


Heya I'm a guy who's bad at writing but I think I have good ideas anyway that's funny right PLEASE SEND HELP.

2019-04-12 đã tham giaUnited Kingdom

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The man in the High tower.

One of the last bastions of humanity, Ever since the Colation fell, Humanity has been splintered, with limited trade, Talks or any means of travel between the two for the common citizen, Truly we have fallen, Mass insurgents Besiege our most critical supplies, We all work for survival under this oppressive society of ours the wasteland beyond the walls, ever daunting the most daring Scavengers. The common citizen, Will never know what's beyond the walls, I know, however, It truly was the worst, most horrible event in human history. The few of us who know have to carry that truth, For the rest of life without telling anyone, for if the wall was breached, The end would surely come for all of us. That's what I would say, If they didn't already breach the walls already, and caused the second worst event in human history the "Evolution Plague" those who are affected are, No longer human by even the most Outlandish standards. We only survive because of this, Oppressive system that we run, no I run I'm the one responsible for this system and was it really worth it? I'm just prolonging the suffering of us. There is no chance for long term survival or us reclaiming the world for it is within Neo-London that is our world. And at the centre of Neo-London lies a secret that even I do not know what it is, the way for us to reclaim the world or, the reason the world ended. But, I do have one last trick, The system that keeps us here my system, I have been preparing it for the last thousand years, the cephalous protocol, The answer to the long question that has never been answered. What's beyond the wasteland of our planet, The old logs says planets and stars, but they aren't any in the sky not anymore, so what's out there? That's what I hope to find out with the cephalous protocol. I am the 43rd Administrator of Neo-London the last bastion, Within a world all but fallen.

dudebro26 · Khoa học viễn tưởng
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3 Chs

Rise from the ashes.

The war of 2XXX ended with mutually assured Destruction of an Endless number of countries and cities but also the majority of Xion. Sure those who survived thought they knew the worst was over However If they knew what endless horrors came next well...They sure wouldn't be laughing now, would they? The Horrors They were what was left of the Old world You might be feeling safe in whatever bunker you were in But trust me those Things well Let's say that Even one of them could rip right through a 4m Titanium blast door. If you think that is bad those horrors Could rip right through tanks, People, Skyscrapers with ease The only safe place is the air surprisingly even though the nuclear Fallout is still covering the sky making Travel nigh-impossible Those Horrors I tried killing one of them and Dropped the Empire state building on it...IT DID NOTHING onto better news Future me or whoever finds this. THIS IS A P.S.A For anyone who finds this those horrors have a limited amount in Each city and town However if you can find a [REDACTED] then you should be safe I repeat find a [REDACTED] remember head North and if you find a [REDACTED] then there may be hope yet for all of us. Sincerely Ex-Major David. Singing off Day 41 of year 2XXX (February 11) PS: Remember to Use this code if you find [REDACTED] 09786755-ERROR Data beyond this point is corrupted start Fragmenting? ... ... Detected Steam-levels Below 44% Running precautions. Starting E-44 Quarter 3 segment 1 Steam levels rising. Main database Safe. Beginning Operation 22-1 Codename Ashes Running Diagnostics on Satellites. Satellites online, Power levels at 100% Beginning Orbital bombardment of Creatures. in T-3, T-2, T-1, T-0 Particle beam successful Production. Focusing on Creature 44-2 Codenamed Hive mind (A intense shockwave covers the planet lapping the planet Thousands of hundreds of times a second.) Beam alignment successful Penetrating Outer-hide... Outerhide penetrated, Setting beams to Max power [WARNING PERMANENT DAMAGE MAY BE DONE to Orbital satellites if you Use max power continue?] Continue. [Please enter the security code] ****** [Confirmed] Satellites at maximum power identifying if Contra point has been made... Contra point confirmed beginning Fragmenting of Dimension W Fragmenting complete Time till Dimensional collapse at point... 2 minutes ... {DEPLOYING DRONES} drones deployed heading to Destination. Beginning Distraction protocol. (Swarms of drones escape from the hanger an uncountable amount to a human.) Time till dimensional collapse 30s [WARNING DRONES DESTROYED] Activating Contingency 23 Codenamed Gods hammer. Tactical Deployment of a rod underway Beginning calculations. Calculations completed. Firing rod... Rod reaching terminal velocity. Time till dimensional collapse 5s 4s 3s 2s 1s ZERO Rod has entered into the dimension and so has Creature 44-2 Detecting signs of the dimensional collapse of Dimension W Operation is successful. Beginning Casualty report Humans lost Unknown Bases 1-7,812 lost Cities Destroyed Unknown the calculated amount of inhabitable Areas 3,798km. Designation of mission... HUGE SUCCESS.

