“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live ” - Marcus Aurelius
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I thought only cleave required a higher CT output depending on material? Isn’t dismantle a fixed cost?
Oto or Kumo would be fire ngl. 95% of fics are always Konoha. Personally I’d hope for a Kumo SI. With like a Black Lightning/Storm release/ or Swift Release or sum shi.
Why do I feel like Cecil is the one who benefited the most in this chapter . Hmm🤔
Bruh🤨, he went one on one with Vhagar during the dance.
And yet all your writing to make Aemon seem cunning has proven to do nothing in the grand scheme of things. Refusing the throne several times so he can play his game at the vale, keeping various people alive when they should’ve had a riding accident a 100 Chpts ago, risking his marriage all to marry a woman who despises him all for a kingdom that could be raised to the ground once the dance begins. I’m being honest, all his decisions have done absolutely nothing but paint him as fool who thinks he’s smarter than he actually is.
Ik, the old ones and eldar used it way before it’s current corruption. But the author is just drawing a lot of similarities from Dune and 40k so that’s why I said it.
You might as well call it the Warp at this point 😅
Poor writing choice right here.
I hope Bruno doesn’t let the Navy’s slight against him go unpunished. Essentially stealing all the boats he made and use them elsewhere. Surely there’s some way Bruno can get back at them ?
Way too cheap. The suit should be upward of 40 million. Each. Have you seen how much the US government spends on military equipment😂