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not necessarily, could be 16 or 17.
high school age is what? 17?
You callin' me a nerd boy/girl? Dem's fighting words!
when was the time travel seal used? I haven't seen all the movies. Well if seals can effect gravity and space, they would surely be able to effect time as well according to the spacetime theory. Space is pictured as a fabric in our 3rd dimensional perspective and time is pictured as the flow of that fabric in it's entirety, so where space is the surface of water on the 3d dimensional axis, time is the flow of the river of water along the 4th dimensional axis. When you have the means to manipulate the surface of water that is space, It would be a matter of how you can apply the concept if you wish to manipulate time. Is it like Dr strange's time warping where you essentially rewind local time around an object, in which case you would manipulate the flow of space to essentially flow backwards? Or is it like Back to the Future, where you punch a hole through space time and travel through the fabric of space to a point outside time and punch through another part of the fabric connected to another point in history, where your very existence will change things and create what is known as a new time stream? Either way, you'd need a source of exotic energy which essentially is energy that can effect the fabric of space time. No conventional known form of matter and energy has been found yet in our universe which can directly effect the fabric of spacetime. It was once said that to turn back time on a single atom would require more energy than is present in the entire observable universe. Then they said it would only require several hundred galaxies worth for one nanogram of matter, then it became tens for a microgram, then a single for a gram, then just a few thousand stars for a few grams worth. This was mostly because we couldn't fathom just how we could effect the fabric of space time with our currently known forms of energy and matter. It would take impossible amounts of conventional energies to effect space itself. The most effect we could see was from black holes and their extreme gravity, but that still only just slowed the flow of time to a gradual stop, not reverse it. It was theorized that it would take an exotic form of matter that can directly effect space time if we want to turn it around and make it flow backwards. It's also theorized that there exists an antimatter universe parallel to our universe where time flows backwards in comparison to ours. If seals can directly effect spacetime with programable effects, it could very well be used to make things like teleportation and time travel possible, although you'd have to use chakra to sense the fabric of spacetime in the first place to manipulate it. Things like storage seals or summoning jutsus might not be enough since they are mass produced so you don't need to feel space to make them. I only know of Minato to have meditated to feel spacetime for his hiraishin, although I'm not sure if its cannon. Anyway, yes, it might be possible to make time travel seals if you can manipulate spacetime in just the right way, but we have no idea of how that would look like since we haven't yet found a way to effect spacetime.
that's good too, you'll want to be more focused on specific things to improve on like comedy, character development, action, etc. sorry, it got cut off, anyways, best of luck author! You can do it!
Not as impressed as I'd hoped you'd be, but i'll take an unsettled thank you very much.
To be honest, This feels so unrealistic that this sakura feels like a completely different person. Cannon Sakura would never say this, mostly because she never knew anything about naruto's past until after the wave mission. She was even surprised to hear that naruto was an orphan, mainly because of the s class secret about naruto. The villagers would never talk about naruto to their children, outside of saying he's a demon. Heck, most civilians probably think naruto came out of the kyubi, or that he's the kyubi himself. They wouldn't think about weather or not he's an orphan or just a kid. How would sakura know if naruto's an orphan or not? Then again this is an AU, so you do you.
This fic is well written so it changes the POV appropriately to fit the situation. At the start it focus the POV on the MC, but later it also shows the POVs of kurama, naruto, sarutobi, Danzo, even kakashi. no romance yet, except a bit of childish teasing here and there. Overall I'll recommend it to almost anyone on webnovel.
Hey author! Never change man, you've got the exact right attitude you need to succeed. You care about your story enough to fight for it and it shows. Please don't drop this story suddenly, I'd love to see more. Thanks for writing.