


I like to read. A LOT. But there arent any good novels/fanfic here without it being repetitive. ESPECIALLY THE FANFIC!! So, I might either make a recommendation list or write my own.

2018-12-05 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Night132
    trả lời Dao_of_laziness420

    you can only read it if you turn off your brain. Something I've practiced by reading Chinese novels/manhuas. Not that the writing is that bad. It's the plot thats comparable to Chinese novels/manhuas. I practically scrolled through the entire fanfic and only read passages that interested me.

    But as he pinned her down straddling her thighs it caused her blood to rush and burn even hotter, as her breath mingled with his own she felt a deep pull from her core, like a primal instinct that he was helpless to refuse. Moving her head the small distance from her target her lips connect with Mark's own. While his eyes widened in surprise at first they quickly went back to normal as it seemed that he felt the same need that Kara had, his grip on her arms slowly released and she put them around his neck pulling him even closer, her tongue aggressively twirled around his mouth.
    Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic
    Tranh châm biếm · TheManUnderTheBed
  • Night132
    bình luận

    this has to be like justice lords alternatives. Except, instead of Flash, its green arrow

    Mark coughed and looked down, doing out of his stomach was someone's fist, he turned his head around and saw the bloodshot eyes of Superman with a fierce smile on his face. He looks around and makes eye contact with Batman who to his surprise looks as shocked as he feels 'Weird...' he thought to himself as Superman tossed him off his arm and Mark fell into the water just outside the harbour sinking to the bottom.
    Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic
    Tranh châm biếm · TheManUnderTheBed
  • Night132
    bình luận

    that superman interview that the actor answers "SMELL"

    Kara took a breath for what felt like the first time since she walked in through the door 'I hope he didn't find me too suspicious' she thought to herself as she walked up to her room. However, before she opened the door to her room she found herself speeding to the bathroom and throwing up in the toilet. Something that completely took her by surprise as she'd never been sick before.
    Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic
    Tranh châm biếm · TheManUnderTheBed
  • Night132
    bình luận
    "I'll handle it"
    Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic
    Tranh châm biếm · TheManUnderTheBed
  • Night132
    bình luận

    always suspected this "fact" I think he went into hiding alongside his fellow loyal men who did managed to escape. And lived the remaining days of their life under allias.

    'Seems he took his life in the end like a coward,' I think seeing one of the most infamous men who lived. 
    Wolverine in The Boys
    Ti vi · Anomander_Adaar
  • Night132
    bình luận

    I keep raading his name as Freiza... And I shall continue to do so.

    Although the Main Character may have a desire to get back at Ferzen for what he's done, there's no guarantee that his revenge would be successful.
    I Became The Villain Who NTR’d The Heroine.
    Tranh châm biếm · NovelTranslations
  • Night132
    bình luận

    what about the left feet? Get it? hehe... Get it?

    Now that I had the right feet for the job it was now time to head up the mountain in search of metal. What neither I nor anyone else in this world realized though was that the moment my rewards were given every database in the world suddenly had a new entry that only contained the barest minimum amount of information in it to be legal. Not even the digital pokemon guarding these secure servers were aware that a change had happened. Maybe in the future would someone would get suspicious but for now all seemed normal.-
    A random pokemon journey
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · loskro
  • Night132
    trả lời trueidiocy_577

    is it copy past or is author working on his own plot? Cause The spider got really really stupid after Doctor Doom arc. Heck, even before it...

    I ran down the street and spotted a second hand cloth store with a busted street window. I ran in and looked around, I needed a costume. I grabbed a red hoodie my size, a pair of blue yoga pants from the women's section, a ski mask and a pair of gloves.
    "Caught in the Web of the Spider."
    Tranh châm biếm · ShihaoGamer
  • Night132
    bình luận

    really? Im in disbelieve.

