


i changed my name.

2020-02-25 đã tham giaIndia

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  • SanTS
    trả lời Choka

    you have the same problem with your other novel too. like when Mc was talking with his slave, other high cultivation people talking with each other or weaker person. when any one of them talks like that it's very much unbecoming of them. It reduces their status /dignity and seriousness of any kind of situation.

    Ch 17 A Wolf in a Sheep's Skin
    Reincarnation of the Strongest Demon Emperor
    Kỳ huyễn · Choka
  • SanTS
    bình luận

    You should stop using words like "wanna" and "cause" every other time. its very irritating and informal, I can't take any character seriously because of it.

    Ch 17 A Wolf in a Sheep's Skin
    Reincarnation of the Strongest Demon Emperor
    Kỳ huyễn · Choka
  • SanTS
    bình luận

    what a surprise, I had no idea.

    Meanwhile, the person wearing the mask removed his mask and hood, and the person turned out to be Yang Zhai.
    A Man's Insanity:A Changing World
    Kỳ huyễn · BLACK_AMULET
  • SanTS
    bình luận

    thank god it's not Zhai Yang.

    "I am Jaen Fen." Yang Zhai did not tell them his real name. 
    A Man's Insanity:A Changing World
    Kỳ huyễn · BLACK_AMULET
  • SanTS
    bình luận

    ahhh....The cringe

    "Even if it does not work, and even if the world laughs at you, I will always be here by your side. Do you understand?"
    Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel
    Kỳ huyễn · Dere_Isaac
  • SanTS
    trả lời Choka

    Yes he has free will, but as you said he's mcs slave. And there's nothing to force here, Mc will only be letting a slave know his place. If a slave will disobey Mc on a simple order like "don't ask questions, only do your work" then the slave contract is basically useless. Not just Robert, let's say Mc gets subordinates/slaves in future, will he go around explaing his every plans to them? why should he? their only job is to obey and mcs job is make them do that.

    Mike realized that Robert is crucial for him to get stronger now and simply chose to tell him the reason since no one can control Robert except him anyway so it's totally safe to do so.
    The way of the villain
    Kỳ huyễn · Choka
  • SanTS
    bình luận

    This Robert is mcs slav.e not his ally nor someone of equal status. Slav.es are to obey their masters only, not question them. MC should not be required to explain anything to his sla.ve. Disappointed.

    Mike realized that Robert is crucial for him to get stronger now and simply chose to tell him the reason since no one can control Robert except him anyway so it's totally safe to do so.
    The way of the villain
    Kỳ huyễn · Choka
  • SanTS
    bình luận


    Mike realized that Robert is crucial for him to get stronger now and simply chose to tell him the reason since no one can control Robert except him anyway so it's totally safe to do so.
    The way of the villain
    Kỳ huyễn · Choka
  • SanTS
    bình luận

    yeah genius, that's why you got betrayed by your "lover". Basic 3y old level mistake.

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    Reincarnation of the Strongest Demon Emperor
    Kỳ huyễn · Choka
  • SanTS
    bình luận

    so, use all the money to buy formation flags? or use 30% to buy formation base?

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    Tainted will
    Huyền huyễn · EvilGrandpa
  • SanTS
    trả lời SanTS


    "I come from a large town where these are common. This should be enough right?"
    Seeking Immortality in the Wizard World
    Khoa huyễn · Radiant2
  • SanTS
    bình luận

    sigh what idiocy. a peasant is a peasant, no matter if he's from a large town or small village, there should be differences but not this big. MC while looking like a normal weak peasant have so much gold, if this behavior doesn't scream "I want to cause unnecessary trouble for myself" I don't know what is.

    "I come from a large town where these are common. This should be enough right?"
    Seeking Immortality in the Wizard World
    Khoa huyễn · Radiant2
  • SanTS
    trả lời Radiant2

    reread the 3rd chap, you did say Mcs father wasn't a mage, however you also mentioned his father to be stronger, so i would assume even if hes not comparable to peak apprentices, he would be quite strong. Not to mention being a noble, having capabilities to awaken apprentices and possessing a spell, His family is not totally ignorant of mages. So mcs country bumpkin like act, where he knows pretty much nothing about mages is quite illogical. its not like this a average magic novel where mc reincarnate in some playboy nobles, so they dont know anything about magic world.

    Ch 5 Beast
    Seeking Immortality in the Wizard World
    Khoa huyễn · Radiant2
  • SanTS
    bình luận

    Mc is part of a magus noble family, even if there is no official mage, there are possibly mid to peak apprentice mages but him acting like a complete country bumkin with no knowledge about mages is ridiculous. At the very least have some knowledge about the academy he's going, like the 'going to the academy in one month' part. like bruh. it would've been fine if he's just a mortal noble, but no he's from a magus family. The way Mc is acting is really unrealistic and ridiculous. The fact he's just simply thrown in the magus world, while being part of a magus family with no extra preparation or knowledge is just unreasonable. it just feels like Mc is a lucky commoner, not a member of magus noble family.

    Ch 5 Beast
    Seeking Immortality in the Wizard World
    Khoa huyễn · Radiant2
  • SanTS
    trả lời Radiant2

    you could use it as a character Dev, and say make Mc say he made mistake in next chapters. But it does feel kinda useless, since he already got betrayed once and had plenty of time in the void to become the best version of himself, not to mention as a noble in a magic world he should've been educated.

    "Ray, nice to meet you."
    Seeking Immortality in the Wizard World
    Khoa huyễn · Radiant2
  • SanTS
    bình luận

    not much of a cautious Mc, huh

    "Ray, nice to meet you."
    Seeking Immortality in the Wizard World
    Khoa huyễn · Radiant2
  • SanTS
    bình luận

    what? if you are not in earth how you will call police?

    "By the way, have you called the police?" a youth asked Liu Wen.
    The Giant Who Travels Through the Martial Arts World
    Kỳ huyễn · Aions
  • SanTS
    bình luận

    Anyone would be blind to treat a 2.7 meter muscular giant like that, guess Chinese characters have that perk naturally.

    There were several gangsters who noticed the figure of Li Feng, but didn't take him seriously and turned around and shouted: "Don't meddle in others' business! Get lost!"
    The Giant Who Travels Through the Martial Arts World
    Kỳ huyễn · Aions
  • SanTS
    bình luận
    "Y-yes master..." Nu Li said dazedly as he thought back to the sound of his master's voice. It was so pleasant and lovely to listen to. He spoke as if he was absent-minded and occupied with starting into Qing Fang's eyes almost lovingly...
    Blood Immortal
    Huyền huyễn · PSYcho_72
  • SanTS
    bình luận
    Now an existence similar to a cultivation beast with a strong bloodline as well as bloodline powers, Qing Fang came to relish purity. And seeing Nu Li's Fire Dragon bloodline stained with the weakness of a human bloodline, the smell itself made Qing Fang itch.
    Blood Immortal
    Huyền huyễn · PSYcho_72