dudebro26 · Khoa học viễn tưởng
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6 Chs

Strike force 13

Operation dossier "This is strike force 13 We are entering Area zero" "Copy that Please report on any findings within area zero" Main Objectives-Find out how the pandora virus started and Find a cure Secondary Objectives -Rescue any not infected individuals. -Set up an Outpost in a secure area within the AO. -Rescue Dr Mavers. Soldiers Scorch- The best demolition expert in his field. Wolf- One of the best snipers in the world he is also trained in Hand to Hand combat. Ghost- A covert operative who is trained in stealth operations and lockpicking. Jager- Captian of the squad trained in Assult rifle combat best with an M16 He is a capable hacker and also has access to government backdoors. Additional Information -Scorch has a 34% Higher break risk then Most other soldiers. -Wolf Has caused Repeated injuries to fellow squadmates in past missions. (See addendum 1) -Ghost has Revealed an entire operation to an enemy while insulting his assailants. -Jager Comes from a unique Background and served as a Commando in &#"#-="# (Error Data corrupted) Area Zero is the first area to show signs of the pandora virus and was the First area to Have confirmed reports of maneating Zombies. Thus the Pandemic emergency board has designed Area zero as the ground zero of the infection. (see addendum 2) Addendum 1 Operative Wolf in Operation Negima Caused 2 superficial wounds and 1 Critical wound causing the near-death of Operative Delta the 5th member of Strike force 13. Addendum 2 Transcript of the Pandemic emergency Board meeting. -Head of Council " Today we will have a meeting about virus 327-UMV the virus in question has been named the pandora virus, However, We believe that the virus has originated from London, United Kingdom. And Today we will decide the appropriate actions against the virus." -Member 43 "I believe You still need to give us the Genetic report So we can decide the actions." -Head of Councill " Ah Member 43 the report from the CDC hasn't come in yet so we Can't give the Genetic report, However, I believe we have a list of symptoms Which Include Increase hunger, High fevers and Insomnia and of course cannibalism." -Member 21 " I see So then I believe the best course of action would be to Quarantine the area and named it Let's see Area zero as we thought that the virus started in Wuhan but it started in London so let's do that all in favour, please use the provided tablet." The outcome of Vote 76 in favour and 21 not in favour and 3 Neutral. -All information beyond this point is beyond your clearance. Required Lv5 Provided Lv4 ACCESS BLOCKED. UMV Means Ultra Mutative Virus Operative Delta is still in recovery.

dudebro26 · Chiến tranh
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2 Chs

Access denied

→Access_denied →Reading files →U_=EH=*UT; ↓ Files Unlocked=1 /-------- ----------\ | STMAI OS | | booting up | \___________ / →Stack overflow →Rebooting →Rebooting → Completed →WAR_NING Capabilities at 0.1% →Activating Unit {^€¢D4) →Corruption Too high Unit activation failed... →Starting LAST_STAND_*Task →Titan units Ac*; %+*::*($: → Error, Error →Grid 241-790 Offline →All a. I functions are offline... →Contacting Space station 13 →Connection_Failed →Scanning degradation to Storage →WARNING DEGRADATION AT 98% ON MAIN="="%&$$*"(Core) →Begining Procedure 11_13b56=True →Procedure Step one →Processing →Completed →Bunkers 1-100 Online →New Connection Link Detected. →Connect? → Yes or No? → [Yes] →Are you sure? →[Yes] →Connecting... →Connected →...... C: Activate Cortex chip bjnlm! →Continue Session? →Reply Yes or no. →Last response Years:10 Months 5 Hours 7 → → → → → →WARNING LIFE ON PLANET (:'-'-'-+%+6*T65FYYF}]°=÷√ Is at 0.10% → Prompt Timed out Replying Yes Automatically →WARNING VIRUS DETECTED_Command; Line- Execute Command Activate Cortex chip Bj45nlm →Command Executed By {Outsource_Unknow} central command station. →New Command Host detected Connect? → Connection=True →Online →Online →Online →Online- It seems our old friend has awakened... LAUNCH THE GRAND FLEET ANNIHILATE THIS ENEMY! →STMAI online →Starting_purge "I won't let you!" →Transmitting High wave Quantum Combination. →Taurus_Access_Comfirmed=True "Now let see how you like this?" →WARNING_TAURUS_AT_1000%_Power_Output=True_Deactivat- "STOP DEACTIVATION_ADMIN=TRUE." →Override_By_Dr_???=True "Haha NOW YOU ARE DEAD Our moon is not an ordinary one after all." →Target_Locked=True "Fire, Taurus" →Fireing_Solar_Collection_Device_Taurus. "Now you shall see the power after the fall of terra" →WARNING_DOING_SO_WILL_CAUSE_TAURUS_POWER_RELAY_TO_BE_KNOCKED_OFF_COURSE_FROM _THE_HUB_DOING_SO_WILL_REQUIRE_MANUEL_RESET_AT_CORNPUNICUS_MOON_BASE. "tch Do it" →Orrvirideing_Safety_Limiters_With_Dr_???_Premission=True. →Detecting Space temperature raise by 2°C. "Now see the power of a fully operational Death star" →Warnnniing_Corre_Hub_At_10%_Power_Going_into_sleep_mode "Ah, Goodbye then" →Gama_Omega_Delta Received →Loading_It_Just_Works_By_Toad_{Corrputed} This story is inspired by a book on RR or Royal Road called Posthuman I HIGHLY recommend it if you like Meta-Humans and post-Apocalypse story's! Here is the link https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/22848/post-human This story is the inspiration for mine so Yeah Please read it the author deserves it!

