


We Are Legion

2019-04-27 đã tham giaUnited States

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  • Poet_Legion
    Poet_Legion11 days ago
     công bố

    My biggest grape is the main character's personality and how, after being betrayed by his entire family experimented on cruelly and gone to torturous amounts of pain.Not even 5 chapters later, after murdering someone for the first time and feeling the natural human reaction of regret instead of dwelling on any of the guilt that could be there even if they are horrible Killing someone does horrid things to the mind, but not even 5 chapters.After his many murders either indirect or direct, he's a bubbly ray of sunshine.Who is blushing and stuttering at the first sight of a girl his age. I don't know about other people, but that already completely took me away from the novel. Making it feel like the author didn't know how to writethe main character's personality and instead has him be whatever fits the plot at that moment, as in he was a sociopathic killer with no care for others. Someone destitute and filled with the need for revenge. 2 deciding that the main character, all of a sudden, is stuttering blushing and all other things just from the mere touch and look of a girl his age and then him having no guard against the commander that picks him up.Also makes it a bit weird. After all, the people who literally raised him and he trusted with his life betrayed him.But this random stranger from this giant.Organization that clearly isn't good at its job.Can 100% be trusted with 0 reason?Not two beyond guard. It's just something like that. That makes it a bitdifficult to read. After all, the main character doesn't have a personality. It feels like it feels like he's molded to whatever the author thinks will make a scene flow. It's sorry if I doesn't make too much sense.I don't quite know a better way to put it other than there is no defining personality for a main character. I'm not even gonna talk about the stupidness of the trial that takes over 40 chapters to do when we've only had 20 chapters with our main character. Instead, I'll say that this novel is probably for some people. I can see why someone might like it. But the main character's personality and the lack of care put into the story makes it difficult to read. I've seen other reviews. Talk about it and after skimming through some of the other chapters on pirated websites. I can 100% say that this story very heavily takes major and critical pieces from. Bloodline system

  • Poet_Legion
    Poet_Legion16 days ago
     công bố

    TLDR: Maybe it's a good book.Maybe it isn't the author wants to Piggy. Back off of Harry Potter and describes the first technique, the main character gets as being directly from the Harry Potter world and the authors on words.And that just took me out of any interest that the story might have had. I was willing to give this book an honest try. But I just can't bother to read a piece of work when the author just blatantly uses other books for his novel. And I don't mean take a few ideas musically. I'm literally says in the book. The Harry Potter world and other things like that. Talking about the techniques, the character gets another stuff and honestly it just makes it so uninteresting to read at that point, even if it's an adequate description for something. It completely takes me out of the mood to read it when the author who's writing a fictional story needs to base it off of another fictional story. Maybe that's not the best way to put it, but honestly. Just the Reliance on Harry Potter, slang and the way the system works along within the main character, referencing Harry Potter all the time, it made it so I couldn't keep reading. Obviously. I'm exaggerating with all the time. But you know, I really didn't make it to chapter 3 because it got so uninteresting right? After I saw the author described the mind obscuring technique as from the Harry Potter world that I had 0 interest. Keep reading. I tried to finish the chapter and I couldn't because there was just no intro. That's in the story from that point on. Because at that point this is just gonna be a fan fiction from Harry Potter. And someone can tell me that they've read. The chapter 800 and it's a very different story than Harry Potter. And I wouldn't care because first impressions matter a lot. And this novel went from something that sounded kind of interesting with a weird character's name like link to I can't even bother to read this because if he's a Chinese author referencing Harry Potter techniques and other things like that for his wizards. It makes me wonder if the name link is connected to Nintendo's link from high rule.But I digress in the end.I couldn't even get past the third chapter because there was no interest on continuing the read.

