I consume books at an unhealthy pace.
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glazing and filler, time to let chapters build
Do you have any updated opinion? I just started and id like to know before I get too deep.
my guy, I'm only on chapter 74 and it very clearly says Charmeleon still. He flies using the fairy wing trait.
they have a similar name but the original and better translation is DC HEROES IN MARVEL by Vks_sh
I am saying yes he has the stone and yes he has a charmeleon. but currently he has no way to prove mega evolution works. once Charmeleon evolves into Charizard, he can then use mega evolution
thats not really how his body would work with the eight gates, it's tearing your body apart going past whats natural while super saiyan was just a natural buff. if he could train his healing rate that could work.
not with the moon rabbit goddess coming for my ass and my loved ones asses
No I didn't, but it's currently a stone that does nothing as he doesn't have a Charizard. I'm sure once Charmleon evolves he will get into a mega evolution paper.
the translation probably said i am as strong as a pokemon