Yet another poor, Webnovel nerd who is tired of terrible Wuxia genre novels and is looking for something better.
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Glory to the Russian Motherland!! +1 Chinese MC reincarnated! o7
Author's killing it with the references in this chapter.
The man, the myth, .... the bike.....
Godamn liberals. How did they even manage to ruin a Wuxia novel? Liberals are the antithesis of Communist China. This is heresy.
It wouldn't be bad synergy either because he could make smoother use of his digging skill, and if he had some new organ or mutation in some other body part, for instance the carapace reinforcement that nourishes the carapace with minerals from the dirt/stone. Lots of synergy.
He could use a stomach upgrade that lets him digest stone and such, just so that he can consume the remnants of the gravity bombs.
That would insinuate that he is not in control, but is instead being swept along with the river.
Can he only sync with one at a time? Or does he only get the higher talent grades speed? It feels like he should get a compounded bonus from both binded partners.
She's not even out of highschool.......