  • Poet_Legion
    Poet_Legion2 months ago
     công bố

    Just based on how much I love is that a Wisp. I'm going to give this an obligatory. 5 star reviews and wait for more chapters to build up and once there are more chapters. I'll come back and give an actual review, but till then place a review because currently I've never been disappointed with your books

  • Poet_Legion
    Poet_Legion2 months ago
     công bố

    I would say that the worst part about this novel is the humor. It's clearly a pretty serious novel at a lot of parts but instead of it being written like a serious story.We constantly have gag jokes thrown in which ruin the entire vibe of the story I feel. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for jokes here and there in a story and even characters being kind of assess 'cause that's the comedy, the author's going for but it's hard to want to keep reading when every other character is a gag character like a f****** Skunk, that's called something like Chad skunk is its species name, so the author has the character name at gigachad, and that's funny at first, but reading that name over. And over again as it's mentioned later on.Really brings you out of the mood for the novel.Cause the first time yeah , it's funny , but the third and fourth time the joke is just old and it's not enjoyable. The worst part is.It's pretty good system.I like both other novels written by this out there.But I feel like in this one.The author is trying too hard with the humor to appeal to a zoomer audience. Like I wouldn't be surprised If the words scibidi toilets or Rizz or other shit is in the story. Don't get me wrong.Everyone has a different sense of humor and stuff.But I really feel like this novel doesn't know where it wants to be either humor wise or setting wise, because we have very serious issues going on in the novel very serious moment and then we have the most out-of-pocket left field humor that makes 0 sense.Don't get me wrong , obviously this whole Novels supposed to be a f****** joke like it's clearly supposed to be a very commedic novel, but it's also supposed to be novel. That's fun to read, and it's not fun to read when the jokes feel like the only thing that's progressing in this story. Cause we're already over a 150 chapters. In and our main character has had 0 power improvement. S obviously that's gonna be hard with the restrictions put on him. But we don't even have a plan of how the main character is supposed to remove those restrictions.Yet he's not even working towards either.He's treating his human life , which is only about a hundred years Max sineas not allowed to rank up like he's gonna be able to live for thousands of years and it's gonna be able to think about the problems later. There's also the whole supposed to be 3000 years old. Essentially with a very logic driven thought pattern. But I feel like half the time the logical leaps the author makes are a bit too stretched to make sense and also the way the author writes the main character. Gets really hard to connect with him at a lot of times because instead of feeling like a player in the game which he's supposed to be, he feels more like someone who's not a part of the situation and that's not bad, but usually when a character has that they have power to back. Them and at least in his current situation and the foreseeable situation. Our main character has 0 power behind. Damn

  • Poet_Legion
    Poet_Legion3 months ago
    bình luận

    No better way to get a bunch of people to skip a chapter than to leave us on an unnecessary cliff hanger. Literally almost 20 chapters of build up for ray's wakingjust to have him wake up. And then instead of finishing that start the next chapter and probably the next couple without any mention of him is just a God off a way to Force your readers to not want to read and at least such what's happening with me. I was already skimming through chapters. When he wasn't awake, but now I'm just outright skipping them.

  • Poet_Legion
    Poet_Legion3 months ago
    trả lời Cellphone

    Honestly , that's what's pretty interesting about this story because instead of someone inheriting a giant lineage of a forgotten magic , we have someone who has had to build up the magic himself. We know that The main character was the Pioneer for dark magic. He was also the one that created almost all of the spells that he uses. So of course, he's still experimenting one human lifetime. Is enough to get through a regular science subject and become a complete master at it? So I can only imagine that something with magic, which would be akin to science and Justice complex, would hold the same findings. It makes it interesting to read. Because our main character still has more to learn and discover, and he knows that which makes it even.

