks it Resembles a heart the more This brave domineering woman becOmEs the shy girl she actually is. later on her mom can be the reason “paPa deatesT” finds out about whats goiNg on. but doesnt have to be soon.
What are all the visiblr charactaristics Of all the characters
Cassandra, Cassy for short, her mom calls her Sandra and so she gets irritated by hearing the name. Write nire after WOrk