    "Ah, sorry, I suppressed my magic power."
    Un-Solo Leveling
    Tranh châm biếm · PeekACoo
  • Night132
    bình luận

    this is getting dumber and dumber every single chapter...

    'Seems like this murderer wanted to show that he is a hunter. Probably wanted to challenge the police to find his identity and if they even dare to try. But his action makes people think I am the culprit even though I've just known about this. Damn bastard! I'll find you and kill you myself.'
    Un-Solo Leveling
    Tranh châm biếm · PeekACoo
  • Night132
    bình luận

    Better alternative: the authorities are waiting to "ambush" the hunter that closed the gate. To question him and see who has been clearing the gates.

    "Shit! We never saw them before. Alright, we'll contact and send all available hunters in our district. The Gate here has mysteriously closed just now, so the hunters tasked to attack it are free."
    Un-Solo Leveling
    Tranh châm biếm · PeekACoo
  • Night132
    bình luận

    ?? confused. Stealth, snap C ranked neck, before E ranked can scream, same treatment...

    Indra wants to act quickly, but it won't be that easy because the awakeners are C-Rank and E-Rank. The E-Rank isn't a problem for him, but the C-Rank might be dangerous. Also, if he acts rashly, the woman might be put in more danger instead, so he needs to make a quick plan.
    Un-Solo Leveling
    Tranh châm biếm · PeekACoo
  • Night132
    bình luận

    again, it should be confirmed by the authorities that someoen is clearing them out. Especially, if it only happens to that district. The fact that the author is making the authorities appear stupid is... well stupid.

    In the last few months, Indra has cleared a lot of dungeons which makes the Hunter Bureau very confused because Gates in this area kept closing without any reason. They are thankful that the Gates disappeared, but they are also worried that it might be a sign of more dangers.
    Un-Solo Leveling
    Tranh châm biếm · PeekACoo
  • Night132
    bình luận

    at this point, the authorities has to know someone is clearing them...

    Only after that, he goes home to sleep without minding the commotion caused by him clearing another dungeon. It makes the authority confuse, but Indra doesn't care. He needs to level up and he is also helping them by clearing the dungeons anyway.
    Un-Solo Leveling
    Tranh châm biếm · PeekACoo
  • Night132
    bình luận


    Stuck in a Chinese novel
    Kỳ huyễn · Bad_Wolf_7811
  • Night132
    bình luận


    Stuck in a Chinese novel
    Kỳ huyễn · Bad_Wolf_7811
  • Night132
    bình luận

    Freaking tinglying back... I refuse to accept this as canon. This is an insult to my childhood.

    ..Actually, there's no reason why I shouldn't be quite a bit stronger than Vegeta when he arrives. And I don't really care to keep canon as canon now that I think about it. Thanks to the knowledge provided by Jordan, I know so many ways to cheat to get stronger that it isn't even funny. The only real problem will be becoming A Super Saiyan. I've already checked, I don't have a tingly back.
    To Go Even Further Beyond (Dragon Ball Z)
    Tranh châm biếm · 0_Jordinio_0
  • Night132
    bình luận

    Do they age in minecraft world? Physically i mean...

    I put the crafting table next to Daenerys and changed all the logs into planks and sticks. After a few seconds, I get myself a set of wooden tools. I pat Daenerys, walk far away from her, and start digging.
    I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Fangrove
  • Night132
    bình luận

    Halt! You are passing by while we are executing Ulfric, thereby, YOU ARE A CRIMINAL! Some time later, "You're awake-"

    Clothing swapped out for the black leather armor, sword clipped to his hip, and the bandolier of potions wrapped around his torso, Athias felt ready to brave the wilds.
    Skyrim: A Reincarnator's Journey
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · ISpyExp
  • Night132
    bình luận

    umm can't mc just reach obsidient and then mine left or right and get out that way?

    He closed the hole he just made and the guards finally managed to break the door.
    Minecraft: loading new world
    Diễn sinh trò chơi · EnderStar