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Might be a hint at his ability. Maybe it has something to do with perception? If you 100% believe he can't touch you than he can't, or that he is unable to do anything if you dont believe it to be possible. He is/was a heavenly being so an important aspect might be believe.
Lol he is just taking the route most likely leading to success. Do you honestly know how powerful the antagonists get at the end of Black Clover? Unless you are born special you have 0% chance of changing anything through power. In the end Asta only won because of how Anti Magic interacts with magic that can tell the future. He could literaly control all water on the planet and it would make no difference.
nah the doctor is going to backstab her. Once Horizons knows his parents re dead he will go ballistic. If only because she pissed on the contract between them. After that the doctor will have him side with AFO in order to stand a chance against a world behind "New Order".
So it is going to be a draw? "Shatter against each other" is not exactly a prediction of good health. Still why did the fight not happen now? After this conversations he knows that there was pressure applyed to execute his parents and he should be intilligent enough that she wouldn't settle for a simple "yes we killed them" as proof of their demise. Perhabs he will check for his parents before exploding?
Yea but somehow makes sense when literal gods are just 20 shy levels away. When we saw Tartaglias level i was like:" LoL he is the weakest of the Harbinger so what level would be literal gods?". At that point i was stil under the illusion that 90 would be the max level, so i had no idea how an elite soldier could go to city leveling god in under 20 levels^^. Still you got to remember that levels and skills are not everything. The main character shill has barely anything in terms of artifacts and weapons.
Maybe it already is? It might have started with only a single order. Than it would have more than doubled in power.
Yea but did she truly manage them well? She did not help a single member of her peerage deal with their traumatic memories in a decent manner.
Just look at some of the world leaders right now or thouse wanting to be one xD. In many cases i think a well trained 16 year old would be the far superior choice.
also just think about how the international community will react if it becomes known that he will stop healing other people because of Japan! His customers are literaly the highest ranking humans on the planet. Even Star and Stripe does not have that ammount of political pull.
and it was alreaedy breached a loooong time ago. Even if he dosn't care about his parents, his code will compell him to act.