


Just your average introverted Otaku here to read and enjoy the stories

2019-08-20 đã tham giaUnited States

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  • Quake_Midaro
    trả lời El_iangillo
    The sheer size of his balls had to be incredible to choose THAT godly pokemon out of all of them to clone. The original Mew was many things but merciful to those that wrong her was not one of them if the many horror stories about her revenge were to go by. I'm not talking normal "you die" sort of punishments either but shit that even made me shiver at the thought of like when she turned a guy into a tree who was constantly growing slowly over the next two centuries with the entire process being extremely agonizing.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · loskro
  • Quake_Midaro
    bình luận

    Go completely into the whole he swaps body things.... I mean currently he is biologically female until he sheds that body... just a thought

    Speaking of Orochimaru. I really love that villain. He's so selfish, but he doesn't covet power, per se. He covets immortality and to conquer death. He uses anything and anyone to secure his own agenda and only really kills for that purpose. He's pretty fascinating so I do want to use him more, I just don't know how yet... apart from canon I mean.
    Naruto: The Prince of Lust
    Tranh châm biếm · William777
  • Quake_Midaro
    bình luận

    Wrong novel chapter

    Ch 741 46: The Blank Coin
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • Quake_Midaro
    bình luận

    Yeah this is where I drop this fic just nah the MC isn't even worth being called Tanya you should have written a OC instead because this version of Tanya is a disgrace to the name she's so socially stupid and lacking in basic common sense that it hurts to read Tanya while not a socialble person was well versed in dealing with people sure a bit heartless and mechanical in her thoughts nowhere near this ignorant or inept she was more than capable of reading the room and knowing what's what this version is so braindead that it just isn't worth the read as is 2/5 overall could have been better if it was a OC or something but with it being a Tanya insert and just ruining her character to a simple minded tunnel visoned fool nah I'm good

    Ch 38 Chapter 37
    Avatar : Tanya
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Rimanovi
  • Quake_Midaro
    bình luận

    Yuri haters are just... I'll never understand you lot

    Seeing this, I got angry, the Netorare is bad and I will never ever let another man touch my women, heck, I don't even like yuri!
    Hentai System in a Hentai World
    Tranh châm biếm · Bloodnight
  • Quake_Midaro
    bình luận

    Back to Cidhna Mines with you lot get to work those stones won't harvest themselves

    So.. umm Stones?
    Pokemon: Radical Redux
    Tranh châm biếm · Katsu39
  • Quake_Midaro
     công bố

    If your a fan of Tanya's don't read this fic the author made her borderline incompetent and completely inept at social cues just murder hobo in a nutshell not wirth wasting time read all that's currently written it's just not a good fic great idea sure but the author completely ruined the fic with how Tanya is written here

    Avatar : Tanya
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Rimanovi
  • Quake_Midaro
    bình luận

    Well that's what you get for being a braindead moron blindly following orders

    There were precious few choices she could make that didn't place her in mortal peril. Request a transfer, and Zhao would no doubt deny it and then send her on a suicide mission. Leave the military altogether, and she'd be hunted down by the Fire Nation as a traitor, unable to take refuge within the other nations thanks to having slaughtered so many of their troops.
    Avatar : Tanya
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Rimanovi
  • Quake_Midaro
    bình luận

    No it's the enemy you made by being too stupid to pick up social cues and context clues that are practically thrown in your face

    And this was the entity that Being X had manipulated her into fighting against.
    Avatar : Tanya
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Rimanovi
  • Quake_Midaro
    trả lời Quake_Midaro


    The only real issue that came with the decision was a rather pouty Sybille who at first refused to speak with Reyvin due to him 'running off at the first opportunity' but some gifts and promises of later visits soon had her relenting and the two spent a couple of days nerding out about everything the Dunmer had discovered in the depths, his vampiric lover even helping him come up with a couple of ideas to streamline his designs.
    Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · Rastislav
  • Quake_Midaro
    trả lời groomable

