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great chapter .I hope you are feeling better Eve!
yes I know if you are keeping track then you would know that the first one released was for Thursday. I already said he is behind. I only mentioned the chapters he was recently late for not the chapters that should have come out 4 days ago
one chapter. and it was the last chapter for Friday
no chapters put out yesterday... the chapter that was put out was from the day before.. now over 6 chapters are due. I'm not going to even count the missing chapters from last week. every month for the past 6 months jks has always fallen behind on chapters. he is taking advantage of the privilege tier. all I'm asking for is what I paid for. if jks can not keep up then he should not have made the last privilege tier available
still behind on chapters.. not worth the money for the last privilege tier
still behind on chapters.. your release chapters do not match up with what the privilege chapters are supposed to be released... if you can't produce the chapters for the final privilege tier it should not be available. it causes your readers to be upset. there is no excuses... life happens to everyone... that is no excuses to not produce the work that customers paid for. I know someone will post that jks has been busy, but if he has been so busy then he should not have put the final privilege available for purchase
you have too much going on with writing... you make readers mad about the release rate. the release rate never meets the quota set for the week. you make promises and don't keep them because you focus on other aspects of your work. honestly your writing has suffered greatly because of that. focus on one thing at a time. this is an example of ok writing that could be something more. you should give your work that it deserves
false promises... chapters are always late... he always releases less chapters than what is owed .says 17 chapters a week . that number is closer to 12 .I would just like to get what I paid for .your premium prices are too much for the effort you put in
no. I don't wait for false promises
the 2 from yesterday were late chapters owed from the day before