


Potato eater

2019-05-24 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • p0tat0t0mat0
    bình luận

    Man, deicde on what you want to write and stick to it - you first mention that the room is modest in size and few paragraphs later it suddently becomes "extremely huge" - which one is is? It may be small detail but if in the first two chapters you have such inconsistent descirptions it does not bode well for the rest of the story, at least that's my opinion.

    Ch 2 Looks Like I Really Got Transmigrated
    Villain Is on Vacation
    Kỳ huyễn · Madwriter_2377
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    bình luận

    I quite like the story so far but what I find bizzare is that so far the only character that was "properly" desbribed was Manfred. We have no idea how other characters look like, the only thing we know is that Vaan is skinny and handsome, nothing else.

    Ch 16 Blame the Demons
    The Witch Hunter System
    Kỳ huyễn · Pointbreak
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    bình luận

    I hope that you will not use any chess allegories in the future. The part when MC was pretending to be a great mastermind was one of the most irritating and cringe worthy part of the novel so far.

    Ch 95 Return [1]
    The Author's POV
    Kỳ huyễn · Entrail_JI
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    bình luận

    I find the resolution of this whole parents situation extremely anticlimactic. There was this whole build up basically since the beginning of the story but in the end it fell flat. I’m also a little bit baffled by the reaction of girls or rather the lack of thereof after the mother left.

    Ch 168 Turning Point
    My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World
    Kỳ huyễn · Brendanjoke
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    bình luận

    “Without further adieu(...)” - Bro really? :D You sometimes do really silly but annoying mistakes - using adjective instead of a noun or using the wrong form of a verb.

    Ch 5 Chapter 5: Marvin determination!
    Scion of Time Gaming System!
    Võ hiệp · Lazy_leon
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    bình luận

    Man this chapter was weird. MC saw gruesome deaths of other F-ranks (I suppose that it was also his first contact with such brutality), he himself got basically dismembered and almost died but yet he was relatively calm and even had time to contemplate about morality. WTF

    Ch 3 Out of Combat
    Hero System! Transported to Another World
    Kỳ huyễn · Ripcorez
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    bình luận

    49 sqm apartment is by no means small. The price for a place of this size would be pretty insane in most big cities in modern world.

    Ch 2 A New Beginning
    The Great Demon System
    Kỳ huyễn · Drip
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    trả lời Resurgent

    But the MC doesn’t now about anything so him behaving like a “hot shit” while most people can easily kill him is pretty stupid. Especially since he doesn’t really understand the current situation of the princess/empire.

    Ch 22 Call Me Master
    Rise of The Anti God
    Huyền huyễn · Resurgent
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    bình luận

    So he looks like every other MC in chinese cultivation novels? :D

    Ch 17 Luna
    Rise of The Anti God
    Huyền huyễn · Resurgent
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    bình luận

    “the etheral core points absorb the energy from the air and feed it to their ethereal core” - Damn, that was confusing, should’ve made this terms more distinctive IMO

    Ch 2 Damien Godwin
    Rise of The Anti God
    Huyền huyễn · Resurgent
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    trả lời Bird_0f_Hermes

    Sorry to say but the one that is delusional is you. If you are trying to ignore unreasonable and annoying antics of your partner instead of trying to communicate you must be in a pretty toxic relationship. Frankly, based on what you written I’d rather guess that you’ve never been in really serious relationship and you’re just spouting nonsense.

    Ch 19 Das' Childhood
    The King's Mandate: Anomalous System
    Du hí · NoWoRRyMaN
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    bình luận

    I haven’t read this story since your first hiatus and I must say that the direction you have decided to take with this whole erotica aspect is really disturbing. Don’t get me wrong - I like having ***** themes in stories but when you remember that your MC is in a body that is 11 years old everything that he does creates a really fcked up and disturbing image.

    Ch 56 Chapter 55: Planning a Future With My Familiars
    Living the Great Sage Life with my Fairies and Lovers in a New World
    Kỳ huyễn · Orange_Rain
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    bình luận

    Is there any reasonable reason why he didn’t kill his half-brother? I’m asking beacuse it seems like you employed plot-amor for “named” antagonists. It seems like he easily kills no-name guards that are stronger then him but as soon as someone who is relatively imporant to the game plot shows up they survive by some unbelievable stroke of luck (eg. the girl from previous chapter). By doing that it looks like the skills of MC are extremely inconsistent.

    Ch 5 Slipped Away (2)
    The Unholy Mage
    Kỳ huyễn · El_Don
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    trả lời Palladian

    Wow, I am lost for words. Why would you even want you use definition based on religious believes in context of FANTASY book is beyond me. There are tons of other media like novels, comics, manga, anime where devils and demons arent considered evil. Why? - Because author wanted that and that’s it. Vampires are also considered as evil creatures in most of the folklores but it didn’t change the fact that we got Twilight with sparkling Edward.

    Grasping the Evil
    Huyền huyễn · I'm Ink
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    trả lời Palladian

    You’re dense as a brick wall. I clearly stated that in THIS PARTICULAR NOVEL devil path cultivator doesnt have to be evil. It doesnt matter that devils are perceived as evil beings in other media and culture. Clearly author of THIS PARTICULAR NOVEL had different idea.

    Grasping the Evil
    Huyền huyễn · I'm Ink
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    trả lời Palladian

    What is your point? In this novel following devil path is not equal to being evil.

    Grasping the Evil
    Huyền huyễn · I'm Ink
  • p0tat0t0mat0
    trả lời DeadSoil

    Well most of the points that you mentioned that you have problems with are explained in the story, even his luck. Also was it somewhere explicitly said that the MC is supposed to be evil? He is devil path cultivator but that doesn’t mean that he must be evil - whole righteous path vs devil path is pretty big plot point.

    Grasping the Evil
    Huyền huyễn · I'm Ink