  • Poet_Legion
    Poet_Legion3 months ago
    trả lời Poet_Legion

    I raped the chapter 223 and honestly.The story is worse and worse.It's been over a 100 chapters since our main characters made any progress in power and while that's not bad, he's also made no progress in his personality as a character or even the world making any progress towards a world goal.If you can say that there is one in the story because honestly there isn't. From the novel, starting a bit Rocky to being a bit slow. When it came to the rift Ark, it got so much worse after he exited the rift. Cause you think once he got back with humans? It would at least be kind of cool. Maybe you'd have to kill a couple people. Maybe they have to come to terms with that. Maybe you'd have to come to terms with being a monster and what not? But instead we have our main character being shown in one scene. As a complete homocidal, maniac wants to kill his own teacher because she was. Trying to see if he was okay. And he didn't want her to find out his power to the next second. Being a complete West not being able to talk up to anybody about anything that's happening to. Even the next second are main character. Literally drowning and madness while fighting a pretty interesting way. Honestly, it was really nice to read that little section with the monster in the mansion, but it was completely ruined because right after. All this scenery was depicted with our main character.Being mentally insane and unstable to him trying to be the committee.Release 10 chapters later and just being a very awkward.B****** around everything and it's not even in a good way either.It's just so forced.Every interaction between the main character in raven is so forced that it's not even funny

  • Poet_Legion
    Poet_Legion3 months ago
    bình luận

    I honestly wanted to drop this novel.At 35 chapters right before when premium because it was getting. Exasperating to read.And now that i'm at two hundred and twenty chapters I can only say that it's gotten worse. From almost everything in the story. After the rift being an identical mirror to shadow slave. Towards every 4 chapters feeling like they could be one if all the fluff was taken out of the story. Because honestly. When you read one chapter you feel like nothing happened in the story. Even though that there is a surprising word count in these chapters, the story goes nowhere each chapter. And I'm not saying I want him to get more powerful or have everything happened in one chapter. I'm just saying that. This novel up to this point could easily been written in a 100 chapters and would have made more sense would have been more concise and would have been a more enjoyable read.Because almost every single chapter is three quarters of the way fluff. I don't care if this is harsh. I really want to read the story. It's such a cool premise, but it's squandered so much like the main character hasn't gotten any power. Or shown any power in what feels like? Almost a 100 chapters because he left the rift. He? Became a drifter and then he got the shadow. Summon or whatever it wand there has been no personal growth on his part besides getting the ice straight. And then finally nephis. Oh, sorry, raven. As the author has decided to call her. Is pointing out some pretty valid facts aboutter main character. You know, having no ambition, no drive to get Stronger. Even though, for some reason he is prideful but not pride full adult. Now, if that sounds confusing, that's cause that's what the author did. He made northern a very pride, full b****** and arrogant right after he came out of the dungeon, and then he immediately became a total b**** and was right after. For no reason. Honestly, this novel's a really interesting premise. But at this point I'm honestly thinking I liked it better when he was in the rift. Cause at least then he was at least trying to grow stronger. The author said that this was going to be an overpowered main character. And then he said it wasn't going to happen quickly. And that's fine, but nothing has progressed. Storywise, in about a 100 chapters. He got into the human world And had Cassie oh, wait, sorry, Terence. And nephis, oh, wait, sorry, raven, tell sunny oh, wait, sorry, northern. That they need to go with him on a trip.Just a 3 of them because they need to go get a ship so that he can go back to his original country.But in order to do that, they need to fight a f****** child.Predator it sounds like and worse.Yet are the main character who himself was said to be forty Years of age mentally is getting sexually attracted to a 16-year-old, which is got a creepy. In my opinion, it wouldn't really matter if the author didn't want to make it a point to always bring up. The fact that northern does, in fact still consider his past life as Eli eli to be an integral part of him instead of forgetting it so does make it a bit creepy when the certain bouts of our character being. Sexually attracted to a minor weird 'cause even though the main characters in the body of a minor he is not a minor and he's also a human so, honestly, that whole scenario, there is just very f****** weird to me, but honestly, all of that is 100% forgivable, even the almost blatant comparison and direct correlation to shadow slave can be completely forgiven the weird. Sexual notions going on can be forgiven if the author just stayed consistent with the characters.And removed some of the fluff from the chapters. I mean. It is just so aggravating to hear about the hell that northern went through and have to read about it for 70 chapters. And almost experienced the grueling torture. He went through. Just end up hitting a f****** b**** and was and cry. Baby about every little thing that happens. As soon as he's with raven cause by hims