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Right on the mark
The Operators can be easily classified as an organized crime group or can also be referred to as a gang, or crime syndicate, with their main motivation being profit.
The Disciples are bloodthirsty and sadistic raiders. Most of their members are women. They are not female exclusive however, since it is possible to find male Disciple. Disciples carry guns, but often they prefer knives, as these can be used to deliver a slow, painful death to their victims.
As for harness the power of the sun, well you know a single solar panel can only generate a certain level of electricity (ignoring the tech limitation). OR like a small magnifying glass, which can only concentrate little bit of sunrays(energy). If you want considerable level of sun's energy you will require a giant magnifying glass. So Law's Room size needs to be massive for him to harness a considerable portion of sun's energy. (or he needs to be very close to sun) At present he can harness the power of the sun, it's just to little to be useful. Not worth the effort.
To make water out of hydrogen and oxygen he needs a working model aka a demonstration. Stormfront demonstrated how to create lightning and Law copied that process , he needs to examine something similar. He needs an example.