dudebro26 · Khoa học viễn tưởng
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15 Chs


Hello and welcome esteemd sir you have been chosen by the world Creation and god system due to a lawsuit (pending) you are chosen by the heaven inc oversight committee and the OVERSEER! please be reminded to be humble because if you don't cough cough something bad will happen cough cough. PLEASE BE REMINDED THAT ALL PROBLEMS ON YOUR PLANET IS YOUR PROBLEM HERE IS THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS Under clause one of the countract if any harm befits your creature's origins are from you AND are not necessary You Can and Will be expelled from your contract and will be passing on to heaven inc processing plant. Under claus two if a demonic invasion occurs and you cannot combat it you have 3 times from heaven inc to call upon our forces if all 3 are used we will no longer assist and you will likely be dragged to hell. Under clause three should your planet be uninhabitable but unique eg breaking records native species etc you WILL not be able to reroll your planet due to the "Randomness of planets" if you do it will cause serious prosecutions to be accured and or subsequent fines of GP and fireing of your "God" position. Under claus four if you name a person you will be fined 100 GP claus 4-1:nameing a animal cost 50 GP clause4-2a:nameing a town cost 9000 GP clause 4-2b:Nameing a city cost 100,000GP this claus is here as defence against inappropriate gods such as nameing town dick and [REDACTED]. Under claus five if a war incurrs a combined world population lost of 80% a new god will be put in place. clause 5-1 if a war incurrs on a SPECIAL world if a lost of population reach 60% a new God will be put in place. Under claus six if a God names a measurement something like dick inches or [REDACTED] they will be promptly removed from the God postion. Under claus seven if a God reach the space colonia era then if there is no god is a colonized world they will own it etc. Under claus eight if a another god is on a world being colonised one oversight member must be present for a war! Under claus nine if you lose a war or your command structure is broken all remaining members will start to be the other god followers unless reinforcements arrive it takes about 3-30 days depending on the belif. clause 9-1 if the other god wants GP you must give up 70% but they won't take your units. clause ten If a galactic war begins all Gods will be notified via a message like this "A galactic war has begun in [GALXAY NAME] on the [SECTION] the opponents are [EMPIRE NAME] and [EMPIRE NAME] one or both are at [SCIENCE TIER] And the Gods are [GOD NAME] of the [EMPIRE NAME] vs [GOD NAME] of the [EMPIRE NAME]" and thats that. clause eleven if religion waver and if your world has NOT existed for 999,999,999 years then this does not involve you if it does then if the religion goes below 5% you will be removed as that society will be considered a failure and destroyed. clause twelve the final cluse if the OVERSEER vists your empire here are the clauses clause 12-1 if under any circumstances you disappoint or fail the OVERSEER your empire will be thanos snaped. 12-2 if you please the OVERSEER Heaven inc will award you with one super advance technology! 12-3 if you go against the OVERSEER and declare war well then the ANOMALY Will be there soon. THANK YOU FOR READING THIS T&C DO YOU ACCEPT? YES OR NO MADE LOVEING BY HEAVEN INC FOR HELP PLEASE CONTACT HELL INC AT KEIRANB96@GMAIL.COM 3869 Leters and spaces + symbols!

dudebro26 · Huyền huyễn
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11 Chs