    As a good friend of mine told me 20 some odd years ago

    {Author-chan: Hello readers, I didn't write a chapter yesterday because I was just lazy and also making one of my decisions about whether I should pursue law or psychology. I am not able to decide, and it's eating my mind up.
    Victoria Alexandra Alexia ~ The Multiverse Traveler
    Phim ảnh · groomable
  • Quake_Midaro
    trả lời groomable

    Yes but if it's the path you want then why not right live your life to your wants we only get one after all just make sure to save and set aside time for yourself for hobbies or socializing burnout is mainly caused by poor time management causing more stress than necessary hope all is well good luck

    {Author-chan: Hello readers, I didn't write a chapter yesterday because I was just lazy and also making one of my decisions about whether I should pursue law or psychology. I am not able to decide, and it's eating my mind up.
    Victoria Alexandra Alexia ~ The Multiverse Traveler
    Phim ảnh · groomable
  • Quake_Midaro
    bình luận

    If your looking for money + longevity Lawyer if your looking for more money (if you go private owned clinic route eventually) and depression and a jaded view on people in general than Psychology and if your a madlad break the mold and go for both

    {Author-chan: Hello readers, I didn't write a chapter yesterday because I was just lazy and also making one of my decisions about whether I should pursue law or psychology. I am not able to decide, and it's eating my mind up.
    Victoria Alexandra Alexia ~ The Multiverse Traveler
    Phim ảnh · groomable
  • Quake_Midaro
    bình luận
    [Author-chan: Let's just say I am new at this, and many people will not like religion being thrashed upon.]
    Victoria Alexandra Alexia ~ The Multiverse Traveler
    Phim ảnh · groomable
  • Quake_Midaro
    bình luận

    Meanwhile suddenly becoming consciously aware of existence randomly at 3 years old while throwing your pet goldfish in the toilet...

    Did you ever notice how addicted we are to technology? Oh my fucking god, it was so boring to stay in the womb for 4 fucking months. (A/N: According to research, a baby has fully functional brain nerves from 25 to 29 weeks, which is 5.5 months.) (That is when our MC woke up.)
    Victoria Alexandra Alexia ~ The Multiverse Traveler
    Phim ảnh · groomable
  • Quake_Midaro
    bình luận
    Meh. Can't have been 'life or death'-important if it slipped my mind just like that.
    Pokemon - Solo's Strange Journey
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · BenisBoy14
  • Quake_Midaro
    bình luận

    What was Gravvy again?

    Yellow stared at Colress, "I'll show you what my friends can do!"
    Pokemon: Radical Redux
    Tranh châm biếm · Katsu39
  • Quake_Midaro
    bình luận

    Considering your keeping in your person if it was tied to a Daedra you would have already been influenced

    Athias slipped the ring back in his pouch. He'd decide after reading all that he could find on daedra; best not to rely solely on fragmented memories in regards to reality altering beings.
    Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · ISpyExp
  • Quake_Midaro
    bình luận

    Thanks for the chapter hope all is well

    Ch 49 Date and The Dragon of Antimatter
    Pokemon: Radiant Harem
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · GhostGirlLover68
  • Quake_Midaro
     công bố

    Eh looked interesting but the Skills being too OP to make any real interest in the MC possible with the way the story is written honestly if you want smut there's better on avaerage on WN it's sub par in every possible category if you want a interesting or likeable MC then this fic not for you it's just too much garbled nonsense and forced very poorly written it's like the author has no basic common sense or understanding of how to write All in all a solid 2/5 overall it's your cookie cutter sub par Pokemon Harem Isekai/Reincarnation with OP MC in which the only reason it's survived this long is because it's got meh smut Morty is just too OP for anything to even begin being a compelling plot point or challenge literally no reason to even acknowledge his existence just Op MC #917749 with no interesting or likable traits save your time and look elsewhere if you want a Rick and Morty fic or a decent Smut fic

    I am Morty Sanchez
    Tranh châm biếm · Try_hard