


Biiiiig, Baddddd Beetle Borgs! On acid! I mean metallic! I totally wouldn't use an Isekai with wishes scenario to screw over everyone who has ever had a negative thought about me for infinity. ;D

2019-09-09 đã tham giaGlobal

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    bình luận
    Eventually he did take a nap, but I couldn't fall asleep with him right next to me, so I decided to look at him and obese him a bit more.
    Naruto Online: The Strongest Shinobi
    Tranh châm biếm · Fat_Cultivator
    trả lời The_SaadKhan

    ah good. the chinese fics tend to either be a sexual or blow their load at merely seeing a woman.

    Ch 2 Six path weapons
    Tranh châm biếm · The_SaadKhan
    bình luận

    its already ended, you got the enemy king you morons.

    Even Jason Mallister, known for his steadfast loyalty to the crown, voiced his support for Cregan's position. "We must put an end to this war before it consumes us all," he declared, his voice unwavering.
    Starborn and Winterforged
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
    bình luận

    does the master at arms have a valyrian sword too? otherwise why does his sword survive the clash? or do you mean a parry?

    In the center of the hall, amidst the chaos of battle, stood Cregan Stark, the young Lord of Winterfell, locked in a fierce duel with Dagmer Cleftjaw, the grizzled master-at-arms of Pyke. The clash of their swords reverberated through the chamber, each strike a testament to the intensity of their confrontation.
    Starborn and Winterforged
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
    bình luận

    you fighting against chatgpt protocols here or something? its the typical bs lets hold hands and skippy off into the the sunset together kind of stuff you keep getting.

    Ned's expression was grave as he weighed our words, his concern etched in the lines of his face. "We must proceed with caution," he cautioned, his voice low but firm. "We cannot allow our pursuit of justice to blind us to the potential consequences."
    Starborn and Winterforged
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
    bình luận

    Ned is a wokey

    Arthur and Dacey exchanged a wary glance, but it was Ned who spoke next, his expression troubled. "Yes, Theon Stark's actions were... extreme," he admitted, "but they were born of a different time, a different era. We cannot allow ourselves to become what we once fought against."
    Starborn and Winterforged
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
    bình luận

    please open a freaking map. you are suggesting you sail from white harbour, around the entire continent, past the iron isles and their ironborn, to seaguard.... why yould you travel the circumference of a continent, pass by your enemy to group up for something thats about the same distance from moat cailin to winterfell.... this is such random bs...

    Uncle Ned, ever the practical strategist, leaned forward, his hands resting on the map spread out before us. "Our best move is to link up with the Mallisters at Seagard," he suggested, tracing a path along the coastline. "They have experience dealing with the Ironborn and can provide valuable reinforcements."
    Starborn and Winterforged
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
    bình luận

    more like you arive in a few months near half a year time, to the aftermath of the war to sight see

    As the fleet prepared to sail into the open sea, I felt a sense of purpose and resolve. The Ironborn would soon learn the true strength of the North. We were coming for them, and we would not rest until our home was safe once more.
    Starborn and Winterforged
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
    bình luận

    imagine the United States. white harbour is in florida..... your ironborn are in L.A. white harbour is an eastern port on the east side of the continent.... the iron isles with the ironborn are om the western side of the continent... its like taking a boat from NYC to Hawaii....pre panama canal. its possible but absolutely rediculous

    We were greeted by Lord Wyman Manderly, a man of impressive stature and unyielding loyalty to House Stark. His booming voice carried over the din of the harbor as he welcomed us. "Lord Cregan, it is an honor to host you and the Northern army in White Harbor. Our fleet is at your disposal."
    Starborn and Winterforged
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
    bình luận

    time to scissor tonight

    Elia held her tightly, the years of worry and longing melting away in that moment. "And I you, my love," she replied softly. "We're together again, and that's all that matters."
    Starborn and Winterforged
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
    bình luận

    you do realise that most forms of crop rotation are from BC in our own world right? 3 crop rotation is before the medieval era, its only 4 crop rotation that became a thing later late 1600s. might as well just introduce fertiliser. theres bio forms of it too. that said, growing food countrary to popular belief isnt only done in large fields or greenhouses. with the medieval setup, and the problems.you face with frozen ground, you might want to look into top soil gardening and homesteading instead.

