Normal neet
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got to say the intro chapters are painful and aren't good at all in my opinion. read to chapter 17 which is where i dropped it. the mc doesnt come off as smart which the story wants you to belive he is which is only supported by random info dumps the mc provides. but at the same time he knows nothing at all about the world he lives in which i would expect a normal 13 year old to know let alone someone who has been reincarnated and is suposedly super smart now since they had a second hyper learning period. top that off with basic logic/world building mistakes like thinking muscle memory carries over between reincarnations and deciding to make healing potions some scented candle because the author thinks it would apply faster then drinking (and comparing the effectiveness to nano bots which is a disgrace to nano bots and technology) it and leaves less impurities that way. not like cigarettes and vape build up residue in the lungs so why wouldn't this potion do the same. (we all know it is just to be different and not follow tropes but it is justified so poorly)first time i have been put off by a story so much before the paid chapters start. no idea how this only has like 4 reviews that arent 4-5 stars especially with people complaining in paragraph comments.
gastronomic: The art or science of good eating
Torturing you.
is the would supposed to be there?
an alternate theory could be it is the ruling class against you and not the vast majority of people since they control the news so they can show a fake popular opinion instead of the truth
somewhat decent fap material but it gets too crazy too fast to the point where you dont just need suspention of disbelief but an entire suspention bridge to think that the plot development is reasonable. dropped at chp 32 since mc was acting like a sadomasochist and was inflicting pain opon his partner which is his mom(yay incest /s) and was enjoying her scream in pain. would avoid/10.
you would be suprised i have seen a 1.4 mb java rat being spread through discord invites disguised as a universal cheat anf i know at least one person fell for it because it was an actual diacord account spreading it in our server only had 3 detctions in vt upped to like 15 when he obfuscated it because it was easily put in java decompiler and you could see everything including the c&c server ip and what it was doing
also the only way to get a virus from not downloading it is usbs/open ports with vulnerable software running
not always since you can make a virus in python/java/lua or some other language that has multi platform support although that requires it to be present on the machine