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  • lucyqueenorignal
    lucyqueenorignal4 years ago

    There was some problem with this Id of mine so I made a new one. The book is published with the same name. It had more chapters updated as well. Please check it out! You won't be disappointed.

Shadows of illusions

Excerpt: Before leaving, she leaned into my face whispering her answer in my ears, all the while pointing that gun at me, as if to mock my mortality because it was obvious enough that she could shatter my psyche with a mere thought. I had accepted my fate the moment she entered the house, yet it was her words which caused my face to turn ashen before it all went dark, " I have worn many faces in my lifetime, I am the face of someone's dreams while for others I am nightmare given flesh but the most famous face I've ever worn is the one that sailed a thousand ships." Reviews: @Claire-Merle: Nice contrasting attitude. I am intrigued @Strangeoutcast: This is beautiful. I am intrigued. The poetic stanza describing the mesmerizing tales of the kingdom are profound. @AlifiyaAkhtar: The tales have been described with so much concern and beautifully written. It all started with those four words with which most tales began.... Once upon a time in a far, far land lived a princess. But there's a tiny little change,this story is not about her nor is it about the prince who was one day to rule the land with an iron fist. This is not a tale as old as time. In fact this tale is about what yesterday was like, this tale is about today and about all the days to come and it will make you question your reality, and only those who can truly see will know the truth. But does it truly require an entire new world to make you question your existence or is one person enough to do so.... What if that one person is someone whom you thought you knew? What if this is a tale of a girl who carved out her own empire in the 21st century? What if this tale is about a boy fiercely loyal to her? What if this is the story of his betrayal? Or what if this story is something totally different? What if it does not revolve around the boy and the girl? What if you have to forge together the gaps in the story and discover the truth? What if this tale was never told?

lucyqueenorignal · Fantasy
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