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2020-04-26 đã tham giaAlgeria

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  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời Rigchel

    U Help me so much! THANK YOU!

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời dan12036

    They Don't, Instead their stronger due to the power of Imagination, as for Kara, it's because Wally told her she should have heat vision, and since this dimension runs on Imagination, She willed herself to do it

    "Well, No more Planning, Let's see how strong these Kryptonians are" 
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời Graup5496

    Only in Physical sense, also, there are limits, that will be discussed later

    Ch 91 Phantom Zone
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời Iron_Man_3000

    What Plot hole?

    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời Gilgamesh9669

    I*** i have no knowledge of it 😅

    Raiden closed his eyes, to sense the energy once more, and be sure of it, when he realized that he wasn't wrong, he spoke "I've sensed a similar energy to the one surrounding this space, It's…..It's the Phantom Zone"
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời YunCheXaioChe

    I wanted too. and YJ story most likely went that route but u just have no knowledge of it + if its'spossible for Raiden to enter it. So PHANTOM ZONE 🔥🔥

    Raiden closed his eyes, to sense the energy once more, and be sure of it, when he realized that he wasn't wrong, he spoke "I've sensed a similar energy to the one surrounding this space, It's…..It's the Phantom Zone"
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời DarthCerdac

    Assassin, forgot to mention

    Li Shuwen Level 6 [Gained The Skill: Sphere Boundary (Extreme); is a Skill where one uses their own Qi to feel their surroundings or to erase their own presence. Reaching mastery in this skill allows one to become one with nature, even giving one the ability to become completely invisible]
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời Gilgamesh9669


    The Nine Lives, Heracles's favorite attack, whether he is summoned as a Berserker, Archer, Saber, Rider, or Caster, it didn't matter, as this attack changes form In each class to suit him, in this form, it's in the form of Nine Arrows, Each one, Stronger and Faster than the other
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời iwanttrucktoisekai

    literally this , but Only twelve times

    The effects of his third Noble phantasm, God Hand, Revived Raiden, not only that, when he released his onslaught of attacks, superman tried to blast him away with his laser beam, but his body didn't even flinch, as it was now ineffective, God Hand granted Raiden immunity to anything that has killed him before, and God hand granted him twelve lives
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    bình luận

    Archer Heracles

    ("Archer Class Servant Heracles, A new feeling, interesting, it would seem you require my help master, Shall we?") Spoke the new servant, Archer Class Heracles, a top-notch servant, with both fame and power, the most famous hero in Greek mythos, The Strongest Human in history, a man who ascended to the rank of gods by hard work 
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời BiazarKaiser

    He isn't Actual Death, but he can inflict it upon others regardless of what they are. and he was worried about how Raiden kills without knowing the true meaning of Death

    "My name is King Hassan-i Sabbah, the one who judges the sinners. And now, thou hast become one with Death."
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời BattleKing10000

    Stuck in the Justice League Trial + Banned from returning to earth, due to the Green Lantern and The Reach agreement

    Ch 85 The Summit (2/?)
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời LtKaiser

    I actually considered removing it, but it was just so cool, my Initial Idea was By my Black Ring, but it didn't sound right, so just kept it

    Ch 85 The Summit (2/?)
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời AzhelianTheEternal

    Well, not exactly, he could do that, but the real effect is a Reality marble with all his temples and pyramids, the game downgraded the real effect of his Noble Phantasm

    Ramesseum Tentyris!!"
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời Luis_Luiz


    Ch 82 A King's Path?
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời Luis_Luiz

    It's not about what he did, it's about how he did, and who he is, Heroes from the Justice League are trustworthy, and try to keep a public image, and they often work with the government, Raiden doesn't, he even declared that proudly when he beat Despero, so the government, sees him as a threat to the world, and not a real hero, at least until what happened with the WarWorld

    Ch 82 A King's Path?
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời kayzerbelenuz

    A maioria dos panthones não serão introduzidos na história, falando francamente, eles apenas estenderão a duração da história e não contribuirão muito, mas veremos

    Ch 82 A King's Path?
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời BooksForLifeBeyond

    tbf he does not know Merlin like we do

    Ch 82 A King's Path?
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời DarthCerdac

    I think it's a glitch within Webnovel itself, when i go fix them in Inkstone, i find them separated, which means it's Webnovel's mistake

    Ch 81 The Deal Breaks
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669
  • Gilgamesh9669
    trả lời 1st_crazy_king

    My Bad G

    Looking at the free Trigon, Raiden in his new form smiled, he's figure was different, he was about two and half meters tall, a giant amongst man, downing only pants, that reached beyond hid knees, as for the top, it was completely uncovered, his muscles bulging all the way, showing the true physique of a Demi-god, around his back and neck, he was covered with a Lion's hide, Orion's first ever hunt, as for his weapon, there was a strap shining in bright blue light all around his uncovered top, the strap held the bow, as his hands were holding a massive club, Orion's favorite weapon, as for his face, well surprisingly, Orion had a very cute and round face, it's actually not supposed to be that cute, but due to the interference of a certain goddess in his saint graph, Orion's face was incredibly cute, almost that of a child
    Fate/DC Universe
    Tranh châm biếm · Gilgamesh9669