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What are you even talking about????? Do you just randomly bleed yourself on every blank book you get????
There's an extreme difference between someone who is logical and someone who went on a (hilariously wrong) villain monologue about the unfairness of the world and why he's the right one for thinking that killing is the way to go.
No, Release That Witch cannot be considered a harem, IMO. well, he does marry Nightingale in the end, so I guess it actually one, now that I think about it?
Right? it's honestly amazing and embarrassing that the moment God mentioned everyone had to go "Umm, actually..."
bruh, there are 5 elements. 20/100 is literally 5, you're just saying that Lightning has very average rarity
I used to like her, but not anymore. I expected sanity and got a lack of it. Quite disappointing, honestly
I love her the most, seriously. I knew what I was getting into, but I didn't realize how extreme it would be. Kuro at least is slightly sane
Cat murderer and avid torturer and a complete waste of a human being. If she does die, tears aren't what's going to be flowing from my eyes
Easily Laura, it's not even a competition. Kurokawa's nice, but Laura is better still. Rachel is a completely garbage human being and should die