

2020-04-14 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Zero616
    Zero6165 days ago
    trả lời Goduran

    1. Yes, it's from danmachi and the world will quickly fall short if it keeps advancing like this, that's why I suggested that it could go to the multiverse, it doesn't even have to be in this story, it could be a continuation or a deviation/alternative universe. 2. I never said that it has to be murata or be a writing god, I just took as an example an author who knew how to take an invincible character without making it boring or nerfing it or making another great evil appear to defeat like in dragon ball, in this case it's easier because it's not invincible, but it's getting there, that's where the interactions come in, how the others react, how the personalities clash, I never said that you should make chapters where the mc is not, I just want to see him coexist with canon characters, either being friends with them or sending them to hell, because if you don't convince them what's the point of the fanfic, then make an original story. 3. As you said, this is a FANFICTION, so there's no need to be so defensive.

  • Zero616
    Zero6167 days ago
    bình luận

    Finally someone has some common sense, Lily is one of the worst characters, god, I honestly don't want a nerf, when you make an op character the interactions between characters are the most important, an example of this is Saitama, I like the story, I think he could become multiversal, it could be interesting, that at a certain level he develops an ability that allows him to travel, with his other abilities it would be incredible, the Soma family seems boring to me but I hope to see how he improves it.

  • Zero616
    Zero6168 days ago
    bình luận

    Too many chapters to tell us what has already been said, I'm not saying that he should have his powers and destroy everything from minute one, but you're being too redundant, we'll understand, he's weak, he has no idea about anything and he's in a bad situation, but repeating it over and over makes it boring.

  • Zero616
    Zero61620 days ago
    bình luận

    When I started reading it I found it very interesting, finally someone uses these abilities in HP, and the twist of being Snape seemed interesting to me, all that fell apart when Hermione appeared, why do they insist on doing that, honestly this takes away my desire to continue reading, it's obvious what's going to happen, it's going to be her partner or one of them and it practically won't contribute anything, and it's also weird.

  • Zero616
    Zero61624 days ago
    trả lời king_frosh

    I understand, but I don't see the problem, he could fall into a coma for 10 years and it would still be worth it, also the moment the tattoo is finished the adaptation process would begin, therefore it adapts to the wear and tear of using its ability, in the end it will depend on what you want to do, I only give a logical way to break the power and lay the foundations, only with the power of Mahoraga, if used well you can gain other powers, do you want telepathy? train your mind and adapt until you get it or you will encounter a telepath and have him use it on you, mahoraga not only becomes immune to what he adapts to, he can counteract it, like when he was able to cross infinity, as I already said it is just an opinion, in the end you are the one who decides what to do with your story

  • Zero616
    Zero616a month ago
    trả lời Zero616

    My idea was based on what I read on the wiki, it said that it can grant powers, as long as it creates what it wants, besides having done it to many people, I don't remember the exact number, on the other hand it also says that it could grant powers up to level fenix, mahoraga is strong but not fenix level, up to that point I don't see any restrictions, unless you impose them on him

  • Zero616
    Zero616a month ago
    bình luận

    I didn't know this character, he has an interesting power and above all easy to break, he only tattoos the Mahoraga wheel and he could adapt, I hope he does something this intelligent

  • Zero616
    Zero616a month ago
    trả lời Binge_Reader69

    It is true, she is an empty character who only shines because of his attractive design, I can say the same about many mha characters, but that does not take away his potential to do better in a fanfiction, I am a fan of the powers of illusions and his makes me It seemed interesting, that's why fanfic is fun, the "what ifs" of different stories are reflected

  • Zero616
    Zero616a month ago
    bình luận

    I like the story, it seems interesting, you have probably already decided to pair him with Mina, I just want to advise you something, don't do it, she along with many girls are very burned out (it wasn't intentional haha), why not use another character, one that I always wanted is developed is camie, she has a very interesting quirk (the mc could give her many ideas) and her personality gives you freedom when writing it because little is known about it, on the other hand mine could be the childhood friend in love and not reciprocated, no love always triumphs, you would add a little more complexity to the story and interactions. I hope I don't bother you with my comment, your story has potential, good luck

  • Zero616
    Zero616a month ago
    bình luận

    It doesn't bother me that Mgirl is a couple, I like her, knowing her story she deserves some love, screw it robot, if you're going to add Eve, it will depend on how you manage the interactions, on the other hand, let it be just the two of them, if he's going to travel the multiverse, he'll probably find other partners, that's why it's better to keep him small from the beginning, please don't add Amber, keep him with interesting original characters, I like how the story goes, try not to always hide his abilities, in many fics the mc hides "trump cards" that he never uses, it becomes boring, I know that until now he has not hidden it as such but I think you can understand what I mean, also try not to give him too many abilities, always ends up wrong, use what you have and make the most of it