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and that matters why? once again being in class means near nothing to actually knowing the info I never understood the methods schools use
keep in mind that he's talking with a being that can snap him out of realty its more understandable that he gives this up now and gains further favor than outright Denys her its different if she was like before where she just plucked him away from everything because he's too powerful that is a enemy this is a possible ally plus growth is higher since he keeps what he learns form each world in essence a "fair" trade compared to 2 finite wishes
also I hate auto correct
the issue is you added a huge being in a not so good manner all that effort stripped away yeah its gonna make people unhappy that's like giving you the world to own and then saying oh wait the alien empire says you need to suffer because I said so | you want to make it more build up then have him 'split" himself make an empire travel to the starts OP MC's really on those around them or their choices if he chose to limit his power to study something that makes more sense if he was attempting to view other worlds that makes since what you did was the easy way out or at least that was my first thought he just added a huge being so that the plot would shift
fuck that and fuck the mother if someones gonna bother with my life I'd rather leave the power and start from scratch I just could not accept being thrown around like a toy because "someone" decide that I had it to easy
that's way harder than erin and naruto make it look most peoples canines are not sharp enough to do that
just figure out how to 'accidently" start shorting monitor spells at random as you go about your life then one day it happens in section bam you win
scraps my dude scraps the MC of franchises leave behind a lot of useful stuff
remember kids don't feed the trolls they keep asking for more
sadly 90% of the in world pop seems to think its not a wonder that can do stuff we can't even now lol