


Attention span of a spastic in a magnet factory, I hate cheese-eating surrender monkeys and I'm the founder of the Panzerkampfwagen IV appreciation club.

2019-01-14 đã tham giaUnited Kingdom

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  • MemeDaoist
    trả lời B0mba

    he's good in my books then

    "I don't like this." He murmured to himself, "This is way too familiar for some horrible reason."
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    bình luận

    Don don't do it!

    And just like how Jon constructed defenses on these three routes, Mecinar seemed to have done the same and started hoarding a new response force of Abominations to deal with Jon's Factotums.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    trả lời Samien

    Worse brother, I smell MOBA cringe in the making

    Aside from the army Jon wanted, now started working on defenses for his assembly line too. The first defensive choke points were all around the Vale of Tears area where the energy was being drawn from. Jon placed three HAMG-22s in that area by installing them on high platforms and setting them to auto-fire at non-registered Fabricants, i.e. Mecinar's Abominations, as well as confirmed hostile entities.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    trả lời DemiLich

    That's somewhat true, after all Vivec/Vehk is the "Thief" amongst the three. Ayem being the "Warrior" and Seht being the "Mage". Their personalities, accomplishments and Modus Operandi as well as the Daedric princes anticipating them tell you all you need to make the distinction. And in TES when these three constellations are given metaphorical form, the thief always wins by "fooling" the the other two in order to both protect his Tower charge and benefit from it solely one way or another. Lorkhan, Auri-El and Magnus. Pelinal, Morihaus and Alessia (that one is hard to figure out cause it's batshít insane). Tiber Septim, King Wulfharth and Zurin Arctus. One ongoing theory is that these events mirror parts of the dawn's betrayal and the thief ends up mantling something Lorkhan related? Also that the thief doesn't choose the role but rather that's the only one left when they realise their counterparts have already chosen mage and warrior... it's very confusing, especially since the thief doesn't act thiefy at all hahaha... The elder scrolls, only series where the Thief class is the most enigmatic and powerful lmao 😂😂😂

    The Madness of Almalexia was directed towards the other two Living Deities, Sotha Sil and Vivec. She staged an attack by the Clockwork Creatures of Sotha Sil as a pretext to invade the Clockwork City and kill Sotha Sil.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    trả lời Moustachio

    Salty, I'm not a heathen with an early death wish

    "Drinks and Popcorn!"
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    bình luận

    Anticipation... hehehehehehe

    "These Memory Crystals, or Memory Stars as the people here like to call them, are the records left by the Dead Godking Sotha Sil." Jon said while taking a heavy breath of anticipation.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    bình luận

    Bullied to Oblivion and back

    It seemed the rivalry between Jon and Aldora wasn't about Mercenary work only but also about titles. "Dare" and "The Daring" were awfully close to one another. The two of them led rival Mercenary Groups. While Jon's symbol was the Dragon, Aldora's symbol was the Eagle. As only one king of the sky was supposed to exist, Jon pushed Aldora and her group so far to the point where they had to operate on ships and become naval mercenaries, the field where he was also considered the best in thanks to his Magicka-powered ships.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    trả lời why_are

    Wasn't he a sailor? Wasn't he from a family of sailors!?

    All that time, Aldora was locked in a makeshift cage. Jon tied her with the only type of knots he knew how to tie… which happens to be… extremely kinky.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    bình luận

    Proper* thunder cookie. Let's not forget Mirren's embarrassing attempt... In fact we should remind him of his inadequacy in the hopes of self improvement!

    "Hey, peabrain! Only I can do Thunder Cookie!" Jon shouted at Kota (Dragon).
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    bình luận

    Yes, teach him the dao of restraint

    "By Azura, what are these deviants making a child look at?" Laaneth said with an angry tone, "Ram, if you see anything like that, look the other way immediately."
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    bình luận


    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    trả lời Zammarand

    Who hurt you?

    "I guess we are not the first trespassers after all." Glymet said, "I don't think that's Jon Dare."
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    bình luận

    He's boasting to himself lads, gonner doesn't begin to describe his mind 😂

    "Every day, I grow stronger. I am stronger than I was one second ago, do you think you, the one-week-ago version of me, can match me now?"
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    bình luận

    Didn't he fight his own shadow already?

    As for Jon who just landed in the Vale of Tears with a boom, he was ready to face something that may be his worst match ever. Jon's own shadow.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    trả lời Laztrites

    Mecinar has control of the space right now and boils Jon's magicka whenever he uses any. I realise you made this post months ago and probably figured it out or was told later but this is more for the other readers that might have the same question. ☺️

    "He said he wouldn't go outside the hideout since he shouldn't use magic." Laaneth said.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    bình luận
    Kota was a mystery that even rivaled Ram, the possible last child of one of two lost Elven civilizations. Kota had many personality shifts depending on his situation. The normal Kota is a shy and naive childish young man (Kota), the others were a cranky and grumpy silent tinkerer who would appear whenever Kota starts working on something that depends on his tinkering skill (Smed), another was a prankster with good awareness and survival skills (ٍJuan), another was the talkative historian from just now (Spamton), and the most recent of them all the oversized berserking Behemoth (Dragon). According to Jon, there was a female version of Kota when he started playing with Nefertiti but that hasn't come out yet.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    trả lời WomboReader
    "We can't use magic, remember? Bombardment is our next best option."
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    bình luận

    unhinged sunovagun

    "I SAID BOOM!" Jon shouted with the same level of enthusiasm.
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    bình luận

    I think I know which faction Jon prefers

    "Oh! Someone's a bit cranky." Jon laughed while messing up her fur as she started to bite him in response, "That's how things work deary, they either be eaten, be cast like magic, or be gone with a BOOM!"
    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don
  • MemeDaoist
    bình luận

    I like this bloke

    Dragonborn Saga
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · El_Don