


Loudmouth, passionet and very blunt.

2018-09-08 đã tham giaLatvia

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  • Sighingmadman
    Sighingmadman2 years ago
    trả lời TurtleOfRainbow

    Yes, if doing what he did was the most advantageouse option for him then thats what he did. Its not first 10 chapters its 1 chapter and theres very little context to it. But what context there is - the situation is that it was a trap, and angering ur oponent by makeing he's woman do things for you is a good advantage in a close call combat, mind you - before the trap was set up he's enemys thought he was lvl 3-4, but he was lvl 4 and he's oponent was lvl 4 aswell. So ya - making asumptions on he's charecter without any context wont get you anywhere. it could be evil charecter it could be scheming charecter etc etc. just cause u wanted to asume he is evil and lawless doesnt make him so.

  • Sighingmadman
    Sighingmadman2 years ago
    trả lời reyes1x2

    Okay in the context of this discusion - ppl see SIN in the name of the novel and have their preconceived notion of what that is or could be. And just because it doesnt add up with what ever they believe in, they shouldnt say things like what the original author of the review said. Thats what i mean. (But sin in it self has nothing to do with good or bad its just a breaking of laws, good or bad depends on more in depth - on what laws wore broken and what acts wore commited, but breaking laws or doing immoral things isnt good or bad by it self.) And understanding that ur beliefs arent end all be all is important.

  • Sighingmadman
    Sighingmadman2 years ago
    trả lời Tyrs

    Thats really harsh, i cant agree, even if im bias af, i cant accept that you say this novel is only worth reading if theres nothing els, simply because it has something most other novels of this type dont - explanation for plot armor, 99% of other novels like this dont have anything like that, they simply intraduce plot armor and thats that. So by default this novel is better then most.

  • Sighingmadman
    Sighingmadman2 years ago
    trả lời Hexwolfx

    ya wtf why only 3 stars???

  • Sighingmadman
    Sighingmadman2 years ago
    trả lời Kuro_ii

    Cant argue with hes 1st mistake but i explain it by mei mei beeing hurt so he's mind isnt as steady and him getting stronger more confident etc. he's still young not steady enaugh. the 2nd mistake is he's belief in the integrety of godlords since its kind of indoctrinated in to him in a way from young, again he's to young and not steady but i do agree absolutly that it was stupid af and arragant beyond he's charecter. Hard to explain it but well it is what is. Later on there are even stronger changes in he's charecter but imho fear of death and other things explain it well enaugh.

  • Sighingmadman
    Sighingmadman2 years ago
    trả lời Edit_Failed

    Booo! more stars!

  • Sighingmadman
    Sighingmadman2 years ago
    trả lời GodComplexx

    one of the best reviews ive read so far! cant thank you on author's behalf but atleast i personaly thankyou.

  • Sighingmadman
    Sighingmadman2 years ago
    trả lời luckyblacksheep

    An intellectual feast

  • Sighingmadman
    Sighingmadman2 years ago
    trả lời Apocalyptic_Nimbus

    I have to agree abit, but also mc changeing personality in the face of death is still logical, because imho charecters shouldnt have fixed personalities, they should be a product of their expiriences and availiable information and knowledge.

  • Sighingmadman
    Sighingmadman2 years ago
    trả lời ObstinateFalcon

    I believe you like many other ppl wore mislead because of ur beliefs about sin, no where in the synopsis does it say anything about mc beeing ruthless or cunning or etc. Let me explain abit as most ppl believe that sin or sinning is bad evil etc. but reality is fundamently SIN is an act of going against morals and or divine laws - which are forms of control, which has nothing to do with good or evil or anything els actualy. So mc does exactly what the synopsis promises, he goes against hevenly does becomeing a sinner, and by the end of the novel he will probobly become biggest sinner of them all.