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2018-09-25 đã tham giaGermany

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  • Happyhafer
    trả lời Ash_Anime

    i'll have to disappoint you there, the story in question has been removed entirely... it was either on webnovel.com or royalroad but i can't find it on either, so it's probably gone for good. well, you are not losing out on much, the story had only a handful chapters and the english was very bad. since i wrote that original comment i have seen a few other stories that seem to have promise, at least from the synopsis. just search for defense or tower defense and skim through the short lists. i can't give you any recommendations though, my story taste has moved to other themes since then.

    Welcome to the Tower Defense Survival!
    Tower Defense Survival: I Defend the Whole Country Alone!
    Kỳ huyễn · Alexender
  • Happyhafer
    trả lời reading_weabo10006

    better presidential choices? i don't know if that is really the case. i'd say we are about even in the bad choices available. the american choices are better than child molesters, true, but at least from what i heard there are some borderline criminal stuff happening from or around them. (trump in particular) as for europe, yeah, some countries have some pretty bad leaders, though some others are ok. i can't tell you which countries are good in that regard though, since i have very little interest in politics and only the bad stuff actually gets into the news. i mean, if a president makes election promises and actually keeps them, nobody will really notice. ...hm, yeah, that is something people should care more about, in my opinion. election promises should matter more. in my opinion leaders should not lie to the people why are about to rule just to get to the position easier. i suggest a system where any president or station close to power has to keep their election promises or pay a hefty fine. something like 50% of their total savings in all forms and at the least several millions total. the weight of their responsibilities as the leaders of millions should have ... 'downsides' too, for lack of a better word.

    A huge spaceship that took up an area of more than 20 football fields had crashed there. As it had fallen apart in mid-air, wreckage and debris were scattered in a radius of hundreds of kilometers, making it difficult for synthetic humanoids to search through.
    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    Khoa huyễn · Almost Got Rich
  • Happyhafer
    trả lời RickSanchezz

    wether america is better than europe or not is a matter of perspective. i, as a european, would argue that a country where everyone can easily get firearms and where thousands of people are shot to death each year sounds areful. while americans see no problem with that or even actively support it. and americans surely think about europe similarly bad. i mean, we have been in the center of both world wars, we have a whole bunch of different cultures and languages and use somewhat different governmental systems. there is a lot we can both disagree on.

    A huge spaceship that took up an area of more than 20 football fields had crashed there. As it had fallen apart in mid-air, wreckage and debris were scattered in a radius of hundreds of kilometers, making it difficult for synthetic humanoids to search through.
    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    Khoa huyễn · Almost Got Rich
  • Happyhafer
    bình luận

    20 football fields? americans really use whatever they can to avoid the metric system...

    A huge spaceship that took up an area of more than 20 football fields had crashed there. As it had fallen apart in mid-air, wreckage and debris were scattered in a radius of hundreds of kilometers, making it difficult for synthetic humanoids to search through.
    Become The Guard AI Of The Lost Civilization After Transmigration
    Khoa huyễn · Almost Got Rich
  • Happyhafer
    trả lời Happyhafer

    ok no. that comment sounds like i'm insulting the author, when i meant the MCs behavior in the chapter as a whole.

    Ch 78 Ch 78 - Congratulations, Sir Stupid
    The World-Ruling Dungeon
    Kỳ huyễn · DarkGodEM
  • Happyhafer
    bình luận

    the title of the chapter is quite accurate. the chapter feels pretty stupid as a whole. and a little short...? well, i'm happy to get a chapter at all so, thanks for the chapter!

    Ch 78 Ch 78 - Congratulations, Sir Stupid
    The World-Ruling Dungeon
    Kỳ huyễn · DarkGodEM
  • Happyhafer
    bình luận

    4hell? why the 4?

    "Shut the 4hell up, Vanthar! Send me five of your finest slaves. I need to let off some steam tonight." The minister sighed after he heard the king change topics. This would give him at least another day to figure this whole ordeal out.
    The World-Ruling Dungeon
    Kỳ huyễn · DarkGodEM
  • Happyhafer
    bình luận

    seems like webnovel has again censored p a t r e o n. well, its good to have you back in action. i look forward to new chapters, whenever they come!

    Ch 77 End of Hiatus and ******* Recompensation Announcement
    The World-Ruling Dungeon
    Kỳ huyễn · DarkGodEM
  • Happyhafer
    trả lời SleepingDragons

    no, every city has a wall by default. and that wall is definitely higher than a person. so there is now a tower within the city, unable to see or shoot any ground targets... well, at least that tower will not really be relevant at all. he get much better stuff at a rapid pace.

