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2019-05-11 JoinedPhilippines



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  • OwariDa
    OwariDa4 years ago

    First of all, amazing writing. I like how I can vividly picture the scenes from word to word. Secondly, great storyline. I would love to read more chapters, but in the meantime, I guess I have to wait. Character designs are great, I can picture how they look like as you describe every part of them little by little. Overall, a very great novel to read. Looking forward to future chapters, Author!

  • OwariDa
    OwariDa4 years ago
    Replied to Nomed_Forcraziness

    It comes down mostly to writing pace, i see. Thank you very much!

  • OwariDa
    OwariDa4 years ago

    Not violent, too.

  • OwariDa
    OwariDa4 years ago


  • OwariDa
    OwariDa4 years ago


  • OwariDa
    OwariDa4 years ago

    All I can say is, I'm impressed. The characters are great, but I like Ivy and her personality more than anyone, in my opinion. She's definitely my type of woman, if I could, I would date her. Regardless of my personal interest, I like the story, it has great potential. That potential will surely blossom into success as the story progresses. Keep it up!

  • OwariDa
    OwariDa4 years ago

    I'm gonna give an honest review in this one. I think the story is great, a story showing the point of view of the main character is what I like. It's not like I'm good at grammar and writing but, I think improving grammar like using a comma and such would really help your story shine even more.

  • OwariDa
    OwariDa4 years ago

    Hello to all readers, Author here! I just want to clarify something the genre of my story. I've recently learned about the changes in the genre system, more particularly the removal of romance in order to have stories like mine to not get mistaken as a story about nothing but full romance. I was elated to hear about it, however, the changes doesn't seem to have been fully implement as the word Romance remained still right next to the Fantasy Genre. Now, romance is good and all. But i don't plan on putting romance elements in the story, at least not in the earlier parts of it since the main plot of my book is about the main protagonist trying to live in peace and without trouble in another world using her magic system. If you're a reader looking for romance, you are more than welcome to read my book. However, you shouldn't expect to see any form of romance until the story have progressed further. That's all! Thank you all for understanding!

  • OwariDa
    OwariDa4 years ago

    I see that you're good at describing things, the chemistry of arby and glenn is something I like about having friends. Lessening the dialogue and putting it on the same level as doing narration would make the story even better. At least in my opinion. The story have less than 10 chapters, no way that's enough to determine how great your story will be in the future. But i will put 5 stars just because i like reading the dialogues, especially reading the conversation arby and glenn had in the first chapter!

  • OwariDa
    OwariDa4 years ago
    Replied to Tread_zan

    Thank you very much for your review, I'll keep that in mind!