The Legend Of Dragon Land
The adventure of a mixed blood dragon born in a kingdom where most people worship the pure blood.
Angus Farley entered the military training course at the Base Number Five with a so-normal image. But day after day, the talents of the boy became more and more evident, causing the youngest Lieutenant General in the country also praised, and accepted that boy as the first and only disciple of his life. Starting from here, the boy's past was gradually revealed, interweaving with the events happening in the present, creating an intriguing adventure story of Angus and his friends.
"The hand of destiny arranged a perfect swap,
Leading the way for the next descendant appearance..."
From the author:
This is the very first time I write a novel in English. This is not my mother tongue, so sometimes you may find some "strange" or "weird" wording. In case there's anything wrong, please kindly leave a feedback, I'll try to make adjustments.
Hope that you will enjoy the story ^^~~~
Cover designed by Anne Nguyen Le (from materials on Freepik).
AnneNguyenLe · Huyền huyễn
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