    Cregan's innovative methods were a testament to his forward-thinking nature and his dedication to improving the lives of his people. Under his guidance, the North had embraced modern farming techniques, such as crop rotation and irrigation systems, which had dramatically increased crop yields and ensured food security even in harsh winters.
    Starborn and Winterforged
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Vikrant_Utekar_5653
    trả lời FearTcb

    you can blame the fanfiction thropes since 2006 for that. thats what generally happens in fanfics with this build up.

    Deciding that he had enough information, Kaizen decided to approach. He needed to test his new body's capabilities to see what kind of training regimen he would need to construct. Also, he was interested to see how he measured up against the genius known as Kakashi.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Tranh châm biếm · FearTcb
    bình luận

    ive read this before, is this a translation? if so its already on wn and much further ahead.

    Ch 2 Six path weapons
    Tranh châm biếm · The_SaadKhan
    trả lời FearTcb

    the manga also starts with naruto, so kakashi would be in his 20s. not an age where hed play outside. which he wasnt prone to doing even when his dad was alive. his dad tended to drag him to playgrounds to make him socialise, against his own interest. so the whole kakashi being out there playing angle makes it seem like this is going to be a yaoi fanfic and you are going to go boku no piko with kakashi... it might cost you some readers because this chapter shows your cannon facts are ignored in favour of buddying up to kid kakashi like this, which usually is the simp angle people use to groom kid naruko and the like in naruto fics... im just pointing it out so you know the impression this chapter gives.

    Deciding that he had enough information, Kaizen decided to approach. He needed to test his new body's capabilities to see what kind of training regimen he would need to construct. Also, he was interested to see how he measured up against the genius known as Kakashi.
    The Silent Tide: A Naruto Fanfiction
    Tranh châm biếm · FearTcb
    bình luận

    and just like that its no longer sparring...

    Naruto being the dumb kid that he was right now attacked Sasuke with all of his clones and the original too. Still, before he could reach Sasuke, he opened his eyes widely when he did the hands signs of the Great Fireball technique. Naruto thought that he would be toast, but much to his surprise, Sasuke just targeted the ground with a relatively small fireball. It still exploded and erected a curtain of dust around. 
    Naruto - My World Domination System
    Tranh châm biếm · WritingMachineG
    bình luận

    hes waiting for when he gets to make out with naruto

    "What is wrong, Sasuke?" Sakura asked while frowning. "You aren't frowning like you usually do."
    Naruto - My World Domination System
    Tranh châm biếm · WritingMachineG
    bình luận

    like 49% of all naruto fanfics is a sasuke fanfic, the other 49% a naruto insert, with the remaining 2% alternative options. not really a weird choice that that if someone get send to another universe, by whatever something, they end up as the popular option

    "I am Sasuke Uchiha this time, huh? This is a weird choice."
    Naruto - My World Domination System
    Tranh châm biếm · WritingMachineG
     công bố

    Whilst the premise is cool, the fact that basically the first 10 or so chapters are of a preschooler / preteen pretty much doing the usual get strong kick ass as a hero and build a financial empire up stuff just doesnt work for me. I graded this on wn criteria not my like or dislike of it. but yeah. I went from excited to wondering if the entire story is going to be kiddy on a powerwank bs. Im not gonna lie, this is like those naruto fics where at the age of six naruto or sasuke already has sage mode and ems or sage eyes, and are already the hokage.... the kind of fic where before anything truly happens that could have challenged them, that theyre so overpowered, talked up and in control of everything that it takes reality changing plot twists to make failure even remotely as a possibility. where is the excitement, when at 6 years old the mc is already viewed as a ready to go quality agent by Shield and so forth.... I mean common!?

    Emma Frost
    Tranh châm biếm · blueberry_johnson1
    bình luận

    I thought she was a telepath? not a telekinetic?

    Winston's eyes widened. "That's impossible," he whispered, but the evidence was undeniable. The bear floated serenely in the air, guided by the infant's untrained telekinetic power.
    Emma Frost
    Tranh châm biếm · blueberry_johnson1
    bình luận

    awww just in their hearts?

    Planting some of my seeds in their hearts that I hope would grown and bear fruit.
    I Am Doom (Marvel)
    Tranh châm biếm · ArifuretaForever