

2020-01-23 đã tham giaItaly

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  • AlexanderSesley
     công bố

    Oh, my dear friends, let me regale you with the most amusing of reviews for my latest literary endeavor. As I am sure you are well aware, I am a master wordsmith and my stories never fail to capture the imagination. Thus, I must say, this latest work of mine, which I have lovingly crafted, is nothing short of a masterpiece. If I do say so myself, and I do, it is a literary tour de force, a work of such brilliance that it would be a crime to give it anything less than a full five stars. I assure you, dear readers, that I have outdone myself this time. The characters are charming, the plot is riveting, and the twists and turns will leave you breathless. And let us not forget the humor, oh, the humor! You will find yourself laughing out loud at the sheer wit and cleverness of my prose. Indeed, I have crafted a tale that will have you rolling on the floor, clutching your sides in mirth. So why hesitate, my dear friends? Pick up a copy of my latest opus and bask in the brilliance of my imagination. I guarantee that you will not be disappointed, for how could you be, when the master of storytelling himself has given it his own seal of approval? Five stars, dear readers, five stars!

    The Transcendent Hero: Chronicles of the Void War
    Kỳ huyễn · AlexanderSesley
  • AlexanderSesley
    trả lời Metalloid

    Spiffing brith is that you?

    Why was he ten levels ahead of me? I am glad you asked my little ravioli, you see… in this game, stats… don't exactly work as in other games, allow me to elaborate, EXP and STATS work together and at the same time very separately, at least on this game, for one you have the EXP bar and SKILL POINT bar, both bars get filled by killing monsters, completing quest and such, now… you might still be asking, but why is my level lower than Momonga, well… I am getting there my sweet linguini. You see, the higher your level is, the harder it becomes to get SKILL POINTS. In short terms, it's easier to farm skill points if you don't use them.
    Tranh châm biếm · CORNBRINGER