

2020-02-19 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • GodOfDeath1999
    GodOfDeath199910 hours ago
    trả lời SleazyPen

    There's also the fact that there are fated one out there and he has a real possibility of losing to them even if he would normally beat other opponents because of plot . Sooner or later he would have battled them and even if they didn't kill each other others around them would die in mass. Odds are Lumis would flee in one of those encounters.

  • GodOfDeath1999
    GodOfDeath199911 hours ago
    trả lời SleazyPen

    Pretty much this any normal guy in Lumis postion wouldn't be able to climb up as easily it would take centuries to recover a fraction of the power Lumis once had but he could totally climb back up or create an even stronger power base. And even that's only possible because Deva's have a ridiculously long lifespan.

  • GodOfDeath1999
    GodOfDeath199911 hours ago
    trả lời

    Honestly Astrid seems like the type to not like more than a few women Lumis may have had as wives she seems like someone who would like Beatrice and Rosemarie though.

  • GodOfDeath1999
    GodOfDeath199911 hours ago
    trả lời SleazyPen

    The mc taking out the old man was definitely a solid move the prince is highly inexperienced in political, and social settings and the old man was the only one who could handle all that to him. In addition despite generally being a power house himself Lumis doesn't exactly seem to have much experience ar the moment he's currently just a spoiled brat who was in a position of power. At least according to my knowledge at the moment Lumis didn't manage to create a power base before he left his homeland and he didn't get to create one because the princess didn't choose him. In addition despite having some high ranking individuals with him it wasn't much. And he had no allies since the devas don't want him back because he's a disgrace and the only outside source of help he could get is his sister and she seems to hate him for some reason. Granted Lumis is still a fated one so long as his luck doesn't reach zero and he's alive he'll basically gain opportunites that swing things in his favor and allow him to climb up again. With no country, famjly, or allies he will have to rebuild his power base from scratch or at least try to find a way to ally with his sister or get his home country to exempt him from his failure and avoid execution. That being said with Vritra hot on his tail and no money I would imagine he's struggling at the moment. If Lumis was willing to at least drop his whole virtuous act he could maybe enjoy some company at night with his protaognist aura and looks.

  • GodOfDeath1999
    GodOfDeath199911 hours ago
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    Ugh I sincerely hope that in any world in the multiverse none the girls never end up with Lumis. Honestly the more I hear about the guy the more frustrating he becomes. Regardless in this would be world I don't really see a relationship working out beteeen Aria and Lumis because eventually he would probably run into a foe where his backups couldn't save him and he would show her his true colors. Although he would probably come back and own said guy later on because plot armor is a thing.

  • GodOfDeath1999
    GodOfDeath199914 hours ago
    trả lời SleazyPen

    So basically he beds the princess likely doesn't satisfy her he gets a power up and gets absolutely owned by one of the first foes he meets? And he either cries about not wanting to die or refuses to give up and run trying to fight until the end not running away like a smart person and Astrid acknowledges him? Let me guess she either lets him go or joins his harem later on?

  • GodOfDeath1999
    GodOfDeath199916 hours ago
    trả lời SleazyPen

    Hmm still confused but I'll take your word for it. If things had played out like they were meant to sooner or later Lumis would have come into conflict with her how would that have played out?

  • GodOfDeath1999
    GodOfDeath199916 hours ago
    trả lời SleazyPen

    So there's something I don't quite that I forgot to ask earlier according to Astrid's beliefs those who died don't deserve honor. Meaning if she were to die she herself would have lived a life with little to no value so why become a solider in the first place if by her own definition any defeat would have mean she was worthless in the end?

  • GodOfDeath1999
    GodOfDeath199917 hours ago
    trả lời GodOfDeath1999

    Hmm are yoy saying she would refuse to admit defeat in bed and keep challenging him until she wins?

  • GodOfDeath1999
    GodOfDeath199918 hours ago
    trả lời SleazyPen

    Hmm what exactly are you suggesting here? Are you saying she would blow herself up or refuse to admit defeat?