


Quit snooping around here. Who opens others profiles? STALKER!

2020-02-20 đã tham giaUnited States

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  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận
    🚨Insert Hell GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận
    🚨Insert Hell GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận
    🚨Insert NPC GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận
    🚨Insert NPC GIFs/PICs here - Most likes wins🚨(A/N: only TWO entries per person!)
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận

    Force heal?

    As Yelena clutched her severed finger, Peter knelt down to check over her injuries, his eyes quickly focusing on the gunshot wound on her leg, which seemed to be the worst of it all. The blood was seeping through her clothes, and he knew he needed to stop the bleeding until they could get her proper medical treatment on his ship.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận

    Honestly I was always kinda surprised she moved on considering how hard it seemed they fell for eachother

    Not many knew, but after losing the man she loved in World War II, Peggy had never found love again, refusing to settle for anyone but him. So, without the personal drama of romance in her own life, she had turned to romance novels, finding solace and excitement in their pages.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận

    Be funny if he pulled a Vader and started choking him through the hologram

    "That might be hard," the High Evolutionary's voice boomed, echoing ominously around them. "Seeing as I've confiscated your ship…" The hologram shifted, revealing a distant desert landscape where their ship was clearly being towed away by more droids.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận


    Perhaps his actions back then had altered the course of events, sparing the galaxy from a dark fate—or, he acknowledged, it could have also made things worse; he'd just have to wait and find out…
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    trả lời Bagoury

    Considering the timelines changed she probably doesn’t mind force once in awhile also they aren’t civilized people but brutal raiders

    Padmé's expression darkened for a moment as she recalled the brutal scenes she had witnessed in the palace only a few days before her coronation. "Do as you see fit," she said quietly, knowing full well she just ordered their deaths.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận

    Become a council member first get access to crazy stuff

    Moreover, he believes that attaining this rank will enhance his command of the Force, as it would grant him broader access to the Jedi Archives for deeper study. This is why he prefers to request leave rather than resign outright, though he is prepared to quit earlier than intended if his request is denied.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận

    Welp rip

    [Insert picture of Captain Marvel here]
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận

    Basic af wish he stayed in a Org be more fun

    Encouraged by their silence, Peter continued, "I'll let you know now, that although I'm leaving soon, I plan on coming back. I'll be leaving the Jedi. And when I do, I want to start something new—a crew of friends and allies. We'll explore the galaxy, help people, take on missions, collect bounties, maybe even commit some crime—whatever feels right." His voice grew more animated as he spoke, outlining a vision of freedom and adventure.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận

    They don’t know anything but those false cords

    With everyone settled, Peter cleared his throat. "I'll need to head back to the Jedi soon. They'll come looking if I stay away too long, and we can't have them poking around Knowhere."
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận

    Use more Deadpool quotes lol

    Peter's voice was cool, almost casual as he spoke. "So, Jabba, do you want to surrender, or would you rather take a deep breath through your f*cking forehead?"
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận

    I do hope he didn’t just wear a mask but put on new clothes and all

    Until suddenly, the room's opulent doors swung open violently, propelled by a telekinetic shove. His soldiers, who had been ordered to ambush Peter's crew outside, were now being hurled through the air, smashing into the walls with sickening cracks.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận

    Careful while hutts are fat they are one of the strongest races they didnt become rulers doing nothing

    He paused for effect, enjoying the tension. "You can either become a very explosive Hutt firework, or come quietly and be part of my new collection. Maybe being on display in a glass box will give you some perspective." Peter revealed his plan, a mischievous grin spreading beneath his mask.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận

    Mask mid and the Alias is to until he gets some feats under his belt but the star lord mask ain’t it

    Peter, donned in his Star-Lord mask, squared off against the holographic image of Jabba the Hutt. Any pretense of civility quickly faded as Jabba reclined before him, encircled by his anxious minions. Despite his vanished smugness, his denial of the dire situation was evident. For some inexplicable reason, he seemed convinced that Peter wouldn't dare kill him.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    trả lời JonRedSea

    He isn’t the only Hutt lol plus it said it’s his kid

    Meanwhile, not too far from Knowhere and unbeknownst to Peter, danger was brewing in the vastness of Hutt space. Jabba the Hutt, a name that inspired fear and respect across the galaxy, sat in his opulent throne room surrounded by his minions and henchmen.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    bình luận

    Now imagine if he had another of similar quality but with different properties

    It was now a vibrant, crackling energy blade, pulsing with power that filled the room with a howling sound, reminiscent of a Krayt dragon's roar. The blade seemed almost alive, its power visibly greater, and the howl it emitted was both thrilling and slightly terrifying.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord
  • Worn_out_by
    trả lời Jazpex

    SWTOR is peak Star Wars for me game wise

    When the blade ignited, the energy that emerged was still black, consistent with his original Kyber Crystal. However, with the addition of the pearl, it now radiated a striking yellow glow, enhancing its appearance and intensity.
    I’m Star-Lord (SW Xover)
    Phim ảnh · AlienWarlord