    The pervasive black fog was also getting closer. Without further thought, Pierce placed the arrow tower in the middle of the city.
    Tower Defense Survival: I Defend the Whole Country Alone!
    Kỳ huyễn · Alexender
  • Happyhafer
    trả lời Thunderstrike2024

    it can still affect big objects even a billion lightyears away? dude, the whole milkyway galaxy is only 52.850 lightyears big! if the super lagre blackholes had that much attraction power, the whole local group would have collapsed in on each other long ago. not to mention that the stars in the galaxies would have either been sucked into the center blackhole or would have way bigger galactic orbits. both is not the case. and also no, neptune is not 100+AU away from the sun, its closer to 30AU. at least according to google. and our sun alone is already not as attractive as you think. we can already make objects that can travel beyond the scope of our suns gravity well. i'm talking about the voyager probes. they will even make it beyond the galactic gravity well in a few thousand years, if they survive till then of course. and another misconception you seem to have, heavier objects don't pull stronger then swarms of smaller objects with the same collective weight/mass. each particle with mass pulls on each other object with mass in the whole universe. it's just that big heavy things have a lot of those particles in one place, so the pull is more focussed towards that direction. if heavy objects pull that much harder on lighter objects, like you say, than light would be attracted beyond escape from even just little pebbles, because light is just that lightweight. (pun not intended) so you say i seriously underestimate gravity? i say it is you that clearly overestimates gravity. but if you find prove that i'm wrong, i'll happily admit it. i'm not perfect or all-knowing after all.

    Gravity was different in every part of the Milky Way.
    The Entire Mankind is Acting As Me, I Shall Secretly Build a Battleship and Shock the World
    Thành thị · Two Langya Brothers
  • Happyhafer
    trả lời Thunderstrike2024

    that earnestly shouldn't make much of a difference, i said the galaxy is rather flat, but there are still a few solar systems in the way no matter which direction you choose. so you would still have options for the gravity-catapult fly by maneuvers you had in mind. though that shouldn't be necessary to do, since gravity spreads radially and therefore weakens exponentially. i think being just a few astronomical units away from a star should be enough to not feel its pull in any meaningful strength. since all solar systems i know are light years apart, there shouldn't be any problems from the gravitational pull at all. the only problems i see are asteroids and meteroids of all sizes, rogue planets and other objects that are dark enough to not be easily detected. but i doubt those are taken into considerations anyways. i'd say just a few tens of thousands of kilometers per second are probably enough to leave the galaxy. it would just take a few thouand years.

    Gravity was different in every part of the Milky Way.
    The Entire Mankind is Acting As Me, I Shall Secretly Build a Battleship and Shock the World
    Thành thị · Two Langya Brothers
  • Happyhafer
    trả lời DeathtoUser

    they didn't think he would ever do most of the stuff he does, i doubt they are responsible for that.

    As the audience was discussing, Raymond found that many of the machines had malfunctioned.
    The Entire Mankind is Acting As Me, I Shall Secretly Build a Battleship and Shock the World
    Thành thị · Two Langya Brothers
  • Happyhafer
    bình luận

    this whole end part is doubled

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    Earth's Greatest Magus
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Happyhafer
    bình luận

    'open their moment' what is that supposed to mean? please read this over again.

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    Earth's Greatest Magus
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Happyhafer
    bình luận

    'in a row makes' no sense here, it should be 'at once'.

    Fortunately, the ugly creatures were still a good 200-meters away from the orb. Their numbers were lesser than the goblins of the first round. Moreover, the 8-meter wide stone bridge only allowed half a dozen hobgoblins to attack in a row.
    Earth's Greatest Magus
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Happyhafer
    bình luận

    Tehchomancer? did you get a misspel on the title or is that intentional?

    Once 30 of these chapters are finished I will publish them on this same site. The title will be Tehchomancer: Genesis (Rebirth). Thank you for your support. Don't worry the and the events will still be the same. And no I don't plan to resurrect the dead. All events that have transpired in Technomancer thus far will still remain.
    Technomancer: Genesis
    Kỳ huyễn · earldennison
  • Happyhafer
    bình luận

    a lecture lasting maybe 5 minutes ... even the way to the classroom is longer than that.

    The lecture ended on that note. Emery and Chumo then approached Magus Xion so he could collect his promise.
    Earth's Greatest Magus
    Kỳ huyễn · Avan
  • Happyhafer
    trả lời Daoist_void

    with over 108.000 samples and the deep understanding he has achieved, su hao definitely has everything he needs. and the time issue is solved through the quantum computer. since he only needs to create the base talents, which have not undergone any cultivation, mutation or tempering, the complexity should also be low. sadly he never even thought about trying to create a talent...

    Ch 1018 All advanced to level three!
    Godly Model Creator
    Khoa huyễn · Minus Ninety Degrees
  • Happyhafer
    trả lời jeebjanson

    thank you for telling me, i appreciate it. so i guess we will wait patiently then.

    Ch 136 The Drunken Ship (2)
    The Hunter's Guide to Monsters
    Du hí · Jin_Daoran
  • Happyhafer
    trả lời Happyhafer

    can confirm, the reward do get huge. though so get the dangers...

    The resources obtained by the participants inside would be manifested in their respective country by a hundred times.
    Tower Defense Survival: I Defend the Whole Country Alone!
    Kỳ huyễn · Alexender