

2020-01-04 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • AntNumber4825
    bình luận

    Hey author. I know there is a harem tag on this novel, but from how things are going so far I really don’t think it makes sense for Karl to have multiple love interests. Right now his connection with Dana is far and above anything he has with the others. And with what has been shown of his personality he doesn’t seem to be the type that would go after multiple women. This chapter seems to be the beginning of him forming a harem but so far the only one he’s shown interest in and has shown I treat back is Dana. Suddenly having others push their way in would be weird. I think having some of the others take an Interest in him would be fine, but as a character I believe he would choose to maintain one solid romantic relationship.

    Ch 216 Luck Prevails
    The First Legendary Beast Master
    Kỳ huyễn · Aoki_Aku
  • AntNumber4825
    bình luận

    The pacing really depends on where you plan to go. The thing I don’t want is for you to make the pacing too fast and lose too much detail.

    Ch 450 Sneaking
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Kỳ huyễn · RealmWeaver
  • AntNumber4825
    bình luận

    Chapters 1306 and 1307 are still missing.

    Ch 1202 Chapter 1315 - Anthony On Tour - Aggressive Diplomacy
    Kỳ huyễn · RinoZ
  • AntNumber4825
    trả lời Wordarok

    Me agree.

    Ch 44 Snacks
    The Eldrim Cards Legacy
    Kỳ huyễn · lifesketcher
  • AntNumber4825
    bình luận

    Chapters 1306 and 1307 are missing.

    Ch 1195 Chapter 1308 - Anthony On Tour - Gravity
    Kỳ huyễn · RinoZ
  • AntNumber4825
    bình luận

    Between recommending Atticus’s Odyssey and writing The Inkeeper and this novel you are now responsible for a full third of the novels I am currently reading. I don’t know if I should thank you or curse you.

    Ch 26 Card crafting II
    The Eldrim Cards Legacy
    Kỳ huyễn · lifesketcher
  • AntNumber4825
     công bố

    I’m writing this review while the novel only has 26 chapters. The writing quality is great so far and the only complaint I have is that there aren’t more chapters yet. This isn’t this author’s first novel and with their other story they have shown that they can plan a good narrative and keep it interesting over time, so I have high hopes for this one as well.

    The Eldrim Cards Legacy
    Kỳ huyễn · lifesketcher
  • AntNumber4825
    trả lời GhostGirl10701

    To be fair I would bet money that they will end up having a spar durring their date.

    "I'd like to get to know you better. Would you mind sparing me 30 minutes of your time after tomorrow's classes?"
    Atticus’s Odyssey: Reincarnated Into A Playground
    Kỳ huyễn · RealmWeaver
  • AntNumber4825
    trả lời MynameisDante

    This is exactly my main hang up with this whole pitchfork thing. I work part time on my uncle’s farm during the summer and frequently use a pitchfork to move hay. But because of how it’s shaped I would have a terrible time trying to use it as a weapon. I’ve had to go to google and specifically find pictures of more straightened examples to override my mental image of what kind of tool he is using. Other than that I have a guess as to what this will lead to. I think it’s pretty clear that with the visions of that mermaid he will end up using a trident as his main weapon.

    Ch 57 The Rising Dragon
    Strongest Warlock - Wizard World Irregular
    Kỳ huyễn · Elyon
  • AntNumber4825
    bình luận

    If anyone is interested In listening to a hurdy gurdy I would recommend searching “Andrey Vnogradov hurdy gurdy” on YouTube it’s an extremely interesting instrument.

    Ch 831 831. Concert of Creation
    Blacksmith of the Apocalypse
    Kỳ huyễn · Arkusar
  • AntNumber4825
    trả lời ThinkingGuru

    I believe that it was said that since monsters are spawned by the dungeon from pure mana, when eaten for biomass, they can be digested completely without producing any waste. I don’t know how normal human food works though.

    Ch 1058 Chapter 1169 - Tea Time
    Kỳ huyễn · RinoZ
  • AntNumber4825
    trả lời IPhone_Yeah

    A cursed demon. The rank of the monster is much more important than the class. A monster would have to reach the class of Tyrant before it can even think of challenging something 1 rank higher. And that is mainly because of the added intelligence it would have along with some special abilities all monsters of that rank have.

    Ch -1 The Nightmare Spell
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • AntNumber4825
    bình luận

    Glad to see you back author. Hope you’re doing good.

    Ch 1067 Evil Friends
    Kỳ huyễn · Springs_Halo
  • AntNumber4825
    trả lời halo1009x

    Sadly the gravity bomb isn’t a skill. It just gravity mana compressed a ton.

    Ch 975 Chapter 1086 - Altar Testing
    Kỳ huyễn · RinoZ
  • AntNumber4825
    bình luận

    Hey author, I don’t know if it’s a problem for anyone else but for me the last couple of lines in the author’s note are always cut off. Could you put some extra lines at the end so that the actual important parts aren’t cut off. I think it happens when there aren’t enough words to let you scroll down but there are just enough that some of it is cut off. I am hoping that some extra lines would trigger the option to scroll down to see everything.

    Ch 345 The First Squadron
    MMORPG: Rebirth as an Alchemist
    Du hí · MiuNovels
  • AntNumber4825
    trả lời Big_Dog_1755

    He may be the one who comes from a medieval world, but we all have a little ooga booga inside of us.

    “Ah, it must have been that weird pendant I picked up.” he nodded.
    My Necromancer Class
    Kỳ huyễn · Aero182
  • AntNumber4825
     công bố

    I have only just started reading this novel so I can’t comment on much, but I have noticed something I think the author should know. The writing in chapter 8 is pretty awkward. I could tell something was off in the previous chapters but I wasn’t able to pin point it until now. I finally realized the problem while reading the fight scenes of chapter 8. The tense frequently switches from past tense to present tense. One of the main rules in writing is to choose a tense and stick with it. Otherwise it makes the pacing of each scene feel all messed up and off. Going back and editing all of the chapters with conflicting tenses and converting them all into past tense would make the story flow a lot smoother and improve the general quality of the writing. I recommend past tense because it is the one more suited to this kind of story. If you would like specific examples of where I think these problems are and could be improved. I would be happy to help.

    Is this really a Game?!
    Kỳ huyễn · TheReign
  • AntNumber4825
     công bố

    The story isn’t bad. That is about the only good thing I can say. I read till chapter 81 to see if it was worth paying for and it is not. The best way to describe the writing is that it seems like you are reading the spark notes of the real story. Some parts even seem to be written by a 9 year old. For example one part the MC did something another character didn’t like and the exchange went like this. ”I don’t think he liked me doing that. The mage then said I don’t like that you did that.” This is by no means a criticism of the story, but a critique of the writing. If the you don’t mind a lack of personality in your characters and enjoy when stories jump around and don’t flow well they you might be able to enjoy this novel.

    Omega Summoner
    Du hí · XiaoKongxu
  • AntNumber4825
    trả lời BookOnWorm

    For whatever reason I just can’t seem to root for Mark. He seems nice, but a romance between him and the MC just seems too forced and unnatural.

    Ch 52 Talking It Out
    Brand New Life Online: Rise Of The Goddess Of Harvest
    Kỳ huyễn · PancakesWitch
  • AntNumber4825
    trả lời ic4ru577

    I love the enthusiasm, but I kindly ask that you don’t sully the glorious food that is meat by comparing it to that living mass of garbage that call’s itself Jim.

    Ch 876 Hooked (986)
    Kỳ huyễn · RinoZ