

2018-11-17 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • marigould
    marigould3 years ago
    bình luận

    "He held the HOOD and browsed through the ... " - you mean PHONE, right? @.@

  • marigould
    marigould3 years ago
    bình luận

    OMG The mother of all cliffhangers @.@

  • marigould
    marigould3 years ago
    bình luận

    I really really hope that translator is not taking another hiatus... after last break with no chapters, I've just started to enjoy this novel again.. -.-

  • marigould
    marigould3 years ago
     công bố

    AWESOME! One of the best novels on trial read recently. FL is strong consistently and so far, doesn't become mute, dumb and defenseless whenever someone is bullying her. Grammar and use of English are above average. I truly hope this novel gets selected! Can't wait to read past chapter 40 and find out what happens next +.+ p.s. In the last 3 chapters here were parts of the text that were repeated, like copy-paste gone wrong, and hopefully it won't happen anymore. As

  • marigould
    marigould3 years ago
    trả lời MikeN

    I don't quite agree with you. He (the ancestor) could've explained the situation about these two types of beasts in 1-2 sentences. I feel it's too drawn out. There would be no lack of world building if he explained the situation first, instead of inserting her amazement, repeat of his statements in the form of questions and her wonder over every second of his speech. I feel it would be like math teacher explaining 2+2=4 to a grownup in the form of: Teacher: Hi, so, hi, you see, there is a number 2. Imagine now that there are 2 of them. Student: Really? Two of the two? Amazing T: Yes, yes, amazing I tell you. S: Ok T: Now that's not all. There is actually ... S: Really, there's more? What? What? T: Well, there's an operator "+". If you use it in the form of 2+2 you get something S: Oooooh, you get something. T: Yes, it's number 4! S: WOW How do you prove this? T; Ho ho ho I am not at that level, I only know it like everybody else knows it S: Yes Yes everybody knows it Well, that's my opinion at least. Also, in the last 3 chapters, there were numeral mentions how Lin family won't let her go, which is ok when different people say it in diff situations, but not ok for author to continuously explains in many many words how Lin fam is tyrannical in addition to the dialog.. like, we get it Again, my opinion. I really really like the idea and the setup of the novel. Writing style, not so much.

  • marigould
    marigould3 years ago
    bình luận

    What a filler.. pretty much the whole chapter could've been written in 2-3 sentences... chapters are already outrageously short and when filler comes up, it's really annoying -.-

  • marigould
    marigould3 years ago
    bình luận

    She feels sorry for ruining Yuan's childhood but feels nothing for doing the same for her own daughter, humpf >[

  • marigould
    marigould4 years ago
     công bố

    Story is very interesting and grammar and use of English better than most novels out there. One of these points would be enough for me to appreciate this novel, but the fact that both are true, I cannot help but love this novel! Really really hoping it gets picked up soon, can't wait to read how the story progresses +.+

  • marigould
    marigould4 years ago
    bình luận

    Marvelous chapter! Thank you very much, author!

  • marigould
    marigould4 years ago
    trả lời No_Reading_No_Life

    Same... but I still can't wait to read it xD